Older Lady Finds Money on Floor Every Day, Sees Her Cat Bring It and Follows Him

Wendy, a lonely retiree, dedicated most of her life to giving shelter cats a permanent home. However, when her latest feline companion, Lucky, began bringing dollar bills into her house, Wendy soon realized something unusual was unfolding in her neighborhood.

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“There, there,” Wendy murmured as she reached into the pet carrier, gently stroking the shorthair cat she had just adopted from the shelter. “This is your new home, Lucky, where you’ll always be safe.”

Lucky peeked out, observing Wendy’s other four cats who were sniffing curiously towards the new arrival.

“That’s just your new family,” Wendy continued, scratching behind Lucky’s ears. “Let’s see if you’re brave enough to meet them over dinner.”

Wendy headed to the kitchen, where the four cats eagerly approached as she opened a tin of cat food. She placed their bowls down and was about to serve Lucky his meal in the carrier when he suddenly appeared at the doorway.

“Mah-ow,” Lucky meowed softly.

“What a brave kitty,” Wendy praised, gently petting him as she handed him his food. “I knew you’d fit right in.”

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As Wendy prepared a grilled cheese sandwich for herself, she watched her cats begin to interact and bond. Despite her limited budget, Wendy couldn’t bring herself to turn away another cat when her friend at the shelter, Hannah, had reached out earlier that day.

“Nobody wants this cat,” Hannah had said. “They can’t see past his scars and age to the sweet personality beneath. If you don’t take him, Wendy, I don’t know what will become of him.”

“Feeding five cats isn’t much different from feeding four,” Wendy reasoned to herself. “The most important thing is that Lucky has a good home to spend the rest of his life in.”

However, Wendy soon noticed the strain on her finances. The cat food and litter were depleting slightly faster, and her pension was already tight.

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One day, as Wendy sat down to figure out how to manage without dipping into her limited savings, she heard a painful meow. Rushing into the sitting room, she immediately saw that something was terribly wrong with Lucky.

“But will he be okay, Dr. Perry?” Wendy asked, pressing her hand against the transparent box. Inside, Lucky lay curled up with a drip attached to his leg, his eyes dull and in pain.

“We’re doing our best for him, Wendy, but it depends on what happens next. All we can do is pray that he responds to the medication,” Dr. Perry replied gently.

Wendy gazed at Lucky, unsure if she could afford his treatments, yet unable to let him suffer. She longed to reach out and comfort him, wishing she could let him know he wasn’t alone.

“What do you want with my cat and me? If you’re trying to poison us, you won’t succeed. I’ve already called the police!” Wendy demanded.

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“I can see he’s another one of your rescues, Wendy, so I’m only going to bill you for any medication we need to give him,” Dr. Perry responded calmly.

Wendy shook her head. “As I’ve told you before, Dr. Perry, I appreciate your kindness, but Lucky is my pet and my responsibility.”

The young vet frowned. “I’m still going to keep offering, Wendy. You’ve done these cats a great kindness by taking them in, and I wish you’d let me help ease the burden where I can.”

A few days later, Lucky returned home in good health, but strange occurrences began to take place. The Saturday after bringing Lucky home, Wendy found dollar bills scattered on her doormat. Initially, she thought they had fallen from her purse, but the next day, more money appeared on her bedroom floor.

“What is happening?” Wendy muttered as she counted the bills. She checked her purse, but no money was missing.

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On Monday, while knitting a cap for her friend Hannah, Lucky entered through the cat door with something in his mouth.

“You better not be bringing mice into my house, Lucky!” Wendy exclaimed.

Wendy stood up to see what Lucky had brought. To her astonishment, he dropped a twenty-dollar bill.

“Where are you getting these?” Wendy asked. Lucky simply rubbed against her legs in response.

Wendy called Hannah to inquire if she knew about Lucky’s behavior. Hannah was equally puzzled.

“Maybe he’s decided to pay rent,” Hannah joked. “Don’t worry too much, Wendy. You know what they say: don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

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Despite Hannah’s lighthearted comment, Wendy couldn’t shake the feeling that Lucky might be stealing from her neighbors, the only plausible explanation she could think of. Determined to uncover the truth, she decided to keep a closer watch on Lucky.

The next day, Wendy observed Lucky closely. He played a bit with Snowy, one of her other cats, then settled beneath a bush in her yard. Lucky spent a lot of time sleeping in various spots around the yard.

As Wendy watched Lucky lazily tapping at a fallen leaf, she began to doubt her suspicions—until a mysterious car pulled up near her front gate. A person emerged, crouched near the picket fence, and approached Lucky.

Wendy quickly set her knitting aside and reached for her glasses, only to realize they weren’t there. Determined not to miss the encounter between Lucky and the stranger, Wendy leaned closer to the window and narrowed her eyes.

Lucky ran toward the person, who picked him up and cradled him on their lap. Wendy couldn’t discern if the person was young or old, male or female, as a hood concealed their face.

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After a few minutes, the stranger set Lucky down and handed him something before rushing back to their car. Lucky bounded towards the house as the car sped away.

