If you can solve this brainteaser in less than 30 seconds you’re smarter than most people

Put your brain to the test with this tricky pumpkin pie-themed brainteaser that stumps most people. Only those with razor-sharp intellects have a real shot at solving it!

Think you’ve got the genius-level IQ to crack this? There’s only one way to find out.

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Brainteasers and puzzles aren’t just fun ways to keep kids busy or pass the time during your morning routine. They also act as mental workouts, which can positively impact your central nervous system, improving concentration and attention span. So, why not challenge yourself and put your intellect to the ultimate test? But be warned—you’ll have to work fast if you want to prove you’re the modern-day Einstein.

Can you spot what’s wrong in this picture?

467488387 601033782430023 7322738218435441443 nThe image shows a mother and daughter baking a pumpkin pie in their bright green kitchen just in time for Halloween. The room is in a bit of chaos, with ingredients scattered across the table, a mischievous cat jumping onto the countertops, and a kettle boiling away in the background. However, there’s a mistake hidden somewhere in the image, and you only have 30 seconds to find it.

We’re not offering any hints for this puzzle, but zooming in on the image might help you spot the tiny details a little faster. If you can’t solve it in time, don’t worry—you can keep searching or accept that your genius status might need some reevaluating. Already think you’ve cracked it, or ready to admit defeat? Scroll down for the answer!

ANSWER: The error in the picture is that the tops of the salt and pepper shakers have been switched.

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Did you manage to get the answer right? If so, congratulations—you might just be a real genius!

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