Plants that should not be planted around the house

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Snakes are animals that are commonly encountered in daily life and often cause a lot of concern, particularly in areas where venomous snakes are prevalent. They can be found crawling on roofs, winding around tree branches, hiding under beds, or in corners and cool spots.

This is why snake research has gained significant attention from both people and scientists. Studies show that snakes are highly evolved creatures with an acute sense of smell, drawn to certain scents, while also fearing others.

Some plants should be avoided because they attract snakes into homes, including several common types:

1. White snake grass (also known as white snake tongue, boa constrictor grass, or simply snake grass) is a plant that grows year-round in humid and cool places, commonly found along roadsides in all regions. Wherever this grass is present, snakes tend to follow.

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2. White snake grass (sometimes called white flower tail or thorn leaf plant) thrives in cool, humid conditions. While it is a valuable medicinal herb used to treat conditions like dermatitis, gallstones, hepatitis, and even cancer, its scent is particularly enticing to snakes.

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3. Purple cassia fruit, which is sweet when ripe, attracts rodents, squirrels, and porcupines. Since snakes often hunt these creatures, they are drawn to the fruit during its season. This plant typically grows along streams, in forest clearings, and in shaded, moist areas, so it’s advisable to avoid these places when the fruit is in season to reduce the risk of snake encounters.

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Other flowers, such as passionflower, jasmine, cosmos, and morning glory, are known to have fragrances that can attract snakes in traditional folklore. While they naturally grow in gardens, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides may make them more attractive to snakes.

So, how can you prevent your home from becoming a snake magnet?

There are three primary reasons snakes are drawn to an area: shelter, food, and water. To prevent snakes from entering your home, it’s important to minimize these factors:

  • Eliminate rodents, clear away bushes and weeds, regularly trim the grass, seal any holes or gaps around the house and roof, and avoid leaving water sources outside, such as in broken pots, as these can attract snakes and provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • Keep your home neat and tidy to minimize the hiding spots available for snakes. If you find holes or shed snake skins in your yard or garden, alert your family, especially children, and steer clear of these areas.
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