Images covered with indistinguishable phantom individuals are driving the Internet crazy

You will have one minute to find all the most distinct individuals in this extremely difficult test. You are a person with super-class IQ and a pair of 10/10 eyes can't get 100 points.

Are you ready?

Level 1.

Screenshot 81 2

Level 2.

Screenshot 83 3

Level 3.

Screenshot 75 3

Level 4.

Screenshot 77 3

Level 5.

Screenshot 79 2

Level 6.

Screenshot 45 1







Level 1.

Screenshot 82 2

Level 2.

Screenshot 84 3

Level 3.

Screenshot 76 4

Level 4.

Screenshot 78 3

Level 5.

Screenshot 80 1

Level 6.

Screenshot 46 2

Leave your results in the comments below, we’ll find out who wins

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