How To Make Zero-Waste In Your Kitchen? Easy Ways According to Experts

Reduce, reuse, recycle: These expert tips will help you find new ways to cut waste in the kitchen.

Regrow Veggies

Strange but true: Scallions will regrow from their white ends. Just put them in a glass of water and let them get some sunlight. You can snip the green ends every few days for practically endless seasoning.

01 steps to zero waste kitchen grow scallions

Say “Cheese” to Milk.

It can be hard to finish a whole gallon of milk before it expires, but don’t wait for it to curdle. Instead, set some aside and make cottage cheese.

02 steps to zero waste kitchen make cottage cheese

Reuse Your Daily Grind.

Used coffee grounds can keep ants away. Plus, they can get rid of odors, stimulate your potted plants, and more, making them worth holding onto.

03 steps to zero waste kitchen use coffee grinds

Put Peels Out for Pests.

Orange peels can actually be put to good use, especially if it’s summer. Insects like mosquitoes and ants will stay away if you grind them up, and they can get rid of musty smells.

04 steps to zero waste kitchen orange peels

Give Stale Snacks Some Bite.

There’s no need to toss old chips. Stale snacks can be crisped up in the microwave—just put them on a microwave-safe plate and nuke on full power for 10 seconds.

06 steps to zero waste kitchen chips

Cool Down with an Ice “Pop”.

Flat soda isn’t so great to drink but it can make for a tasty treat with a little patience. Pour some in an ice cube tray, stick toothpicks in each space, and enjoy your treats after they freeze.

08 steps to zero waste kitchen soda

Liquor? Now, Thicker.

You can kick up the quality of vodka with a simple water filter. It won’t completely transform what you have in the cabinet, but filtering can make less expensive brands taste better.

Banish Sponge Bacteria.

Your old sponge might look like it belongs in the trash, but two minutes in the microwave will kill more than 99% of the germs on it, making it good as new. Be sure to get it wet first.

12 steps to zero waste kitchen sponge dishes

Get the Most Out of a Lemon

When a recipe calls for a few drops of lemon, don’t slice the lemon and squeeze. Simply puncture the rind with a toothpick and gently squeeze out the small amount of juice you need. Then cover the hole with a piece of tape and store the lemon in the fridge for later use. Waste not, want not!

14 steps to zero waste kitchen lemon

Oiled Eggs

Prolong the life of fresh eggs by dipping a paper towel into vegetable oil and rubbing the shells before storing the eggs in the fridge. The oil will keep the eggs fresh for an additional three to four weeks.

15 steps to zero waste kitchen eggs

A Surplus of Spuds?

If you find you’ve peeled too many potatoes for a potato salad or casserole, don’t toss the uncooked extras. Put them in a bowl, cover with cold water, and add a few drops of vinegar. Now they will keep in the fridge for three to four days.

16 steps to zero waste kitchen peeled potatoes

Brown-Bag Your Lettuce

Lettuce will keep longer if you transfer it from a plastic bag to a roomier paper bag before storing it in the refrigerator. Lettuce likes a little air, but don’t think that calls for removing the limp and discolored outermost leaves; they may not be pretty, but these leaves help keep the inner leaves crisper.

17 steps to zero waste kitchen lettuce

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