beauty tip – Fri, 05 Apr 2024 06:32:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 beauty tip – 32 32 Inner Beauty Tips: 8 Habits of Truly Attractive Women Fri, 05 Apr 2024 06:32:42 +0000 8 Habits of Women Who Are Attractive (It’s Not What You Think)
Woman on the phone and lounging on a couch.

Embracing Inner Beauty: 8 Transformative Tips for Radiant Attraction

I mean it.

Yes, there are tips and ideas on how you can improve your hair, skin, clothing, etc. But in the end, even if you have all that down, you can still be a very unattractive person.

All of your actions and beliefs are going to really define how people see you.

And knowing exactly what you can do to become a person you’re proud of is going to make you a whole lot more attractive to others.

So let’s take the wonderful attributes you already have, and build on them!

1. They Figure Out Who They Want to Be

Fashionable woman smiling and in a forest setting.


While attractive women have worked to get rid of the negative self-beliefs they have, they don’t just focus on who they are right now.

They also figure out who they want to be.

So yes, it can be good to get rid of the negative thoughts you’ve had about yourself (based on what unkind people have said about you).

That helps you to see your good attributes and what you’re actually capable of.

But it’s also important to focus on the kind of person you want to become. You want to build on the amazing things that are already there so that you can become the best (and most attractive) version of yourself.

2. They Read & Learn to Better Themselves

Woman sitting and reading by the window.
PHOTO CREDIT: ASTA CONCEPT/SHUTTERSTOCK me%2Fv1708185684%2Fq9ebywrp1vfvdcogsgrq

You DESERVE a Better Life ❤

I wanna be a reminder that YOU deserve to live a life you love. Sign up so I can give you helpfully good advice & get you there! 🙂


It’s so important to keep on learning how to heal from childhood trauma, become better at your finances, and so much more!

So make sure to not just hit the young adult section for books.

Go ahead and buy those books that’ll help you create a life you love.

3. Mindfulness

Woman sitting on a couch with a yellow mug in her hands.

Mindfulness develops character and helps you appreciate the small things in life.

You also become more grateful for the things you have.

So even if you’re not eating a 5-star meal or have the most expensive clothing, you can still appreciate and pay attention to the good thing.

It also makes you a more attractive person to be around.

People naturally gravitate towards someone who is mindful and grateful.

4. Instagram

A hand holding an iPhone.

Yeah, you probably weren’t expecting this one!

I love following encouraging people on Instagram that help with mental health, happiness, and growth.

When you surround yourself with people who are growing, it encourages you to keep pushing forward.

5. They Know Their Worth

A women smiling.

You are exceedingly important as a human being.

Self-love is one of the keys to having a happy life.

If you know your worth, you’ll never allow toxic people into your life.

You’ll know they only cause dysfunction and stress, and you’ll love yourself enough to keep them far away.

6. They Don’t Feel Pressured to Always Be Happy

A woman lounging on a couch.

Know that it’s ok to have a hard day or not always want to be around people.

It’s ok to have a day to yourself to do some mental/emotional/spiritual self-care.

It’s ok to tell yourself, “Hey, life is hard, but I can do hard things. I’m going to get through this. This moment will pass.”

Also, this makes you a more attractive person because…

  1. People will admire you for this.
  2. You’ll be the best version of yourself if you’re not always pushing yourself.

7. They Connect with People

Two women hanging out and having coffee together.

Value your friendships and connect with people; pour into them.

Always be mindful to treat them the way you would want to be treated in every interaction.

Listen, build them up, give them help, and make them laugh.

By being a helping hand and a kind friend, this will help people to see the true you.

This is what makes you truly attractive.

8. Attractive Women Take Responsibility

A woman hugging her legs and looking thoughtful.

Have you ever known someone where no matter what, they always had to be right?

That when they were called out, they would downplay what they did or make it sound like what they did was justifiable?

No one wants to be around people like that.

They’re the kind of people who even if they looked completely perfect on the outside, others would quickly find them unattractive.

People who are actually attractive see when they’re wrong and don’t hide it.

They take responsibility and care about the person that was wronged.

Post originally published on Chasing Foxes.

How I Learned to Dress While Living in Europe: 8 Simple Tips

A fashionable woman posing by a plant and stairs.

