I Tried to Hide My Blindness during a Date, but I Had No Idea How My Secret Would Spill

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Every time Colin sent her a message, Janice’s heart raced. Their bond seemed genuine, yet the truth hung over her: she was blind. With the day of their first date drawing near, she was seized by fear. For how long could she conceal her secret from Colin before he understood that the world she moved through was invisible to him?

Talking to Colin had quickly become the best part of my day. We’d met online a few weeks ago, and from the very first conversation, something just clicked. We bonded over books, trading favorite passages and thoughts late into the night.

But it wasn’t just literature—we talked about everything. Dreams, fears, even something as small as the best pizza toppings.

Still, there was one thing I hadn’t told him.

Twice now, he’d asked to meet, and both times, I’d made excuses—work, errands, anything to push it off. The truth was simple but much harder to say: I was blind.

He had no idea. Of course, he didn’t. How could he? And the thought of him walking away once he knew terrified me.

A message popped up on my phone.

“You keep surprising me. Hey, I have tickets to a movie premiere this weekend. Want to come with me?”

I hesitated. But I couldn’t keep avoiding this.

“Yes, I’d love to.”

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I arrived two hours early, memorizing the layout of the theater with the help of a security guard. After a couple of practice runs, I felt confident enough to navigate on my own.

As the meeting time approached, I stood outside the mall, sunglasses on, my cane tucked away. My heart pounded.


His voice was warm, friendly.

“Colin!” I greeted him, pretending I recognized his face.

We made it into the theater, and as I settled into my seat, I exhaled in relief. If he noticed anything off about me, he didn’t say.

Then the movie started. The booming explosions, fast-paced action—it was nearly impossible to follow just by sound. I felt the anxiety creeping in.

“Why won’t you even look at me?” Colin’s voice was quiet but firm.

I stiffened. “Colin, it’s not what you think.”

“Then what is it? Because it feels like you’ve been avoiding me this entire time.”

Tears welled in my eyes. “Colin, please—”

“No,” he interrupted, and before I could say another word, he was gone.

I sank onto a nearby bench, burying my face in my hands as tears streamed down. Everything was ruined.

Then, I felt someone sit beside me.

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“You’re blind, aren’t you?”

I froze. It was Colin.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked gently.

“I was scared,” I admitted. “I didn’t want to lose you.”

“You wouldn’t have,” he said softly. “But lying to me? That almost did.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, my voice still shaky. “Can we start over?”

A faint smile crossed his lips. “As long as you promise—no more secrets.”

“Deal,” I said, feeling hope spark inside me for the first time in a long while.

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