Old Dog And Its Neighbor

An old, tired-looking dog walks into a man’s yard.

The man checks the dog’s collar, feels its well-fed belly, and realizes that the dog has a home.

The dog follows him into the house, walks down the hall, jumps on the couch, relaxes, and falls asleep.

The man finds this rather strange but lets the dog sleep.

After about an hour, the dog wakes up, goes to the door, and the man lets it out. The dog shakes his head and leaves.

The next day, the dog comes back and scratches at the door.

The man opens the door, the dog comes in, walks down the hall, jumps on the couch, relaxes, and goes back to sleep.

The man lets it sleep.

After about an hour, the dog wakes up, goes to the door, and the man lets him out. The dog shakes his tail and leaves.

This goes on for days.

The man gets curious and puts a note on the dog’s collar: “Your dog takes a nap at my house every day.

The next day the dog comes back with another note on its collar: “He lives in a house with four children – he is trying to catch up on his sleep.

… Can I come with him tomorrow?”

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