Solving Your Common Household Issues With Hair Dryer

If you only use your hairdryer to dry your hair, you’re only experiencing a fraction of its usefulness! Check out nearly two dozen other things you can do with it here!

Tackle Sticky Messes

Stickers & Labels –

Use your hair dryer to help you remove labels, bumper stickers, contact paper, and other stuck-on stuff. The heat will loosen up the adhesive and make it easy to remove the sticker.

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You can also use your hairdryer to make bandaids less painful to take off! Just blow it at the bandaid for a few seconds to warm up the adhesive.

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Candle Wax 

Use your hairdryer to soften up spilled candle wax and make it easier to clean up.

Crayon Marks 

Use your hairdryer to help remove crayons from walls and other surfaces. Crayons are made of wax too, so heating them up with your dryer will make them easy to wipe away.

child s crayon graffiti wall art with cleaning material

Dry Things Off

Quick Dry Clothes 

Use a hairdryer to quickly dry small clothing items in a pinch. No one wants to walk around in wet socks!

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Diaper Rash 

For babies who are prone to diaper rash, use your dryer to help keep your baby dry and comfortable. While changing their diaper, use the cool setting to make sure their bum is totally dry before putting the new one on.

Clean Up Around The House


Use your hairdryer on the cool setting to make dusting much faster! Just blow the dust off of your items and surfaces, then vacuum the dust off the floor once it settles.

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Water Rings 

The heat from your hairdryer can help dry out and remove water rings from wood furniture. Put the nozzle attachment on if yours has one, turn it on the cool setting then point the dryer at the ring. Increase the heat after a few seconds, and the ring should disappear.

Warm Things Up

Bed Sheets 

It can be torturous to climb into a cold bed during the winter! Use your hairdryer to warm your sheets before bedtime.

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Pet Fur 

Wet dogs can really make a mess of your house! After coming back inside from the rain or snow, use your hairdryer to help dry your dog’s fur. (My grand-puppy Milo loves getting dried off like this!)

Stretch Things Out

Tight Shoes 

Have a cute pair of shoes that are just a bit too tight? Pull on the thickest socks you own, put on the shoes, then point your hairdryer at the shoes for a couple of minutes to stretch them out.


Ill-Fitting Sunglasses 

Do your glasses squeeze your head or slip right off? Heat the arms of your sunglasses up with your hairdryer to make them more pliable, then gently bend the arms inward or outward to correct it.

Beauty & Fashion

Curly Lashes 

Blast your eyelash curler with your hairdryer for a few seconds before using it. A warm eyelash curler helps produce extra full and curly lashes! (Just be careful not to burn yourself!)

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In The Kitchen

Glossy Cakes 

Use your dryer to give your homemade cakes a glossy, professional look! Just blow warm air on the frosting until it starts to look shiny, then let it cool.

Unstick Meat 

Use your hairdryer to separate meat that got stuck together in the freezer. Blow the warm air on them just long enough to get them unstuck.


Soften Butter 

Forgot to soften butter for cookies? Use your hairdryer to soften up cold butter quickly.

Eliminate Clumps 

Salt and pepper can form clumps if they are put in shakers that aren’t completely dry. The next time you wash your salt and pepper shakers, use your hairdryer to make sure they are completely dry before filling them again.

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Home Improvement

Frozen Pipes 

Use your hairdryer to thaw out frozen pipes during the winter.

Painting Helper 

Your blow dryer can be a useful tool when making small repairs with paint or spackle. It’s very handy for speeding up the drying process!

For Travel

Dry Toiletries 

Use your hairdryer to dry out your toothbrush, loofah, and other damp items before packing them for a trip. This will prevent them from developing an unpleasant musty smell inside your toiletry bag.

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Heat Food 

Staying in a hotel room without a microwave? You can use the hair dryer in the room to heat up leftovers in a pinch!

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