When I lived in Europe, I was shocked to see how fashionable the women were.

And what they were doing wasn’t that complicated!

So if you want to learn how to dress like them and look amazing, then these are some of the best tips to read.

Capsule Wardrobe: What Is It and How Do You Build One?

A capsule wardrobe hanging in a room.

A capsule wardrobe is an amazing way to look incredible while saving a lot of money and time.

Gone are the days of those random clothing pieces in your closet you never wear.

Now is the time to make yourself look great with a lot less effort!

What is Makeup Primer (And Do I Really Need It?)

A hand holding Bio-Oil.

Primer has been a big game changer for me makeup-wise.

And if you’re wondering what it is, how to apply it, and if you really need it, I answer all these questions!

3 Helpful Tips from a Fashion Blogger on Building a Timeless Wardrobe

A woman standing in fashionable clothes.

This blogger shares some incredibly helpful tips on how to build a great wardrobe so you can look amazing.

You deserve to look and feel your best, so check out her very simple tips for making a wardrobe you’ll actually love!

Whether you’re going through a difficult time or you need more encouragement in your life, positive quotes can be an incredible tool for making your days a whole lot better.

You deserve the best life possible, so let’s use these helpful quotes to get you there more quickly!


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Tips To Keep Your Lips Soft and Smooth In Winter Sun, 28 Nov 2021 19:05:28 +0000 Winter skin problems are real, ladies, and one of them pesky problems is dry and chapped lips. As the temperatures drop, the dry winter wind strips the moisture away from your lips leaving them chapped, flaky, slit, sore and what not. But thankfully, proper winter lip care and the use of moisturizing lip products can save your lips from the wrath of cold weather.  Be sure to give them the love they need this winter. Read on to see 4 ways to care for your lips during the winter to keep them soft and hydrated.
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1.Eliminate Dead Skin

Cold wind can take a toll on our lips. Gently exfoliating with a lip scrub once or twice a day can make all the difference. There are many lip scrubs available to purchase in stores and online, but if you have some extra time, you can make your own too. Applying the lip scrub in the morning before putting on makeup will have your lips ready for the day. Using a scrub at night after brushing your teeth can rid your lips of any dead skin they accumulate over time. You may apply a scrub with a clean toothbrush, which may be harsh on sensitive lips. Partner your lip scrub with Intrinsics 12-ply gauze for gentle, but effective, abrasion.

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2. Don’t lick your lips

Chapped lips are common in winter, says Daniel Glass, a consultant dermatologist at the Dermatology Clinic, because of exposure to cold air outside and dry, centrally heated air inside. “Keratin, which forms the top layer of your skin, loses its flexibility and the lips become sore, cracked and scaly,” he says. “Many patients who have chapped lips are lip-lickers. Repeated licking can remove the oily surface film that protects the lips from losing moisture, leading to lips cracking. The digestive enzymes in saliva can also irritate the lips.”

dont lick your lips

3. Use a lip balm regularly

The number one rule of winter lip care is to always keep your lips hydrated. How, you ask? By applying a moisturizing lip balm on your lips regularly. Dry winter air zaps the natural moisture from your lips, leaving them dry and chapped. Treating them with the proper nourishment and a boost of hydration every once in a while is the key to keeping them healthy and happy even in the chilliest of the months.

Before going out, apply a generous amount of lip balm on your lips and top it with lipstick. That’s right! A layer of lipstick can actually protect your lips from the dry air, pollution and dirt. Also, keep your lip balm in your bag and reapply every time you feel your lips get dry and parched.

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4. Heal your lips with petroleum jelly

Cracked lips, flaky skin, slits, and cold sores are some of the skin issues that come with the colder weather. It is important to treat your cracked and chapped lips the right way so it heals properly and the skin woes don’t get worse. Avoid scrubbing or brushing your lips harshly when they are peeling or cracked. It can lead to infection and even worse, lip sores.

Apply petroleum jelly like Vaseline Original Pure Skin Jelly to heal chapped lips and moisturize them. Invest in a lip balm that is infused with an ointment or natural ingredients that help heal winter lip woes.  Vaseline Aloe Soothe Lip Care is a nourishing lip balm formulated with pure aloe vera extracts that soothe and heal your lips while also providing deep moisture to your lips.