Wendy grabbed Lucky as he crawled through the cat flap, noticing he was carrying another twenty-dollar bill.

“You aren’t supposed to play with strangers,” Wendy scolded.

Wendy lifted the bill to examine it. “Your friend could well be up to no good!”

Lucky rubbed against her legs and looked up. “Mah-ow.”

The situation made Wendy increasingly uneasy. She began to fear that the stranger had malicious intentions, possibly even trying to poison Lucky.

The next day, Wendy waited as the car stopped outside her house again. Seizing the moment while the person was distracted by Lucky, Wendy burst through the front door wielding her cane.

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“What do you want with my cat and me? If you’re trying to poison us, you won’t succeed. I’ve already called the police!”

“Don’t be so harsh on my accomplice. I’m sure he also would want to repay you for the kindness you’ve shown him,” the stranger replied.

Startled, the hooded figure scrambled to their feet, but Lucky, frightened by Wendy’s sudden outburst, clawed at the person and leaped onto their shoulder, knocking their hood aside.

Wendy gasped as she recognized the face beneath the hood. Pointing her cane at the person, she demanded, “Why on earth are you giving Lucky money?”

“I’m sorry, Wendy,” Dr. Perry said, raising his hands defensively as he backed toward his car.

“Stop right there. You aren’t going anywhere until I get an explanation, Dr. Perry.”

“I just wanted to help. You always refuse to let me waive a portion of your vet bills, so I had to try another way. Lucky gave me the idea, actually. When we were treating him, I tried to get him to play by sticking a piece of paper through a ventilation hole in his cage.”

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Dr. Perry smiled and shook his head. “He grabbed the paper in his teeth and carried it to the other side of the cage. I’ve never seen a cat do that, and I realized I could use him to make donations to you.”

“Donations?” Wendy straightened up. “I am not a charity case!”

“No, you’re a good person who’s too proud to accept a helping hand, Wendy. But I had to find a way to help you because you’re one of the few people I’ve met who cares as deeply for animals as I do.”

“You see, I was just like you when I was a child,” Dr. Perry continued. “I used all my pocket money to buy food for the stray cats and dogs in my neighborhood, and they eventually became my pets. I also rescued any injured birds I found, but that all stopped when my mom remarried.”

“My stepfather took all my animal friends and dumped them in the forest.” Dr. Perry hung his head. “I tried to find them, but I never did. I never forgave him or my mom, either. When I left home to become a vet, I cut all ties with them.”

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“That’s terrible,” Wendy said, wiping away a tear. “I understand why you want to help me, Dr. Perry, and I do need the help, but I’ve lived alone all my life. I don’t know how to accept your kindness. I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry I frightened you, Wendy.” Dr. Perry took Wendy’s hand gently. “Please, can we sit down and discuss a way I can help you care for your cats that won’t upset you?”

Wendy nodded. “Come inside. I have some pop if you don’t want coffee.”

Dr. Perry followed Wendy inside, where Lucky greeted them with his usual “mah-ow” and a leg rub.

After a heartfelt discussion, Wendy agreed to let Dr. Perry bring food for the cats every month and provide regular check-ups. This arrangement allowed Wendy to continue caring for her cats without exhausting her pension.

Dr. Perry also organized a fundraiser to cover unexpected expenses, such as Lucky’s sudden illness. Wendy was moved to tears with gratitude when Dr. Perry announced the fundraiser’s success.

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“Do you hear that, Lucky?” Wendy lifted the cat into her arms and scratched his chin. “You’re set for life now. No need for any more dubious escapades on your part.”

Dr. Perry chuckled. “Don’t be so harsh on my accomplice. I’m sure he also would want to repay you for the kindness you’ve shown him.”

“I only wish there was more I could do for the cats in this city,” Wendy replied, smiling as Lucky purred contentedly. “But I’m just one old lady, and there are only so many cats I can care for.”

Two years later, Dr. Perry still remembered Wendy’s words from that day. Standing before a new building he had purchased and converted into a shelter, he felt a sense of fulfillment. Lucky perched on his shoulder, seemingly unfazed by the small crowd gathered nearby.

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“Thank you all for coming today,” Dr. Perry addressed the attendees. “While I’m happy to see so many familiar faces, it also saddens me that a woman I came to know as a close friend won’t be able to join us today.”

“Wendy spent most of her adult life providing a safe home to cats from shelters all over this city. To honor her memory, I hereby declare the Wendy Cat Shelter open for business,” Dr. Perry announced, signaling to a man nearby.

The man lifted a cloth to reveal a portrait of Wendy surrounded by all five of her cats, with Lucky sitting on her lap, playfully begging for a treat. Dr. Perry had taken the photo himself, smiling fondly as he reminisced about that day.

“Wendy always wished she could do more to help the cats in our city. I’m counting on all of you to help me fulfill her dream by supporting this shelter,” Dr. Perry concluded, inviting everyone to join in honoring Wendy’s lifelong dedication to her feline friends.

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