My Son Is Ashamed Of Me And Said: “I Don’t Want People To Think We Came Together,” So I Repaid Him In The Same Manner

My 14-year-old son started being ashamed of my husband and me about 2 years ago. We thought this would pass, but it has gotten worse. We’re just regular people, but you’d think we’re weirdos the way he treats us.

He tells us things like, “Don’t come to my games,” “Don’t leave me right out front” and “I’ll go ahead at the mall, so people don’t think we come together.” The list goes on and on. He’s great when we buy him something or do what he wants, but lately, he’s been treating us like garbage.

A couple of days ago, I drove 40 minutes to pick him up from a school event, and he made me wait for him a block away. When he saw me, there were other kids around, he turned red and stopped. He waited for the kids to pass, then got in the car, slid down, and said, “Drive.” I’ve told him how all this makes us feel, but he doesn’t care. Well, I’ve had enough.

My Son Is Ashamed Of Me And Said
Image for illustrative purposes only. (© Cottonbro Studio/ Pexels)

That night, he needed a new t-shirt for an event, so as I was driving to the store, I said, “Duck!” and pushed his head down. I then told him that I thought the person driving around was a friend from college, and I didn’t want him to see us together. When he asked me why, I told him I was embarrassed. When we arrived at the store, I got out of the car and hurried to the entrance.

When my son caught up with me, I asked him to stay a few feet back in case I ran into someone I knew at the store. He knew what I was doing. I then asked him how it felt to be treated like an embarrassment, and he said, “Not good.”

The next morning, we went to the transit office to pick up a bus pass for him (I told him I no longer wanted to be seen in a car with him and that he would have to take the bus from now on). I expressed aloud how much I regretted having to go into the office with him and that I was more concerned about how the clerk, whom I did not know, would perceive me than how I made him feel. I then asked him to stand by the door and not speak. I think he’s getting the point, but I’m still not sure.

I told my sister about this, and she got furious. She thinks I should understand that this is a phase and he will outgrow it. But I feel like I’ve given him almost 2 years, and this phase is a well-ingrained habit that I’m tired of. What do you guys think?


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