cleaning – Tue, 30 Jul 2024 03:42:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cleaning – 32 32 10 Unique Ways to Get Rid Of Spiders for Good Without Using Chemicals Tue, 30 Jul 2024 03:42:55 +0000 This means spiders are likely lurking. While spiders usually reside outdoors, they can become a huge nuisance once they decide to build their webs inside your home — or, worse, in your kitchen.

Luckily, there are many home remedies to manage these critters. Keep them at bay with these 10 all-natural spider repellents.

1. Peppermint essential oil, dishwashing liquid.

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Remedy Daily

Add 3 cups water, 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid, and 1 tablespoon peppermint essential oil to a spray bottle. Shake and spray. Just remember, this formula is a spider repellent, not a spider killer.

2. Cinnamon

Sprinkle cinnamon around the perimeter of your house to prevent spiders from coming inside.

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3. Minty cotton balls

Dip cotton balls in mint essential oil and place them underneath or outside your home.

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4. Chestnuts

Try keeping chestnuts on your window sills to deter spiders.

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5. Saltwater

Saltwater is an excellent spider killer. Spray a solution made from 1 gallon of warm water and 1 ounce salt directly onto spiders and spider nests.

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6. White vinegar

Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and water, and use the mixture to spray in cracks and crannies.

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7. Citrus peel

Rub citrus peels on baseboards, windowsills and bookshelves to prevent spiders from coming into the house. Spiders detest citrus with such fervor that even lemon-scented furniture polish will do the trick.

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Remedy Daily

8. Cedar hangers

If you find spiders lurking in your closet, switch to cedar hangers.

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9. Tobacco

Spiders know to stay away from tobacco. To make an effective spider repellent, mix tobacco with water and spray it on entrances.

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10. Coconut oil

It really does cure everything, doesn’t it? Mixing one part coconut oil with two parts water can prevent spiders from intruding.

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Source: Remedy Daily

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The Do’s and Don’ts for Clear Drains That Every Homeowner Should Know Fri, 12 Jul 2024 10:24:49 +0000 The Don’ts

The number one cause of clogged drains is grease. Body oils, food oils, oils from soaps and shampoos – these all cool and harden as they enter your drains and gradually build up until you have a badly clogged drain.

When you add hair or other food particles to the mix – well, you get the picture.

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Image: Pixabay

With that said, here are 10 other items you should never put down your drains:

  • Flour⁠ – water and flour make clumps.
  • Bones⁠ – most disposals don’t handle bones well, and the shards can more easily stick to already coated drains, and then stop other items from getting through.
  • Rice⁠ – rice expands and contracts based on the amount of water. It is also starchy, and this starch will coat your pipes.
  • Coffee Grounds⁠ – coffee grounds do not dissolve or break down and easily stick to the buildup in pipes and create sludge.
  • Mashed Potatoes (starchy foods)⁠ – like rice, starch forms a sticky goo as it breaks down.
  • Banana Peels⁠ – the fibrous threads in banana peels do not break down quickly and can form a sort of netting when it sticks to your pipes.
  • Fibrous Vegetables (like celery, broccoli, and asparagus)⁠ – the fibers in vegetables are good for helping clean out your own “pipes” but work against you in your plumbing.
  • Eggshells – eggshells have a membrane that sticks to everything in your pipes, and the tiny shell fragments don’t break down, instead they harden and form a block. Plus, the shells have dull disposal blades.
  • Medicine⁠ – medicine won’t cause clogs unless they are oil based (like vitamin E), but they do get into the water system.
  • Gasoline – if gasoline is poured down the drain, it can ignite and cause an explosion, not to mention contaminate our waters.

The Do’s

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So other than dishwater, what can you put in your drains?

  • If you want to sharpen your disposal blades, put ice in your drain and run the unit.
  • To prevent future clogs, add an eco-friendly enzyme treatment that will organically eat away at the buildup in your pipes.
  • Try not to use harsh chemicals like bleach or chemical drain cleaners, which can soften PVC pipes and damage older plumbing.
  • To help keep drains running, flush them for about 10 seconds after each use to make sure any loose materials are washed away. You can also add a 1:1 ratio of vinegar and water to your drain weekly to keep things flowing.