Natural ways to keep your lips moisturized

5. Drink. More. Water.

If you feel like you read this advice everywhere, it’s because it’s true. Despite the fact that it may not be a sweltering, summer day, your body still needs water. Consuming your daily dose of H20 is beneficial for skin and lip hydration, and for your overall health. Get a glass/aluminum water bottle and stay hydrated throughout the day; your lips, skin, and body will thank you.

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What’s Going On With Your Skin While You Sleep Mon, 02 Aug 2021 16:28:23 +0000 Dermatologists explain exactly what’s happening to your skin while you sleep, and how you can use that understanding to get clear skin.

Beauty sleep for clear skin

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You know a good night’s sleep is necessary to feel well-rested and refreshed in the morning. Sleep is also important when it comes to skin health. In a small study published in the Royal Society Open Science, researchers found perceived attractiveness, health, sleepiness, and trustworthiness were rated lower among people who had restricted sleep for two days. In other words, a few nights of poor sleep made the sleep-deprived appear less attractive and healthy to others.

So, what exactly is happening to your skin while you sleep? And what does a lack of sleep do to it? Dermatologists discuss how the skin rejuvenates itself during sleep and what you can do to achieve healthy, clear skin.

Your skin cells are regenerating

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You likely have a good idea of how sleep affects the body, but do you know that skin cells go into makeover mode while you sleep? Several studies, including research published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, suggest skin cell growth and repair happens in the evening. “That’s when cell mitosis—cell division that renews and repairs skin—is at its peak, whether you’re asleep or not,” says Dennis Gross, MD, New York City-based dermatologist and founder of Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare. “This is when cells need nutrients the most, and when their anti-aging benefits have maximum impact.”

Your skin is more receptive to certain products

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During renewal, the mode is when you’ll get maximum impact from your anti-aging ingredients. “Put the heavy hitters on at night, like retinol and glycolic acid,” says Mona Gohara, MD, associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale School of Medicine.

Another reason to apply retinol at night is that sunlight can break down its active ingredients, causing irritation, and also make you more sensitive to sun damage. To minimize the risk of irritation, Dr. Gohara suggests alternating retinol and glycolic products, and always make sure you apply sunscreen in the morning.

Your skin loses moisture

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Skin sebum (oil) excretion peaks at midday, and there is less sebum production at night, according to Sonoa Au, MD, of Advanced Dermatology, P.C. in Brooklyn, New York. You lose more water overnight when you don’t have a protective layer of natural oils on your skin. Losing water from the skin is called transepidermal water loss, and it happens toward the end of the day and into the night. It’s important to replenish the water loss with moisturizers overnight to promote healthy, clear skin, Dr. Au suggests.

Your skin temperature changes

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When you sleep, your skin becomes slightly hotter and slightly more acidic, says Dr. Au. “Those factors contribute to slightly drier skin. That’s why dermatologists often recommend putting on a heavier cream at night, but it depends on your skin type.” If you have oily skin, she adds, you don’t want to put on something that’s too thick because it could cause acne or cysts.

You’re giving skin a break from the stress

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The amount of sleep you get can impact your levels of cortisol or stress hormones. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can show up on your face. “It’s important to respect the sleep-beauty connection,” says Dr. Gohara. “Not sleeping increases your cortisol levels and puts your skin in a pro-inflammatory state.” Poor sleep will cause your skin to look sullen, and you may experience puffiness around the eyes if you’re retaining water.

You can protect yourself from breakouts

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“If you’re under a lot of stress, it can cause inflammation, which can lead to acne,” says Dr. Au. “That’s the association between constant stress and the reaction of your skin,” she says. So when you’re in a calm resting state and sleeping, your body isn’t experiencing those inflammatory fluctuations that may lead to breakouts and prevent you from having clear skin.

You’re giving your skin an environmental break

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There’s a reason you don’t have to wear sunscreen after dark. “At night, there’s no UV damage, no environmental stresses, pollutants, no cigarette smoke, no big changes in temperature, and you’re not wearing makeup,” says Dr. Au. “All of these things happening at night means your skin has more time to rest and rejuvenate.”

