My Husband’s Ex Says It’s My Duty to Teach Her Kids — I’m Not a Free Tutor

I teach French at a university. I have two stepchildren, 12 and 14. Their mother expects me to teach them at home after my working hours. I said, “I’m not a free tutor-I do this for a living!”

She replied, “You’re a stepmom; you have responsibilities. You should be ashamed to call them your stepkids.” My husband smirked.

The next day, I entered my room and was shocked to find a note that read, “You’re not a free teacher, and this is not a free house.” I confronted my husband, and he said that if I expect to be paid to teach his kids, then he expects me to pay rent for living under his roof. I refused and said, “You own the house; we don’t rent it.” He just smirked.

A month later, I found out that my husband had started to secretly use my savings to pay for private tutors for his children. When I confronted him, he admitted it and said, “If you won’t help them, someone has to.” Feeling betrayed and manipulated, I decided to leave and stay with a friend.

Now, I’m questioning if I made the right decision or if I overreacted and should have taught the kids from the beginning.

Source: Brightside

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