I adopted the oldest dog at the shelter, knowing she only had a month left to live

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The oldest, frailest dog—given just a month to live—somehow stole my heart the moment I saw her. Little did I know, choosing her would cost me my marriage, though in reality, it had ended long before I ever stepped foot in that shelter.

Greg and I had been together for years, but our home had grown too silent since we couldn’t have children. I suggested getting a dog to fill the emptiness.

Greg’s only request was, “I don’t want some yappy little thing.”

At the shelter, my eyes landed on Maggie. A sign above her kennel read: “Senior Dog – 12 Years Old – Health Issues – Hospice Adoption Only.”

Those words broke me. The connection I felt with her was instant.

“Greg, we should take this one,” I said, unable to hide my excitement.

Greg, however, was far from pleased. “That dog’s halfway to the grave,” he scoffed, then gave me an ultimatum. “If you take her in, I’m leaving.”

I laughed, thinking he was joking. But the moment Maggie entered our home, Greg started packing. I still believed he’d come to his senses—until I was served with divorce papers just a few weeks later.

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In the shock of it all, I laughed. Then, I cried.

But Maggie was there. She became my comfort.

Some days, she barely ate, so I researched ways to make soft food she could manage.

That “dying” dog started thriving.

Months passed. Her fur grew back, and one day, for the first time, I heard her bark.

Feeling she was ready for a walk, I took her to the park—where I unexpectedly ran into Greg. He wasn’t alone. A woman clung to his arm.

He smirked. “Well, Claire, as you can see, I moved on. Our marriage was over anyway. That dog just made my exit easier.”

Noticing I was alone, he added, “I knew that creature wouldn’t last long.”

Before I could reply, my friend Mark appeared around the corner, holding Maggie’s leash.

Greg’s jaw dropped. “Wait… that dog is still alive?”

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“Yes, Greg,” I said, smiling. “And she’s thriving. You walking away gave her a second chance—and I’ll never regret that decision.”

Greg didn’t say another word. He turned and walked off with his new wife.

Some time later, Mark, Maggie, and I were back at the park. As we played in the sun, I noticed something hanging from Maggie’s collar—a tiny box.

Inside was the most beautiful ring.

Mark knelt down and smiled.

Maggie had been part of my journey from heartbreak to happiness. The life I thought I was saving had, in the end, saved mine.

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