There’s no sunlight to degrade your sun-spot creams

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Whether you’re applying bleaching creams (hydroquinone) alone or with retinoids (tretinoin) to fade age spots on the skin, make sure you’re doing that before you go to bed, suggests Dr. Au. During the day, when you’re in the sun, UV light causes an increase in melanin production, which results in pigment changes and darker color, counteracting what the products are designed to do.

You could cause creases on your face

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If you sleep on your side, that is. “Sleep position is important,” Dr. Gohara says. Sleep on your back to the best of your ability to avoid getting creases on one side of your face. Make sure your head is elevated too so excess fluid has a chance to drain, and you don’t wake up looking puffy.

How To Clean Your Hairbrushes: Step By Step Tutorial Fri, 02 Jul 2021 20:46:08 +0000 Everyone probably knows to clean their house, clothes, car, and hair. But you’d be surprised at how many people don’t know to clean their hairbrushes. Keep reading for the best way to clean hairbrushes and keep your hair healthy.

If you’re like many people, you probably pull hair from your brush from time to time and don’t give it another thought. But have you ever noticed the gunk lurking in the space where the bristles meet the surface? Hairbrushes can actually carry a lot of dirt, dust, oil, hair product, germs, and even dust mites!

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With the proper cleaning routine, you can keep your hairbrushes looking their best for a very long time (they should last years).

Step-By-Step directions to clean hairbrushes

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1. Remove hair

For a standard flat brush, you want to use a teasing brush, hair pick, pen, chopstick whatever you can find to lift up as much hair as you can from deep down in the brush. Then, put it all out with your hand and throw it away.

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If you have a round brush, you will need to lift the hair out with your pick of choice, then use scissors to cut a seam, then you can use your hand to remove the hair and dispose of it in the trash.

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2. Cleaning hairbrushes

What’ll you need

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  • medium size bowl
  • shampoo baking soda
  • old toothbrush
  • water
  • towel
How to do:

Fill the bowl halfway with warm water, add about 1 teaspoon of shampoo and a teaspoon of baking soda, and use an old toothbrush to stir.

Hold the brush over the bowl and dip the toothbrush in solution, and begin scrubbing the hairbrush base (or pad), making sure to clean the outer edge and bristles, dipping the toothbrush into cleaning solution as needed.

When cleaning a wooden hairbrush, be a little more cautious about how wet you get the brush. I shake the toothbrush a few times before scrubbing, so I’m not soaking the wooden brush as much as I do with a plastic or metal base brush.

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*Rinse a wooden hairbrush carefully, trying to only have the bristles in the water, making sure not to get the wood part wet, as much as you can.

If you have several hairbrushes to wash, you can skip the bowl and fill the bathroom sink with your cleaning solution. I toss all the plastic and metal brushes and combs in the sink and scrub them one at a time, drain the water and rinse.

Sometimes if I’m in a big hurry, I will use the sink to soak the hair-free brushes in a little warm water and shampoo while I put my makeup on, then rinse. It’s not a good idea to skip the scrubbing if they are really dirty, but if you clean your hairbrushes on a regular basis, you can skip the scrubbing every now and then.

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Ideally, you should clean your hairbrushes about once a month, but if you don’t, try to at least shoot for every three months.

Right Ways to Clean Makeup and Beauty Tools Wed, 23 Jun 2021 18:42:35 +0000  Mary Marlowe Leverette

Makeup Brushes

Unless you have extras, pick a time to clean your makeup brushes when you’re not in a rush.

  • First, wet the brush well with plain, cool water. Try to wet only the bristle part to prevent weakening the adhesive that holds the brush to the handle.
  • Place a dab of gentle shampoo or detergent in the palm of your hand and swish the brush through the shampoo, making sure it gets into the center of the brush.
  • Rinse with plain water, keeping that handle dry.
  • Gently squeeze the water out of the bristles, keeping them lying as flat as possible. Lay the brushes flat on a towel to air dry, at least overnight before using.

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Hair Brushes, Combs, and Hair Accessories

Hairbrushes and combs collect lots of oily dirt, dead skin and hair products on their surfaces. If you don’t clean them regularly, all of that gunk is transferred back to your hair and can leave it looking dull and flat.

  • First, remove as much hair as possible from the brush or comb with your fingers or with tweezers.
  • Next, dampen the brush or comb with water and work in a bit of shampoo. Use your hands to work the shampoo into the bristles or teeth.
  • Fill a sink with warm water and allow the brush and comb to soak for at least fifteen minutes. Finally, use an old toothbrush to loosen and residue that might remain.

