How to Remove A Dishwasher Yourself In No Time

You don’t need to call pros to remove your dishwasher. Follow these steps to get the dishwasher out yourself in no time.

Materials and Tools:

  • gloves
  • screwdriver
  • crescent wrench
  • voltage/current detector pen
  • cardboard (larger than bottom of dishwasher)
  • an old towel

Disconnect the Power

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Your dishwasher is an electrical appliance. Before working on it, you should disconnect the power supply. Locate the circuit breaker dedicated to your dishwasher, and flip the breaker to the off position. Many dishwashers are directly wired into the home’s electrical system. Your dishwasher may simply be plugged into an outlet under the sink. If this is the case, unplug the dishwasher from the outlet. If you do not find a plug under the sink your dishwasher will be directly wired. We will address this shortly.

Disconnect the Water Supply

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Your dishwasher is connected to your home’s water supply under the kitchen sink. Locate the metal water supply line leading from your dishwasher, and follow it to the supply connection on the wall. Turn the supply knob clockwise until it is tight. Now, there is no more water flowing into your dishwasher.

Remove the Water Supply Line

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The supply line is connected with one metal nut. Use a crescent wrench to loosen and remove it.

Disconnect the Drain Hose

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The dishwasher drain runs from your dishwasher to your sink’s drain. Disconnect the drain hose at the garbage disposal by loosening the screw on the hose clamp using a screwdriver until it’s detached (Image 1). Pull the drain hose into the area below your sink (Images 2 and 3). Some water may leak from the hose. If so, mop up the water with a towel.

Detach From the Countertop

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Your dishwasher is attached to the underside of your kitchen countertop with two screws. Use a screwdriver to remove the screws from the attachment bracket. Set the screws aside.

Remove the Panel

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You’ll see a panel at the bottom of the dishwasher that covers the underside. This panel hides the water supply, drain and electrical supply and is attached to the dishwasher with a few screws. Locate the screws, and unscrew them from the frame using a screwdriver. Set the screws aside, and remove the panel.

Disconnect the Water Supply From the Dishwasher

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Once the panel is removed, locate the power supply (a white or yellow cord) (Image 1), the water supply (steel or copper pipe) (Image 2) and the drain hose (Image 3). Next, you will need to disconnect the water supply from the dishwasher. The water supply pipe is connected to the dishwasher with one metal nut. Using a crescent wrench, loosen the nut until it can be turned using your fingers. Continue loosening the nut until the water supply pipe is fully disconnected. There may be some water in the supply line. If so, mop up the water using an old towel.

Loosen the Dishwasher’s Front Legs

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Your dishwasher is held up against the underside of the counter with four leveling legs, one at each corner. Using a crescent wrench, loosen the leveling leg screw by turning counter-clockwise. Once the screw is loosened you should be able to turn the leg using your fingers. Loosen the two front legs until there is about an inch of space between the leg foot and the floor. This will give you some room to tilt your dishwasher and maneuver it out from under the kitchen counter.

Loosen the Dishwasher’s Back Legs

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Sliding the dishwasher out will allow you to work on it more easily, but it can damage your floor. Place a large piece of cardboard in front of your dishwasher in front of the leveling legs. Grab your dishwasher from the bottom and lift it onto the cardboard. Carefully slide your dishwasher as far out from the counter as you can, keeping in mind your dishwasher may still be connected to the power supply. To make it easier, push the supply line from the sink area to behind the dishwasher (Image 1). Once the dishwasher is out a few feet from the counter, reach under the dishwasher and loosen the two back leveling legs. Use your crescent wrench and fingers to loosen the legs an inch or so.

Disconnect the Power

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Use your voltage detector pen to check if power is running to the dishwasher. If your voltage meter lights up, the power line to your dishwasher is still hot and you have not switched off the correct circuit breaker at the breaker box (Image 1). Make sure your voltage meter does not detect any power in the power supply line before moving on (Image 2). Once you are sure there is no power, follow the wire to the power box located beneath your dishwasher. Open the electrical box in the dishwasher by unscrewing the one or two screws keeping it shut. Inside, you will find white, black and copper wires. Unscrew both the white and black wire nuts (Image 3). Detach the copper wire by unscrewing it from the box (Image 4). Replace the wire nuts on the wires leading from the wall (Image 5). Now your power is disconnected.

Remove the Dishwasher

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Finally, slide your dishwasher the rest of the way from under the countertop. Be sure not to scratch your floor.

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