Household Chores Hacks: Smart New Ways To Use A Standard Kitchen Sponge

Even if you prefer to clean your dishes with a brush, these tips are reason enough to keep a few sponges on hand..

Even though the vast majority of our dishes get washed in the dishwasher, I still find it useful to keep a few sponges on hand. And it’s not for hand washing dishes, because I typically use a scrubber like a Scrub Daddy when washing dishes that are either too large to fit in our dishwasher or that can’t fit into the dishwasher because it’s already full.

The real reason I always keep a couple of basic kitchen sponges under the sink is that there are so many other useful things I can do with them. And in today’s post, I’ll be sharing 15 clever ways to use kitchen sponges that may just convince you to keep a few under your own sink as well!

Make An Ice Pack

Use a sponge to make a simple ice pack to reduce swelling and bruising after an injury. Soak a sponge in water, seal it into a ziplock bag, and freeze it until solid. Not only does it make an effective ice pack, but as the sponge thaws, the water will stay securely sealed in the bag.

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Deodorize Your Fridge (And Save Baking Soda)

Much like sponges, there are a ton of useful things you can do with baking soda, so there’s no need to use an entire box of it just to control odors inside your fridge. You can stretch that box of baking soda much further by sprinkling a bit of it into a damp (not wet) sponge.

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Place the baking soda-covered sponge on a small dish and put it in your fridge. Replace with a fresh sponge and fresh baking soda as needed to absorb food odors without using more baking soda than you need to.

Extend the Life of Fruits and Vegetables

Place a few dry sponges in the refrigerator’s fruit or vegetable drawer, then place your produce on top. The sponges will help absorb any excess moisture, keeping your fruits and veggies nice and crisp. 

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Clean Narrow Containers

Have narrow vases or bottles that are hard to clean? Use a rubber band to secure a sponge onto the end of a chopstick to make it easier to reach into the bottom of narrow containers. Dampen the sponge to wash the container, then use a dry sponge to dry it.

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Protect Your Knees

Even a few minutes of kneeling to scrub floor, weed your lawn or garden, or make household repairs can be hard on your knees. When you know you’re going to need to kneel down to do something, grab a couple of kitchen sponges to put underneath your knees to make it a little more comfortable.

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Grip Tools More Comfortably

Much like kneeling can be hard on your knees, using a shovel, rake, or broom can really do a number on the palms of your hands. But you can protect your hands when shoveling or raking just by wrapping a sponge or two around the handle and securing them in place with rubber bands.

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Absorb Kitchen Odors

Fridge smelling a little funky? Sprinkle a damp sponge with baking soda and place on a refrigerator shelf (away from any food). The baking soda and sponge work together to absorb foul odors.

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Protect Your Floors And Furniture

Attach small pieces of sponges to the bottom of your tabletop decor items and furniture legs. The sponge pieces will cushion the bottom of whatever you put them on and prevent them from scratching up your floors or furniture when you move them around.

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Keep Plant Roots Moist

Before planting flowers or other plants in a pot, cut a piece (or pieces) of sponge to fit snugly in the bottom of the pot. Once you have it planted and watered in, the sponge will stay saturated with water and help to keep the roots of your plant moist.

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 Separate Toes During Pedicures

Doing an at-home pedicure? Cut a sponge into small pieces and use them to separate your toes while applying your nail polish.

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Seal Envelopes

When you need to send a big batch of letters or cards at once (like “Thank You” notes, party invitations, etc.), you don’t have to go through the ordeal of licking each and every envelope to moisten the adhesive. Spare your tongue by using a damp sponge to moisten the envelope seals instead.

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Sprout Seeds

You can use a damp sponge to sprout fast-growing seeds like flax, radish, watercress, alfalfa, or mustard. To do it, place a damp sponge on a plate, then put the seeds on the sponge. Cover the plate with a glass bowl and set it in a sunny location. When the seedlings have sprouted, you can either enjoy the sprouts as is, or transfer them to a pot to grow.

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Remove Pills From Fabric

Clothes or furniture looking a bit rough around the edges? Use the scrubber side of a dual-sided sponge to remove pills from sweaters or furniture upholstery.

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Swipe Away Pet Hair

Quickly get rid of pet hair or lint on your clothes by using a damp sponge to wipe them away.

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Make A Nail Polish Remover Jar

Use a sponge to make your own nail polish remover jar. Once you know how much easier and cleaner it is to remove nail polish with one of these jars, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start using one sooner! 

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Make Quiet Building Blocks

Need a quiet activity to keep the little ones busy? Cut up a few different colored sponges into small strips to make a set of safe and silent building blocks.

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 Use As A Soap Dish

Rest your bar soap on top of a kitchen sponge between uses. It will allow the soap to dry out quickly, which will help to both minimize the mess and make your soap last longer too.

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DIY Laundry Sponges

Goodbye, dryer sheets! Fill a resealable container with one cup of liquid fabric softener and two cups of water. Add sponges. When it’s time to dry your clothes, grab a sponge, squeeze out the excess liquid and throw it in the dryer with your clothes. The best part? They’re reusable! When the load is done, just put the sponge back in the fabric softener container. 

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open washing machine and take of cloth out when finish cleaning. soft focus.
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