Ultrasonic Facial Brushes

Even though you use a cleanser with your ultrasonic facial brush, it still needs to be cleaned regularly, at least weekly.

  • Unscrew the brush head.
  • Use a few drops of liquid antibacterial soap on an old toothbrush to scrub between the bristles.
  • Rinse well with warm water and then clean the handle with the soap and a soft cloth.
  • Allow the brush head to air dry overnight separated from the handle.

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Eyelash Curler

Mascara, eyeliner, and bacteria can all coat the surface of your eyelash curler. None of that sounds very conducive to good eye health. A curler should be cleaned at least weekly; daily if you have sensitive eyes or any type of eye infection.

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  • To clean the curler, wet a cotton pad or ball with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and wipe down all the surfaces that come in contact with your eyes.
  • Keep moving to a clean part of the pad as you work. When it looks clean, make one last pass with a clean pad dipped in rubbing alcohol.
  • Rinse with plain cool water because the alcohol may dry out any rubber or plastic components.
  • Allow to air dry on a clean towel.


They are used for lots of tasks and almost all of them involve contact with body fluids. To lessen the chance of infection, tweezers should be cleaned after every use.

  • For overall cleaning, wash the entire implement with a bit of antibacterial hand soap and warm water.
  • Then, dip the tips in rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide or rub with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.
  • Allow to air dry on a clean towel.

Makeup Pencil Sharpeners

Eyeliner, eyebrow and lip liner pencils all become dull and need to be sharpened. And, each of these has been in contact with body fluids before they are put in that sharpener. To prevent cross-contamination, the sharpener should be cleaned after every use.

  • Simply dip an old toothbrush into some rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and carefully get into the edges of the sharpener.
  • Rinse well with cool water and allow to air dry.


Natural Boar Bristle, Cushion, and Wooden Handle

Skip the soaking step because it can damage parts of the brush. Instead, you may need to repeat the shampoo and a bit of water using an old toothbrush and then rinse well and allow to air dry.
Don’t forget to clean plastic and metal barrettes, headbands and clips. They can be cleaned the same way and you may need to use a bit of rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad to remove hairspray residue.

For fabric headbands and bows, follow label directions, or spot clean with a gentle detergent and plain water. Allow the items to air dry and then spritz on a bit of spray starch or fabric sizing and gently reshape with your fingers.

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Manicure and Pedicure Tools

There are horror stories about infections from manicure and pedicure tools because the tools come in contact with dirt, bacteria and body fluids. Proper cleaning is essential.

Dispose of single-use items like wooden sticks and cotton pads after every use. Metal implements should be washed with warm water and antibacterial soap using an old toothbrush to get into the hard to reach areas and then the edges cleaned with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol or hydrogen peroxide after every use.

2. Cuticle Pusher

Plastic or synthetic materials like toe separators or nail brushes should be wiped down with rubbing alcohol. Abrasive surfaces like nail files and buffers can be cleaned by brushing with that clean nail brush.

Make sure tools are completely dry and stored properly in a clean container. Do not leave dirty tools in an airtight plastic bag or container because that can promote the growth of bacteria.

Curling and Flat Irons

Hair spray and other hair products can build-up on curling and flat irons and all of that heat simply bakes it onto the surface. You can’t just dunk these appliances in water, and scraping off the gunk can damage surfaces.

  • Unplug the appliance and make sure it is completely cool.
  • Then wet a cotton pad or ball with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and go over the sticky surfaces. Allow it to work for a few minutes. You may need to use several pads to complete the job.
  • Wipe down with a clean, damp cloth and then a soft, dry cloth.


The irons can also be cleaned by mixing a tablespoon of baking soda with one teaspoon of water. Apply the paste to the sticky areas with a soft cloth and “scrub” lightly. Wipe away the residue with a clean cloth dipped in plain water and then dry with a soft cloth.