When It’s Not Your Drain

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Image: Pixabay

If you find that all of your sinks, showers, tubs, and toilets are not draining well, the problem is likely not in your pipes but in your sewer line. Calling in a plumber to diagnose exactly what is going on is the smartest move if this happens.


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Household Shortcuts That Will Save Your Time Wed, 13 Oct 2021 17:17:04 +0000 Jill Nystul

No one wants to spend longer on household chores than they have to, right? Luckily, we found some simple shortcuts to share with you that will save you time at every turn. From accomplishing common tasks in record time to reducing the amount of work you have to do altogether, these tips will free up more of your time so you can spend it however you please.

Spray Your Dishes

Dawn Powerwash is a relatively new “dish spray” product that can help make post-meal cleanup easier. You just spray it on your dishes as you place them in the sink, and the sudsy solution goes to work immediately loosening up food residues so that when you’re ready to wash or rinse them, the gunk slides right off.

But you can save yourself a few dollars by making my DIY version of Dawn Powerwash.

Hang A Pocket Organizer Near Your Door

Make it easier to find everything you need on your way out the door with an over-the-door pocket organizer. They offer plenty of space for your wallet, keys, gloves, umbrella, and just about anything else you might need on your way out the door.

Hang the organizer on the inside of a closet near the door you use most often. Everything will stay organized and easily accessible, while also staying neatly out of sight.

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Give Cleaners Time To Clean

Let your cleaners do the hard work for you by spraying them on grimy surfaces and letting them sit for a few minutes before scrubbing or wiping. This gives the cleaning agents in the solution time to start breaking down grease and dirt, making it faster and easier for you to wipe up the mess and move on with your day.

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 Try The Faster Wash Cycles

If your dishwasher or washing machine has a “Light Wash” or “Quick Wash” cycle option, give those a try. Oftentimes you’ll find that these shorter or less intensive washes clean just as thoroughly in a lot less time.

And if that does turn out to be the case for your dishwasher or washer, you’ll save water with every use too.

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Make Cleaning Caddies For Individual Tasks

Another smart way to save yourself time is to set up a few different “cleaning caddies” containing everything you need to do one particular cleaning task. For instance, you could make a caddy for dusting that includes a dusting spray, your duster of choice, and a few microfiber cloths for dusting smaller items and knickknacks.

Then it’s time to do some dusting, you can grab your dusting caddy and and then put it away when you’re done. You’ll have everything you need and won’t have to waste time gathering supplies.

Race The Clock

When an area needs tidying up, grab a basket and set the timer on your phone for 5 minutes. You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in just a few minutes when you’re racing the clock.

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 Line Your Fridge

Line the drawers and shelves in your fridge with sheets of wax paper. When spills and messes inevitably drip onto the wax paper, you can replace it with a fresh sheet instead of having to scrub at a hardened, sticky mess.

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Wash Your Blender In Seconds

Next time you need to clean your blender cup, just fill it with a little bit of water and a few drops of soap. Set it on the blender base and pulse it a few times, and the sudsy water will wash the inside of the blender cup. It even gets under and around the blades, and it’s so quick and easy!

how to clean a blender

Remove Your Shoes

Get everyone who lives with you in the habit of leaving shoes at the door. Your floors will stay a lot cleaner when you’re tracking less dirt into the house, which means less cleaning for you.


Keep Washed Clothes Fresh

If you’re starting a load of laundry and know you won’t be able to move it into the dryer right away when it’s done, add a drop or two of Freshly Washed to the wash. This essential oil blend contains oils with anti-fungal properties, which will help keep your clothes smelling clean and fresh until you can get them into the dryer.

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Essential oils could stain delicate fabrics, so I suggest adding the oil to a sock or rag and adding that to the load of laundry before you start it.

Windows and Mirrors 

Use old newspapers to clean mirrors and windows; they make a recyclable and disposable cleaning tool. Vinegar is an inexpensive cleaning product that can also be used on windows and mirrors to clean and shine surfaces. To prevent streaking and extra rubbing, wait for an overcast day to clean your mirrors and windows.

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The Golden Rules Of Cleaning That You Wish Knew Sooner Tue, 12 Oct 2021 16:12:40 +0000 Clean from the top down

Don’t fight gravity when you clean. You’ll lose. Working from high to low almost always works better in cleaning situations.

