How Many Eggs Can You See?

“How Many Eggs Picture Puzzles ” has been a very confusing puzzle all over the internet for some time. It keeps on trending on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. If you are able to visualize it perfectly from all sides, you will be able to give the correct answer to this tricky puzzle. Can you visualize and comment on your answer below?

Please, Read the full article to understand the answer of this puzzle perfectly.

How Many Eggs Can You See

What is the answer to this egg pyramid puzzle?

There are 30 eggs in this picture puzzle.

We come to know the answer to this puzzle but we don’t try to understand why the answer is 30?

Let’s try to learn and understand the answer to this puzzle.

Starting from the Top Level

There is only 1 egg in the image on the top level.

In the Second Level

There are 2×2 = 4 eggs.

It means that there are two eggs on the front side and two more eggs on the backside. Okk, That’s why there is one egg upward.

In the Third Level

There are 3×3 = 9 eggs.

This means there are nine eggs to support upward four eggs.

In The Last/Base Level

There are 4×4 = 16 eggs.

This means that there will be sixteen eggs to support upward nine eggs.

Final answer :

Now, We will total the number of eggs at every level.

So, from the Top Level to the Last/Base Level,

1+4+9+16= 30

So, The correct answer to this puzzle is 30 Eggs.

Look at this image to understand it properly !!!

How many eggs can you see puzzle

I hope that you may have understood. If you still have any doubts, comment below. We will definitely reply to you and try to resolve your doubt.


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