6 Basic (and Easy) Tips To Keep Your Skin Healthy During Summer Mon, 21 Jun 2021 21:11:45 +0000 During the summer, it gets all the more difficult to keep the skin soft and healthy. While we may not be able to follow every beauty ritual necessary to protect our skin, an essential point to remember is to keep it well hydrated. Here are six rituals you should include in your beauty regime to keep your skin healthy and glowing this summer:

1. Moisturise

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Your body loses a lot of moisture during summers. So, it is essential to hydrate your body every now and then. Experts will tell you that it is a must to drink 10-12 glasses of water and increase your fruit intake to keep yourself hydrated all day long. Doing so will show the effect on your skin too. Other than that make sure to follow the ritual of cleansing, toning, and moisturizing at night before sleeping. You could use milk and honey, which are great natural moisturizers for the skin.

2. Cleanse and exfoliate

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Cleanse your face twice a day and scrub your skin two to three times a week to get rid of dirt and grime from deep within the pores. This is important or your skin won’t be able to benefit from the moisturizing lotions and face masks you try to use.

3. Don’t forget sunscreen

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Use sunscreen whenever you step out. This is crucial as sunscreen helps in shielding your skin from harmful UV radiations that bring about the early onset of skin aging.

4. Stay low on makeup

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Sure, we all love to apply makeup but during summers you need to keep it low. To protect the skin’s natural glow, the most important thing is to stay away from heavy makeup and get into the habit of taking it off before sleeping to let the pores breathe.

5. Use soothing ingredients like tomato

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A good way to keep your face fresh and cool during summers is to use tomatoes, which are a great source of antioxidants. Mix tomato and lemon juice and apply it all over your face (you could also make ice cubes of it). Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash with cold water. It will cool your skin and keep it hydrated too.

6. Use homemade face packs

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Face packs made from kitchen ingredients like milk, honey, and oatmeal can do wonders for your skin to keep it smooth and hydrated. You can also choose fruit face packs and sheet masks.

BONUS: 3 Natural ways to moisturize your skin

Oatmeal bath

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Oatmeal is known for its moisturizing, cleansing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. To make yourself a royal oatmeal bath, grind one cup of dry oatmeal in a blender. Add this to your bathtub filled with warm water, swirling your hand a few times so as to evenly distribute the mix. Soak in this for 15-20 minutes and pat yourself dry with a soft towel. You can indulge in an oatmeal bath twice a week.

Honey and olive oil

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The incredible healing and moisturizing properties of honey have been known since time immemorial. Olive oil, on the other hand, contains antioxidants and healthy fatty acids that help soothe and condition dry skin. Pamper your skin with the goodness of both mixings together a tablespoon of each with a few drops of lemon juice. Generously apply it to overexposed areas of your body and wipe with a warm washcloth after 15 minutes.

Milk or buttermilk

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Both milk and buttermilk act like natural moisturizers, penetrating deep into the skin pores, leaving you with soft and supple skin. Besides, they also help in keeping away wrinkles. Soak a cotton pad in chilled milk and generously apply it over your body. After you have applied the first layer, let it sit for 5-7 minutes before applying the second. Follow this twice a week before your bath.

Put in the time to take care of your skin and stay beautiful despite the scorching heat.

Best Home Natural Remedies To Treat Hair Fall Mon, 21 Jun 2021 18:54:58 +0000 Excessive hair loss can be a troublesome problem, often causing worry and affecting self-esteem, especially for women. However, if diagnosed right, you can control hair fall with certain home remedies that are natural and effective in saving your locks. Here’s a list of some home natural remedies to treat hair fall.

1. Egg Mask

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Eggs are rich in sulfur, phosphorous, selenium, iodine, zinc, and protein, which together help promote hair growth.

To prepare the mask:

  • Separate one egg white in a bowl and add a teaspoon each of olive oil and honey.
  • Beat to make a paste and apply it all over from root to tips.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse with a mild shampoo.

2. Licorice Root

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This herb prevents hair loss and further damage to the hair. It helps soothe the scalp and get rid of any dry flakes/dandruff.

  • Make a paste by adding a tablespoon of ground licorice root and a quarter teaspoon saffron to one cup of milk.
  • Apply this to your scalp and hair length and leave it on overnight.
  • The next morning, wash your hair.
  • Repeat this twice a week.

3. Coconut Milk

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The protein and essential fats in it promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.

