Surprising Alternative Uses for Toothpaste Around Your House

By Cody Calamaio

Everyone knows that toothpaste cleans your teeth and brightens your smile, but did you know it can do the same for many products around your house? Non-gel toothpaste, which is usually white and milky in color, can double as a cleaning product for shining, deodorizing, and cleaning up household messes. And since you probably already have several tubes lying around the house, there is no need to go out and buy more cleaning products, which may contain harsher chemicals than the job requires. Click through our online gallery to learn about usual uses for toothpaste that can freshen up your day.

Clean the Sink

It’s natural to drop some globs of toothpaste in the bathroom sink while brushing your teeth. Next time this happens, take the opportunity to clean the sink by scrubbing those stray drops of toothpaste using a sponge, paper towel, or even your finger.


Iron it Out

Nothing is worse than ironing a clean shirt only to dirty it from the gunky build-up on the bottom of the iron. Luckily, a filthy iron can be cleared up with toothpaste. With the iron cool and unplugged, scrub the bottom with toothpaste on a rag and wipe the surface clean. Simple but effective!


Clear pimples

Apply non-gel, non-whitening toothpaste to your pimple. The toothpaste dehydrates the pimple and absorbs its oil. So, it should be dried up by morning. Note that this method works best on pimples that have come to a head and may irritate sensitive skin.

Erase Crayon from the Wall

Are your kids a little too creative with their artwork? A scrub brush and a little toothpaste is the perfect way to remove waxy crayon stains from the walls without hurting the paint. And because the process is simple and non-toxic, you can even have your little ones scrub away the mess themselves.


Shine diamonds

Put some toothpaste on a soft toothbrush. Rub on the diamond, cleaning off residue with a damp cloth. Your jewelry will shimmer and sparkle after just a few minutes.

75422 clean regularly

Remove Water Rings

A misplaced beverage at a party can leave ugly water rings on hardwood furniture. Combat this by gently rubbing non-gel toothpaste over the stain until it lightens or disappears. Just don’t rub the area for too long or you may discolor the rest of the wood.


Polish Metal

Dirt and grime can easy build up on your metal jewelry, chrome appliances, and door knobs. Toothpaste can gently brighten and clean these surfaces in a jiffy. Simply scrub with a wet rag, then wash clean for a brilliant sparkle.


Remove the Stench

Toothpaste has a magical way of zapping tough odors out of plastic food storage containers. Get rid of that sour smell by spreading on some toothpaste, scrubbing, and washing the residue down the drain.


Avoid fogged goggles

Coat goggles with toothpaste and wipe them off. Doing so help prevent goggles from fogging when you’re doing activities like woodworking, skiing, swimming or scuba diving

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