IQ Test: Move Just 1 Matchstick To Correct The Equation In 15 Seconds!

Are you a quick thinker? Try this brain teaser and fix the equation by moving only one matchstick. You have 15 seconds!

Here’s the brain teaser: You have a matchstick equation that reads 6 – 5 = 8. Your task is to move only one matchstick to fix the equation.

brain teaser matchstick puzzles

Sounds easy? Well, you have only 15 seconds to solve it!

Take a deep breath and focus. Remember, you can only move one matchstick. Consider how a small adjustment can correct the equation.

People who excel in these tasks tend to have a keen eye for detail and can think creatively under pressure.

Are you ready to take on the challenge and prove your mental agility? Start the timer and see if you can solve it within 15 seconds.

Brain Teasers With Answer

Still trying to find the right answer. Move one matchstick from 8 to 5 to form 6 – 6 = 0.

brain teaser matchstick puzzles with answers

If you enjoyed playing this brain teaser challenge, SHARE this viral brain teaser with your friends and family challenging them to move just 1 matchstick to correct the equation within 15 seconds or less.

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