How to do:

  • Grate a medium-sized coconut and simmer it in a pan for five minutes.
  • Strain and cool.
  • Then add one tablespoon of each crushed black pepper and fenugreek seeds to the milk.
  • Apply on your scalp and hair.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse with a shampoo.

4. Green Tea

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This tea is rich in antioxidants, which help boost hair growth and prevent hair loss.

  • Soak two-three teabags in one-two cups of hot water depending on the length of your hair.
  • When it cools, pour this over your scalp and hair, while gently massaging your head.
  • Rinse with cool water after an hour.

5. Beetroot Juice

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Beetroot is rich in vitamins C and B6, folate, manganese, betaine, and potassium, all of which are essential for healthy hair growth. Besides, it acts as a detoxification agent by helping keep the scalp clean.

  • Boil 7-8 beetroot leaves and grind along with 5-6 henna leaves.
  • Apply this paste on your scalp and leave for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

6. Greek Yoghurt and Honey

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  • Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt with 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon in a bowl.
  • Using a dye brush, apply this paste to the scalp and roots.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water.
  • Apply this paste once a week.

7. Aloe Vera

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Aloe Vera is an effective home remedy for hair loss and to boost hair growth. It is also effective in reducing problems of the scalp like itching and flaking.

  • Take the stalk of Aloe Vera and extract the pulp.
  • Apply it to your hair and scalp and leave it for about 45 minutes.
  • Rinse with normal water. You can do this three to four times a week to see better results.

8. Fenugreek Seeds

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Fenugreek or Methi seed is among the most effective home remedies to stop hair loss. It repairs the hair follicles and helps in the re-growth of the hair.

  • Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in water.
  • Grind it to a fine paste and apply it to your hair and scalp.
  • Leave the paste on your head for about 30 minutes.
  • You can cover your scalp using a shower cap to keep it moist.
  • After 30 to 40 minutes, rinse it with normal water.
  • You don’t have to use any shampoo.
  • Do it twice a week for a month to control hair fall.

9. Onion Juice

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The antibacterial properties of onions help fight against scalp infections, while the sulfur content improves the circulation of blood to the hair follicles. It promotes hair growth and controls the loss of hair.

  • To extract onion juice, grind the onion and then squeeze out the juice.
  • Dip the cotton ball in the onion juice and apply it to your scalp.
  • Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash it off using normal water and a mild shampoo.
  • Follow this procedure once a week and see the difference.

10. Amla

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Indian Gooseberry or Amla is another effective home remedy to stop hair fall. One of the causes is the deficiency of vitamin C, hence consuming amla will strengthen the hair follicles and help you to control it. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties, amla help promote faster growth of hair, maintain a healthy scalp, and prevents premature greying.

  • You can mix lime juice and the amla powder to make a paste.
  • Massage it to your scalp and hair.
  • Use a shower cap to cover your head so that the paste doesn’t dry out.
  • Keep it for an hour and then rinse it off with normal water.

PLUS: Diet For Healthy Hair

While treatments and shampoos do play a role in maintaining healthy hair, the secret to thick, shiny, strong tresses is a healthy diet.


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Iron deficiency is the main cause of hair fall. Spinach is not only a great source of iron but also vitamin A, C, and protein. It also contains sebum which acts as a natural conditioner for hair and provides us with omega-3 acid, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. These help in maintaining a healthy scalp and lustrous hair.


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Known to be good for the eyes, carrots contain Vitamin A that also improves hair growth. Deficiency of vitamin A may lead to a dry and itchy scalp. Carrots are known to add to the thickness of hair, make hair lustrous, improve blood circulation, strengthen the hair, protect hair from external damages like pollution and also help prevent breakage of hair and hair fall.


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Since hair is composed of 68 percent keratin protein, eggs help rebuild damaged hair. They are also rich in a B vitamin called biotin that helps hair grow.


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Oats are rich in fiber, zinc, iron, omega-6 fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that stimulate hair growth and will make your hair thick and healthy.


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Walnuts contain biotin, B vitamins (B1, B6, and B9), Vitamin E, plenty of protein, and magnesium – all of which strengthen hair cuticles and nourish the scalp. It helps protect your cells from DNA damage that may be caused due to sun exposure.


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Lentils are a great source of protein, iron, zinc, and biotin. They are also loaded with folic acid which is necessary for restoring the health of red blood cells that supply the skin and scalp with much-needed oxygen.


