Mosquitoes fear this the most. Put it in a lemon and leave it in the room and the mosquitoes will run away

During the summer, mosquitoes tend to multiply rapidly, particularly in wet weather. Many households rely on mosquito nets, sprays, and incense to deal with these pesky insects. However, using mosquito repellent or incense isn’t always safe when there are young children around. As a result, many people are looking for natural alternatives to keep mosquitoes at bay without compromising health.

Here is one natural method you can try to repel mosquitoes.

Steam the house with wormwood leaves

Start by gathering a small handful of dried wormwood leaves. Next, gather the leaves together and fold them into a compact bundle.

Get a porcelain bowl ready. Light the wormwood leaves and place them inside the bowl.

Muoi so nhat loai la nay lay mot nam dat


  • Place the bowl of dried wormwood in a place with a lot of mosquitoes (note to keep the bowl in a safe location and watch for the wormwood leaves to burn out). The smoke and smell from the wormwood leaves will help repel mosquitoes without being toxic to humans.
Wipe the house with wormwood leaf water

You can do it in another way, which is to take wormwood water to clean the house.

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Take a handful of wormwood and steep it in hot water until its essence is fully infused. Strain the mixture to remove any solid particles. This wormwood-infused water can be used to clean your home, providing a refreshing aroma while effectively keeping mosquitoes at bay.

Make mosquito repellent with wormwood leaves

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You can steep wormwood leaves in water, allow it to cool, and transfer it into a spray bottle. Apply this solution to your hands and feet before heading outdoors. The scent of wormwood repels mosquitoes, causing them to avoid you.

Soak your feet with wormwood leaves

Boiling wormwood leaves and using the water to soak your feet can help warm your body, improve blood circulation, and alleviate headaches. Additionally, this method can also keep mosquitoes away from you.

Make mugwort pillow

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Dry the wormwood leaves and put them in the pillow. The special aroma of wormwood leaves will help disinfect, disinfect, repel mosquitoes, calm nerves, reduce fatigue, and improve sleep quality. This is suitable for both adults and children.

Some other ways to repel mosquitoes

In addition to using wormwood leaves to repel mosquitoes, you can refer to other ways to repel mosquitoes with other natural materials below.

Repel mosquitoes with coffee grounds

Dry the used coffee grounds and place them in aluminum foil or empty water cans, then ignite them. Position the coffee grounds in various spots around the house, such as under the bed or in a corner, allowing the aroma to disperse throughout the space. While burning, ensure the doors are open to ventilate the area properly. The scent and smoke released by the burning coffee grounds act as a natural mosquito repellent.

Keep in mind that coffee grounds smolder rather than produce an open flame, so exercise caution to prevent any risk of fire.

Repel mosquitoes with wind oil

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Wind oil serves as an excellent mosquito deterrent. You can apply it directly onto your skin, where its strong aroma works to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Another method is to leave the oil bottle open in a well-ventilated area of your room. The fragrance from the oil disperses into the air, preventing mosquitoes from entering your space.

Additionally, applying a small amount of wind oil to the blades of a fan can help circulate its scent throughout the room, effectively driving mosquitoes away.

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