Laundry Suggestions for Cleaning Your Clothes That’ll Save Tons Of Your Time

source: familyhandyman

The dirty laundry basket appears to never be empty. You wash, dry, iron, or fold, and then repeat the process. But are you washing your clothes correctly? Here are some laundry tips you may not be aware of, as well as the best way to wash clothes.

Use Aluminum Foil

If you’re out of dryer sheets, throw a ball of aluminum foil in your dyer. The aluminum will fight static buildup and help keep your clothing separated

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Freeze Your Jeans

If you like to wear your jeans more than once between washings, stick them in the freezer between wears. The frigid air will kill bacteria that can cause odor.

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Check the Temperature

Use cold water for dark colors that tend to bleed and for delicate fabrics that are prone to shrinking. Coldwater is also an eco-friendly choice that will save you money on your energy bill. Warm water is best for man-made fibers and jeans. Use hot water for whites, cloth diapers, bedding, and towels.

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Unshrink Your Clothes

Is it possible that your favorite T-shirt has shrunk? Soak the shrunken item of clothing in lukewarm water with a splash of baby shampoo. This will relax the fibers, allowing you to stretch them out again.

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Use Less Detergent

Using too much detergent can cause your clothes to remain dirty since too much detergent causes an abundance of suds that can trap soil on your clothing. Instead, try using half the recommended amount of detergent and adjust from there.

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Wash Bright Colors With Salt

You can use salt to prevent colors from fading. Just toss a teaspoon of salt in with your dark clothes to help make the color last longer. Washing colored clothing inside out can also help maintain color.

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Sweaters Should Skip the Dryer

Skip the dryer when laundering winter sweaters. Instead, drying them flat will help them maintain their shape.

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Save Drying Time

When you’re running short on drying time, throw a dry towel in with the load. The towel will help absorb some of the moisture and help your clothes dry quicker.

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Reduce Wrinkles

To reduce wrinkles and the need to iron, use a dryer sheet and set your dryer to the lowest setting possible. As soon as the clothes are dry, remove them from the dryer and fold or hang them to keep them crisp.

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Top-Loading or Front-Loading?

If you’re in the market for a new washing machine, the options can be overwhelming. Top-loading machines with an agitator often cost less and have a faster run-time than top-loading machines without an agitator (known as a high-efficiency machine). High-efficiency machines are better at cleaning and use less water than agitator models. Front-loading machines are more expensive, but do a better job at cleaning than top-loading and are gentler on clothing. However, front-loaders can take longer to complete a cycle than top-loaders. Do some research to find which model will work best for your needs.

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Clean Your Machine

Your washing machine does need to be cleaned regularly. Every couple of months, set your washer to the largest load setting and hottest water temperature. Add a quart of white vinegar and a cup of baking soda and let the washer agitate for a minute. Then open the lid or pause the cycle and let the mixture sit for an hour. Scrub any parts, such as the lid, with a toothbrush to remove buildup. After an hour, let the cycle complete and run a second cycle on hot to remove any residue left behind. Your clothes will thank you.


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