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Lean meats like chicken or turkey are rich in high-quality protein which strengthens fragile hair and prevents breakage.

Strawberries and Guavas

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Strawberries contain high levels of silica. Silica is a trace mineral vital for hair strength and hair growth. Other foods rich in silica include rice, oats, onion, cabbage, cucumber, and cauliflower. Vitamin C also prevents hair from becoming brittle and breaking. While we often think of oranges as the best source of vitamin C, one guava packs four to five times as much.


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Yogurt is packed with Vitamin B5 and Vitamin D that are known to promote hair follicle health.

Sweet Potatoes

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Beta carotene protects against dry, dull hair and stimulates the glands in your scalp to make an oily fluid called sebum. Orange-colored fruits and vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe, mangoes, and sweet potatoes are a great source of this.

Easy Fixes For Your Most Annoying Beauty Problems Tue, 01 Jun 2021 08:16:01 +0000  

Staticky Hair

If static buildup has your strands standing on end, you can fix it by swiping a dryer sheet across your hair. (If you don’t want your hair to smell like clean laundry, look for unscented dryer sheets to use for this purpose.)

Beauty Emergencies

Limp Curls

Whether it’s because of heat, humidity, or even the alignment of the stars and planets, sometimes your hair just will not stay curled. But there’s a quick way to revive your curls, and you can even do it while traveling or at the office!

Dampen a section of your hair, wrap the hair around a marker or pen, then secure it in place with a binder clip. Repeat with all of your most uncooperative curls, then use a hair dryer, hand dryer or even the air vents in your car to help the curls set.

Beauty Emergencies

Once your hair feels dry, remove the binder clips and markers and say hello to your revitalized curls!

Fading Lipstick

Having trouble getting your lipstick to stay put? Reapply it, then hold a tissue over your lips and use a fluffy makeup brush to apply a bit of translucent setting powder to your lips over the tissue.

The tissue will allow enough of the powder through to help set your lipstick without making your lips look dry or powdery. Your lipstick will last much longer afterward!

Beauty Emergencies

Clumpy Mascara

If your mascara is looking a bit clumpy, run a bit of clear mascara through your lashes to help separate the clumps. You can also use a flosser, a small comb, or other small items to manually separate the clumps in a pinch!

Beauty Emergencies

 Unruly Eyebrows

To tame unruly eyebrows, spray a bit of hairspray on a clean toothbrush and run it over your brows. The hairspray will help keep them in place throughout the day.

Beauty Emergencies

Smudged Eyeliner

It happens to everyone—you reach up to rub your eye and end up accidentally smudging your eyeliner! If you have a pencil on hand, you’re in luck. Just use the pencil eraser to wipe away the smudges.

Beauty Emergencies

Messy Eyeshadow

Some eyeshadows are impossible to apply without getting it under your eyes and on your cheeks. To avoid this, hold a small piece of tape or a sticky note under your eye to prevent the loose powder from settling on your face (or you can use the tape or sticky note after the fact to pick up the eyeshadow fallout.)

Beauty Emergencies

Cracks In Pressed Powders

Finding out your favorite pressed powder, eyeshadow, or bronzer has cracked is never fun, but it’s not a lost cause! Just add a few drops of rubbing alcohol along the cracks and press the pieces back together. Once it dries, it’ll be good as new!

Beauty Emergencies


To help get rid of a blemish ASAP, grab your bottle of aspirin! Crush up an aspirin tablet, mix it with just enough water to make a paste, then dab the past onto the blemish to help dry it out in a hurry.

Beauty Emergencies

Puffy Eyes

Lack of sleep and allergies can both result in red, puffy skin around your eyes. Place two damp tea bags (black or green tea work best) onto your eyelids for 10-15 minutes to quickly soothe irritation and reduce inflammation around your eyes.

Beauty Emergencies

Less-Than-White Teeth

If your teeth are looking less-than-white, swapping your lipstick can make a surprisingly big difference! Orange, yellow, and beige shades can all make your teeth appear more yellow than they actually are.

Instead, select a bright red shade, or any red shade that has a blue base or blue undertones. These can help your teeth look whiter instantly!

Top 5 Teeth Whitening Home Remedies - NDTV Food

source: onegoodthing
