Superb Cleaning Hacks To Knock Out The Washer Smell Completely

You can get rid of the washing machine smell easily with the right hacks. Here’s how to knock out the washer smell completely and make sure it never comes back again. These hacks use for high-efficiency washers and top-loading machines.

1. High-efficiency Washers

Once you’ve checked your soap, it’s time to clean out the drum. For this particular hack, you’ll need:

  • A quarter cup of baking soda
  • A quarter cup of water
  • 2 cups of white vinegar

How to do:

  1. Mix the water and baking soda to form a slight liquid.
  2. Open the detergent container and pour the mixture inside.
  3. Pour the vinegar directly into the drum of your washer.
  4. Run an empty cycle on high heat and repeat until the odor is gone.
  5. Scrub any stubborn spots with a household sponge to get a sparkling machine.

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You’ll also need to check the gasket to be sure that nothing is trapped. For this part, you’ll need:

  1. Equal parts white vinegar and water
  2. Household sponge or scrub brush
  3. Inspect the gasket to see if anything is stuck and remove it if so.
  4. Peel back the rubber pieces to see if any mold or mildew is growing and wipe it clean using the vinegar and water mixture.
  5. Allow it to dry before running a new cycle of clothing.
    Every few cycles, wipe down the gasket to discourage mold and bacteria growth.

When you’re done with laundry, for the time being, allow the door to remain open so that the drum and gasket can fully dry between cycles.

2. Top-loading Machines

Top-loading machines can also get smelly if you aren’t careful. The best thing to do is to keep the top open to allow it to dry completely between cycles and check the drainage to ensure nothing is blocking it.

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You can also deodorize the drum using a similar method as above. You’ll need:

  • A half a cup of baking soda
  • 4 cups of white vinegar

How to do:

  1. Begin your cycle running at the hottest temperature with no clothing.
  2. Add your baking soda to the running water and allow it to dissolve
  3. Add in the vinegar and run the cycle completely
  4. Scrub down any remaining stains with equal parts of white vinegar and water once the cycle is complete.

If you have the option to clean the drum automatically like what’s found on some newer machines, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to make sure that happens.

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