Methods for Determining Whether You’re Dealing With Fresh Products or Not

When we go to a store, we may become overwhelmed by the variety of products available. A dozen different manufacturers can present eggs alone. Some products can be checked for freshness and quality right away in the supermarket or market, while others must be checked after we get home.

An egg is fresh if the yolk is in the middle.

Examine the yolk when you crack an egg. If it is in the center and has a clear circle of whites around it, it indicates that the egg is fresh. In addition, the yolk should be voluminous. Don’t eat it if it’s flat. If the white doesn’t have clear borders and the egg spreads, it could mean you’re dealing with spoiled food.

Here’s another way to determine the quality of an egg: Put a raw egg (still in its shell) in a bowl of water. It is safe to eat if it remains at the bottom. If one of its sides appears, it indicates that the egg is not as fresh but still edible. If it comes up to the water’s surface, you need to throw it away


An avocado’s freshness can be checked by its “tail.”

There is an easy way to check and see how fresh avocado is. Look at its “tail.” Try to take it off — if it’s easy to do, this means the avocado is fresh. If the “tail” is hard to take out, this means the fruit is not ripe yet.


A good pumpkin sounds “empty.”

In order to find out how good the pumpkin you are holding is, knock on it. Listen to the sound. If it sounds as if it’s empty inside, this product is worth buying. On the outer side, the fruit should look solid.


Yogurt that’s become layered shouldn’t be thrown away

Sometimes we dispose of products that are still good to eat. For example, when there is a layer of liquid that appears on top of the yogurt — this product can be consumed. This is whey that has nutrients. It is safe to eat, so you can simply stir the yogurt to get a more smooth consistency.


Fish should be tight

Always check the texture of fresh fish. Press down on its body with your finger. The meat should return to its previous shape, and the scales should be firm and tight. Also, make sure to look into the fish’s eyes: they should be free of a white layer and not sunken.


It’s better to choose saturated yellow lemons

It’s easy to determine the ripeness of a lemon by eye. The rich yellow color and smoothness of the skin are signs by which you can recognize that the fruit is ripe. A pale yellow color and greenish tint mean that you’d better not buy the lemon.


There should be no liquid around chicken

When choosing a chicken, opt for the pieces that don’t have much liquid around them. If you take out a frozen chicken from the freezer and there is a lot of ice around the product as if the chicken is lying in a frozen puddle, it’s not safe to eat this meat. On that note, make sure to avoid chicken with skin that is too red.


It is easy to detect adulterated coconut oil

The presence of adulterants in coconut oil is easily detectable. Put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Other adulterant oils will detach and appear as a separate layer, while coconut oil will solidify.


There should be no stains under the first layer of onion peel

Take an onion and check to see how it looks under the first layer of peel. If you see stains that look as if the peel has faded, it means there is some mold on the onion. You’d better not buy this vegetable.


Buy coffee in beans

Coffee lovers are advised to not buy ground coffee because this product, which is loved by so many people, is often falsified. It is difficult to say what exactly is there in this powder. Acorns, popcorn, and sawdust can be added to ground coffee. And you’d hardly want to buy a product like this. To avoid this, you can purchase coffee beans and grind them yourself or in the store where you bought them.

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