How To Make Homemade Shower Cleaner (Effectively & Cheaply)

Are you looking for ways to get soap scum and hard water stains off your shower glass and bathtub on a tight budget? Check out the top 3 of the best homemade shower cleaner recipes that we’ve collected. They’ll keep your shower glass sparkling clean, free of germs, and smelling great!

Let’s get started!

1. Shower Cleaner For Heavy Stains

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If your shower glass looks cloudy and you have tried every concoction under the sun and nothing seems to work…

Then you are going to love this recipe!

This cleaning recipe only contains 3 natural ingredients, that do not contain any harsh smell.

It’s effective and really cheap!

The Shower Cleaner Recipe

  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 Blue dawn dish soap
  • 1 cup Epsom salt

Combine the 3 ingredients together in a bowl, then apply it to your entire shower door using a sponge.

Spread the mixture in a circular motion as seen in the photo below.

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Allow the mixture to sit for 10 minutes before rubbing off with a wet sponge

And just like magic… Soap scum, hard water stains GONE!

2. The Daily Shower Cleaner Spray

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If you’re somebody who loves to use daily shower sprays, then you are going to love this recipe.

This amazing homemade shower cleaner keeps hard water stains from ever forming on the glass windows.

It is a simple recipe that is inexpensive, making it the best shower spray for daily use.

With this cleaning spray, you’ll never go back to the store-bought ones ever again!

Daily Shower Cleaner Spray Recipe

  • 3 Cups of water
  • 1 Tbsp Dishwasher Rinse Aid
  • 1/2 Cup Hydrogen Peroxide
  • 1/2 Cup of Rubbing Alcohol
  • 1 Tsp of Liquid Dish Soap

How to make the spray:

  1. Combine all the ingredients into a spray bottle that has at least a 32 oz size
  2. Add 3 cups of water or simply fill the spray but leaving some air space
  3. Tilt the bottle back and forth to mix the ingredients.
  4. Spray onto shower glass or bathtub after showering, no need to scrub or wipe off the spray.
  5. Some cool benefits of this homemade shower spray

This shower spray is also safe for use on fiberglass, plastic, marble, etc because there is nothing acidic in this mixture.

Want streak-free windows? Add some cornstarch to this shower spray and then dry with a newspaper or microfiber cloth. Super effective!

Last note before I end off with this shower spray…

Try to keep this spray away from the light or store it in the bathroom cabinet to prevent the hydrogen peroxide from breaking down.

Otherwise, you may use a dark-colored bottle to block the light.

3. Homemade Shower Cleaner Spray

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Here’s a scrub-free, homemade shower cleaner recipe made with Dawn and vinegar.

It’s very effective at ridding your shower of hard water stains and soap scum with almost no effort on your part!

Scented with natural essential oils, this heavy-duty bathroom cleaner destroys germ-causing bacteria leaving you with a fresh and clean shower.

Try it on hard water stains on your faucet, sink, bathtub or toilet bowl!

Homemade Cleaning Spray Recipe

  • 10 fluid oz of Original Blue Dawn dish detergent
  • 18 fluid oz of White distilled vinegar
  • 3 ml essential oil or essential oil blend, of choice (optional)

Combine the ingredients for this shower cleaner with Dawn and vinegar in a 28 oz. spray bottle then, shake to combine.

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How to use it?

Spray on shower walls and tub or other surfaces you want to clean. Cover the area fully, then allow the homemade shower cleaner to sit for 30 minutes.

Finish off by wiping with a damp sponge then rinse clean. No scrub that easy!

Personally, I would combine 2-3 different essential oil for a combination of smell and anti-fungal properties.

I use an equal amount of lavender, peppermint, and tea tree oil.

In short, pick the essential oil that you love and pair it up with tea tree oil to get the best of both worlds.

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