So Far, Nobody Has Scored A Perfect 10. Can You Raise The Bar?

We give 10 puzzles to 50 people and the highest score was 7/10. You have 20 seconds for this whole test, so look carefully and concentrate very hard.

Mind games and puzzles can improve cognitive abilities and help to retain memory. So enjoy this lucky little mental workout and see how fast you can find the odd one in all 6 pictures below!

Are you ready? Here we go!

1. Spot the different one

Screenshot 22 29

2. The next one

Screenshot 6 42

3. What about this one?

Screenshot 10 43

4. A little harder, can you?

Screenshot 4 43 e1650666431114

5. Solve this in 5 sec if you’re genius

Screenshot 5 41

6. Next chance!

Screenshot 33 20

7. Still too easy for you? Scroll on!

Screenshot 3 43

8. Under 3 seconds, can you?

Screenshot 15 37

9. Will you be able to solve this in seconds?

Screenshot 11 41

10. Amazing! This is the last one

Screenshot 24 22

Good job! The solution awaits you below:


Screenshot 23 23


Screenshot 7 41


Screenshot 11 40


Screenshot 5 40


Screenshot 6 43


Screenshot 34 14


Screenshot 4 44


Screenshot 16 35


Screenshot 12 38


Screenshot 25 23

Did this test stump you? Let us know in the comments!

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