Step-By-Step Directions For How To Make A No-Sew Pillow Cover In Few Minutes

This is an easy and very budget-friendly way to add seasonal touches to your home.

Let’s make it even better by saying there’s no fabric to cut or hem! This literally goes together in about 10 minutes and you don’t have to be crafty. Anyone who owns an iron can make this!

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What’s the secret you ask? It’s dish towels! With the availability of so many cute dish towels on the market these days, you’ll be able to make one in any style and for any season. The trick to using one to make a no sew pillow cover is to find one that has cute trim on at least one of the ends of the towel.

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I literally have drawers full of dish towels stashed in my linen storage that are begging to be turned into a diy no sew pillow cover. I have an especially cute one that will be perfect for Christmas that has ruffles on one end!

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In this case, I was looking for something to add a special little touch to my spring decor without spending a lot of money. These cute pillows are perfect for tucking into a special spot!

Supplies You needed to make a no sew pillow cover

You only need 4 items to make these:

  • a dish towel
  • a pillow insert that is 2″ narrower than the dish towel and that the towel will wrap completely around with at least 3″ extra
  • a roll of fusible hem adhesive
  • an iron (not pictured)
  • supplies needed to make a no sew pillow cover – dish towel, pillow insert and fusible hem tape
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The first pillow took me roughly 15 minutes to make since I was figuring out the exact method that I wanted to use, but the next two took me less that 10 minutes each. I was able churn out three different pillows in no time at all!

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How To Make A No Sew Pillow

STEP 1: Iron all the creases out of the dish towel and place it wrong side up on a flat surface that it suitable for ironing on.

STEP 2: Dry fit where you want to place the pillow by laying it on the dish towel, leaving room to wrap the bottom of the towel to within 3″ – 4″ of the top of the pillow. Fold the top portion of the towel (the end with the cute trim) down over the pillow form. This step will allow you to eye-ball where you want the trim to fall.

In this image, what will be the top of the finished pillow is at the bottom of the photo.

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STEP 3: Holding onto one side of the folded towel, pull the pillow insert out from the opposite side, leaving the towel folded. Once the pillow has been removed, iron the folded shape of your pillow cover, making sure to create a crease where the top and the bottom of the pillow will be. This will help with placement of the fusible hem adhesive tape.

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STEP 4: Open the towel up so that it is lying wrong side up on your surface. To place the adhesive tape for the side hems, measure the length of tape needed to reach from the bottom of the cover to the first crease in the towel (the crease that will be the bottom of the pillow). Fold the bottom end of the towel up and iron both sides closed, following the manufacturer’s directions.

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STEP 5: After allowing the towel to cool a few seconds, insert the pillow form into the pocket that you just made.

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STEP 6: Fold the top of the towel back down over the pillow. Run another strip of adhesive tape under the edge and iron in place. Close the sides that are still open by repeating the process, using shorter pieces of tape.

make no sew pillow cover 11Enjoy your pretty pillow!

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