My Husband Picks the Bathroom Lock When I Spend “Too Much Time” in the Shower

My husband doesn’t let me spend much time in the bathroom. He says “normal” people spend 10-15 minutes in there. If I spend more time than that, he thinks I’m pretending to shower while texting or calling other men. He even stands by the door listening to what I’m doing, and if the sounds seem “suspicious” to him, he starts banging on the door, asking what’s going on.

Once, after a stressful day at work, I took about half an hour to shower and relax. My husband shouted, “What’s taking you so long?” I said I was almost done. He didn’t believe me. He tried to take the door off and started picking the lock.

I couldn’t believe what was happening next – he stormed into the bathroom holding his phone and recording me. Thankfully, I was already dressed. He said he wanted to catch me cheating and use the video as proof. I can’t take this anymore! How do I explain to him that what he’s doing is not normal?

Source: Brightside

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