Put Some Vicks Vaporub On A Garlic Clove. And The Reason? You Will Regret Not Knowing This Earlier!

Are you between the ages of 45 and 65? If so, you might be familiar with Vicks Vaporub. Most of us have used it for its cold and congestion-relieving properties, but did you know that Vicks has other practical uses? In this article, we’ll explore some helpful and verified ways to use Vicks Vaporub. Let’s dive in!

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1. Relieve congestion and cough

This is one of the primary uses of Vicks Vaporub and is backed by science. The menthol and camphor in Vicks can provide relief from nasal congestion and ease coughing when applied to the chest and throat.

2. Soothe sore muscles

Vicks Vaporub can offer temporary relief for minor muscle pain thanks to its cooling effect. Massage it onto the affected area, and if needed, wrap it with a warm, dry towel to enhance the soothing sensation.

3. Say goodbye to cracked heels

Dry, cracked heels can be softened by applying Vicks Vaporub before bedtime. Cover your feet with socks overnight, and in the morning, rinse with warm water and gently exfoliate for smoother results. Repeat as needed.

4. Moisturize dry skin

The petroleum jelly base in Vicks can help moisturize small areas of stubbornly dry skin. However, for larger areas or chronic dryness, specialized moisturizers may work better.

5. Relieve sinus headaches

Applying a small amount of Vicks Vaporub under your nose can help you breathe easier and may provide minor relief from sinus headaches due to its menthol scent.

6. Keep mosquitoes at bay

Some users report that applying Vicks to exposed skin can act as a mild mosquito repellent. While it’s not as effective as specialized products, it can be a convenient option in a pinch.

7. Protect your furniture from scratches

Cats dislike the smell of Vicks. Applying a small amount on furniture or surfaces you want to protect may help deter your cat from scratching.

8. Freshen up outdoor spaces

If you’re having a picnic or spending time outdoors, opening a jar of Vicks Vaporub can help keep insects away. While it’s not a foolproof solution, it’s an easy, natural option.

What You Should Avoid

While Vicks has versatile applications, there are some unproven or risky claims that should be avoided:

  • Earache relief: Inserting Vicks into the ear is not recommended and may cause irritation. Always consult a doctor for ear pain.
  • Treating warts, eczema, or nail fungus: These conditions often require medical-grade treatments, and the effectiveness of Vicks is anecdotal at best.
  • Healing cuts or wounds: Applying Vicks to open wounds can cause irritation and increase the risk of infection.
  • Reducing stretch marks or bruises: There’s no scientific evidence supporting these claims.


Vicks Vaporub is a trusted remedy for relieving cold symptoms, soothing muscle aches, and addressing minor skin issues. While some of its other uses may seem intriguing, it’s important to stick to scientifically supported applications to avoid harm. Always consult a healthcare professional for persistent medical issues or before trying unverified remedies.

Remember, safety comes first! Use Vicks wisely and enjoy its proven benefits.

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