How to Cool Yourself Without Air Conditioning

Heat making you miserable? It's really tricky to get comfortable or sleep if you're sweaty and hot. If you don't have access to air conditioning, don't despair!

 If you don’t have access to air conditioning, don’t despair! There are some tricks you can use to stay cool when you’re outside in the sun or inside without an AC unit. While you may want to invest in a few fans, you can try most of these tips without spending any money.

Put a wet handkerchief on your neck.

Wet a handkerchief, bandana, or other cloth with cool water.
 Wrap it around the back of your neck for some instant heat relief. When the cloth dries out, just get it wet again and repeat the process as needed!
  • Keep in mind that the handkerchief might drip down your back and get your shirt a bit wet with this method.
    Turn on a cold tap and hold your wrists under the water for a minute.
     This cools down your pulse points when the heat is just too unbearable. Of course, you can’t run cool water over your wrists the entire day, but you can come back to the faucet whenever you need a moment of relief![1]
    • If you’re outdoors and there’s no tap nearby, try dipping your wrists into a cool running stream, brook, or pour water on them.
      Stick your head under cool running water and get your hair wet.
       This cools down your core body temperature. Repeat this as often as needed to stay cool on a hot day with no AC![2]
      • If you’re outside and happen to be near a clean body of water, try dunking your head in the water to wet your hair.
        Fill a spray bottle with water and mist your skin for quick relief.
         Can’t get to a pool and need instant relief? Set a spray bottle filled with water to mist and spritz your exposed skin. To cool off even more, stand in front of a fan.
        • You can also use a water misting fan. These handy portable devices are battery-operated so you can take them with you wherever you go. As you mist and fan yourself, the water evaporates on your skin, giving you an instant cooling sensation.
          Set a metal bowl of ice in front of a fan and direct it toward your room.
           Position the fan so it blows directly onto the ice. This is a really easy way to create an icy breeze that will cool your space. Then, just swap out the ice once it melts.
          • You can also use a glass bowl to do this for similar results. Plastic bowls are less effective.
          • For a little less mess, fill a large plastic bottle 3/4 full with water and freeze it. Set the frozen bottle in front of the fan instead of using the bowl of ice. Then, just pop the bottle back in the freezer to harden. Keep in mind that this might be less effective than using a glass or metal bowl.
            The cold water lowers your body's core temperature.


            The cold water lowers your body’s core temperature. If you’ve gone swimming on a hot summer day, you know how refreshing a dip in the pool can be. If you need to cool down at home, jump in the shower or take a cool bath.[5] If you’re having trouble getting to sleep because of the heat, do this right before you go to bed.[6]
            Can’t take a shower or bath? No problem! Dip clean cloths in cold water. Then, lay these on your face, arms, and the back of your neck for an instant cool down.

Block the sun's...
Block the sun’s rays so your home doesn’t absorb more heat. As soon as the temperature outside starts to rise, close your windows and lower your blinds. If you have curtains, close them. Your home might become dark inside, but it should stay cool!
For even more protection, buy window tint film and stick it to your windows. The film helps to reflect more of the sun’s rays so you stay cooler.

Open the windows at night.

  1.  Take advantage of cooler nighttime temperatures by opening the windows as soon as the temperature starts to drop. Open as many windows as you can so you get good circulation.
    • If you don’t want to sleep with your windows open, shut them before you go to bed and open them up in the morning before it starts heating up.
      Let cool air into your home so it's not stuffy indoors.
      Swap out your bedding with cool sheets.
Put silk, satin, or cotton sheets on your bed.
Put silk, satin, or cotton sheets on your bed. It’s hard to sleep when it’s hot out! If you’ve got polyester or flannel sheets, swap them out for cool, breathable fibers. Take off comforters or heavy blankets and sleep with a single sheet to stay even cooler.[9]
You may have heard recommendations to soak your sheets in cold water before you go to bed. However, this isn’t a good idea since the sheets will warm up quickly and the moisture can make them mildew.

Move your mattress to the floor.

Sleeping on the...
Sleeping on the floor will be cooler. Since warm air rises, consider putting your mattress on the ground where it’s slightly cooler. If you have a basement, you could also sleep down there in a sleeping bag on nights when it’s particularly hot.
If you have a way to hang a hammock in your home, give it a try! You’ll get better air circulation, so it might be easier for you to fall asleep.

Turn on box or ceiling fans.

Pull cool air into your space while pushing out warm air.
 If you have ceiling fans, set them to run counter-clockwise so they pull up cool air from the floor. Want to use a box fan? Open a window and put the fan in it so it faces out. This draws hot air out of your room instead of just circulating it.[11]
  • If you have a chimney in your home, open the flue at night so the hot air can rise out of your home and more cool night air can get in.
  • If you have an attic fan, open the windows and turn it on so it pulls the hot air up and out of your home.

Dress in lightweight, loose-fitting clothes.

Light-colored clothes made of natural fibers help sweat evaporate so you stay cooler. Now’s the time to swap out artificial fibers like polyester for light, breathable fabrics made from cotton, linen, or silk. Natural fibers are breathable so you don’t feel like the heat is trapped against your body.[13]

  • If you’re going outside, wear a wide-brimmed hat and don’t forget the sunscreen!
  • Avoid wearing dark clothes, too. Dark-colored clothing absorbs sunlight which can make you feel hotter than if you wear white clothes.Skip socks and shoes which also trap heat. Instead, throw on a pair of sandals or go barefoot.
    • Light-colored clothes made of natural fibers help sweat evaporate so you stay cooler.

Drink water throughout the day.

  1. Keep water or sports drinks handy and sip them to replace lost fluids.
When it’s hot out, your body works extra hard to cool you down—you probably notice that you’re sweating a lot more. Prevent dehydration by sipping water throughout the day—not just when you feel thirsty.[14] Drinking cold beverages might also make you feel cooler.
  • If you’re doing physical work or exercise while it’s hot out, reach for sports drinks that replace sodium, chloride, and potassium that you lose when you sweat.
  • As refreshing as a cold cocktail might sound, skip the alcohol. It can actually cause you to lose more fluids. Sip on iced tea, flavored water, or a mocktail!

Stock up on cool treats to eat.

Reach for popsicles, frozen fruit, smoothies, or ice cream to cool you down.
 Grabbing something cold from the fridge or freezer is a classic way to cool yourself off that tastes great! Try to choose something light and refreshing, like a fruit sorbet or chilled watermelon. These also have fluids that can keep you hydrated.[16]
  • For a fun snack, rinse fresh grapes and stick them in the freezer. Then, pop a frozen grape in your mouth whenever you need a quick, cold treat. You can also enjoy frozen berries, but they may stain your fingers.
  • If you want to make your own popsicles, freeze your favorite fruit juice or smoothie in small paper cups with popsicle sticks stuck into them.
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