How to Clean Glass Surfaces Effectively

It can be a challenge to achieve streak-free windows and mirrors around your home. Oftentimes we spend hours spraying and wiping only to be left with windows that look almost as dirty as they were before. Using the correct tools and methods, however, can make this laborious task simpler, leaving your glass surfaces sparkling clean, and saving you a lot of money in the long run.

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The Right Material

Paper towels are most commonly used, but they can often leave behind lint which can make your windows look dirty.  When cleaning windows always use a clean, dry paper towel or lint-free cloth to clean glass surfaces. Coffee filters, recycled t-shirts, or crumpled up newspapers are also great for wiping down glass surfaces. 

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Clean From Top to Bottom

If you really want your window or mirror to be streak free, clean from the top to the bottom. Because the cleaning solution can drip, use gravity to your advantage and let the cleaner drip into areas you haven’t washed yet. Begin at the top and work your way down to make sure that no drips will happen on the glass surfaces that are already perfectly cleaned.

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The Little Details

Use cotton swabs or small foam paint brushes to clean corners and crevices of windows, mirrors and glass tables where your cloth can’t reach. Just lightly douse the tip with our glass cleaner.

Glass Cleaning Wipes are a convenient way to keep your on-the-go glass surfaces clean. Keep a package of wipes ready and handy in your vehicle or bag for items such as binoculars, camera lenses, telescope lenses, bicycle mirrors, and goggles. Wipes also take care of smears and build up on the inside of the windshield.

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Shiney glass stove top

Sprayway Glass Cleaners are perfect for stovetop cleaning. Make sure to use gentler tools such as microfiber cloths to avoid scratches and never clean your stovetop while the surface is still hot. 

Shining Windows

Using a vacuum is one way to get into all those hard to reach cracks in the window track. However, a toothbrush is an even better way to get into every little crevice effectively and efficiently.

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Wash Windows on a Cloudy Day

You may think this should be the opposite as you can see the dirt on the glass better with the sun streaming in. The sun, however, can prematurely dry the window washing fluid, leaving residue and streaks. If you wait for a cloudy day to wash your windows, the cleaning solution will remain until you wipe it away, and you will end up with a brilliant streak-free shine.


Use a Squeegee

It is amazing what a difference this one simple tool makes on glass surfaces. Sometimes the first wipe of the cloth doesn’t remove all of the cleaning solution and having to re-wipe areas of glass is a guarantee that you’ll have streaks. Using a squeegee, however, makes it effortless to polish each section of the window. A long-handled squeegee is a must if you will be doing tall windows, and it will do double duty in cleaning shower walls and doors as well.

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