Over 200 People Are Killed By The “World’s Deadliest Food” Every Year, But Almost 500 Million People Still Eat It

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More than 200 people lose their lives each year due to what’s been called the “world’s deadliest food”, yet nearly 500 million people continue to consume it.

There are plenty of foods that can leave you feeling full in no time, but most of them don’t make it to the dinner table on a daily basis.

Now, let’s talk about something real—something that millions rely on for survival. What is it?Cassava.

As both a plant and a staple food, cassava plays a crucial role in the diets of countless people worldwide. Every year, half a billion people eat it, and hundreds of millions of tonnes are harvested.

Originally from South America, cassava is widely consumed and deeply embedded in many cultures. However, despite its importance, it carries a hidden danger that makes it one of the most lethal foods on the planet.

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Cassava is a staple food for millions, but parts of the plant—its stems, peel, and leaves—are highly toxic when consumed raw, as they produce hydrogen cyanide.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 200 people die each year due to cassava poisoning, earning it the nickname “the world’s deadliest food.”

The WHO explains: “Cassava tubers contain a varying quantity of cyanogenic glucosides which protect the root against attack by animals and insects. Appropriate processing before consumption can reduce cyanogenic glucoside content of cassava. When high cyanogenic cassava is not processed correctly, high dietary cyanide exposure occurs.

“This often happens during times of famine and war. Cyanide in cassava is associated with acute cyanide poisoning and several diseases including konzo.

“Konzo is an irreversible spastic paraparesis of sudden onset, associated with the consumption of bitter cassava 22, 23 and a low protein intake. It is a disease of extreme poverty. Konzo mostly occurs in epidemics, but sporadic cases are also reported.”

Despite its dangerous potential, cassava remains a dietary staple for many, and when properly processed, it poses little risk.

How can you make sure that cassava is as safe as it can be?

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Preparation is key. One of the most important steps in making cassava safe to eat is proper processing, which often includes soaking it for up to 24 hours.

Meanwhile, reports from El País revealed that food shortages in Venezuela led people to consume high-sodium foods for survival, which resulted in tragic consequences.

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