When you’re cleaning the entire house, start on the top floor and work your way down to avoid tracking through rooms you have already cleaned.
When you’re cleaning a room, first remove the cobwebs from the ceiling and upper molding. Then dust the ceiling fan and light fixtures, followed by window frames and wall hangings. Moving downward, conquer the furniture, baseboards, and floors. This ensures that any dust shaken loose from on high does not settle on something you’ve already cleaned below. You don’t want to dust the room twice, do you?

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Similarly, when you clean windows and mirrors, start up high and work your way down, because your cleaner obeys gravity. This saves you elbow grease and time.
The rare exception to this rule is wall washing. If you start at the top when you’re washing a wall in your home, dirty water will drip onto the lower areas you haven’t cleaned yet, making streaks that will be tough to remove.

Think dry, then wet

When you’re cleaning a room, start with the cleaning jobs that require dry methods (dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming, for instance). Then move on to wet methods (using an all-purpose cleaner and glass cleaner, mopping, and the like). This way, there will be less dirt floating around in the room to cling to wet surfaces.

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Start with the least harmful approach

Use your gentlest cleaning methods first and move up to more aggressive techniques only if necessary. And know your materials well enough so that you will stop your cleaning efforts before you do damage. Better to suffer along with a small spot on your stovetop, for instance, than to ruin the surface with steel wool.

Let time do the work for you

A little time management trick will make your cleaning easier and faster. When you plot out your approach to a cleaning task, remember to spray on your cleaning chemicals first and then find another little job to do while the cleaner does its dirty work. If you’re cleaning in the kitchen, for instance, spray your cleaner on the counter and appliances, then occupy yourself with removing old food from the refrigerator while the cleaner soaks in. When you come back to wipe clean, there will be little or no scrubbing to do.

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When in doubt, make a stealth test

Before you use a new cleaning technique or product, test the method on an inconspicuous area of the object you’re cleaning. This rule also applies when you first clean an object that is delicate and might be damaged by a cleaning compound. Testing will show you whether the object is colorfast and whether the cleaning method is likely to do damage.

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Vinegar to Wipe Away Hard Water Stains

One of the best cleaning solutions is a mixture of 50% white vinegar and 50% water. The acid in the vinegar cuts through mineral deposits that cause hard water stains. Simply spray this vinegar solution onto faucets and tile, let sit for 5-15 minutes, then wash with clean water and a rag or sponge. For tougher stains and grime build-up, mix baking soda, vinegar, and water into a paste. Use a toothbrush or sponge to polish the surface clean and sparkling.

vinegar rid of hard water stain

Don’t deluge easily damaged items

When you clean an item that could be harmed by a liquid cleaning product (electronics, computer screens, framed artwork, or framed photographs, for example), first spray the cleaner on your cleaning cloth and then wipe. Don’t spray cleaner directly on the object you’re cleaning. Cleaner dripping into your electronics could do damage, and cleaner dripping into a frame and soaking the matting could harm your artwork.

closet mess

Yes, you’ve heard this before

But the makers of all of those wonderful furnishings in your house do know best how to clean them. And the makers of your cleaning products know best how to use them. So when at all possible, follow the manufacturer’s directions when cleaning anything. This goes for everything from toasters to silk blouses and down comforters to miniblinds. File the directions and cleaning tips that come with any new appliance, rug, or other household items. Don’t remove those care labels that come on clothes, linens, and other potentially washable objects.

Chalk to Remove Oil Stains on Clothing

How many times have you ruined your favorite shirt by splattering it with bacon grease during the breakfast rush? After your next unfortunate encounter with oil or grease, before you throw your shirt in the washing machine, pretreat it by rubbing plain old white chalk into the stain. The chalk will absorb the grease, making it more likely that the shirt will emerge from the wash stain-free.

stain on clothing

Protect thyself

Last but not least, take care of yourself. Many cleaning products contain acid, bleach, abrasives, and other ingredients that can damage your eyes, skin, nose, and even your lungs. So make sure your cleaning kit includes a pair of rubber gloves and protective safety glasses. If it’s not too steamy, wear old long pants or sweats and an old long-sleeved shirt to cover your arms in case of spatters from cleaning products. Cover your hair with a kerchief or baseball cap.

To protect your nails, dab a line of petroleum jelly underneath your nails to keep out dirt. Dot more on your cuticles to keep them from drying out, roughening, and splitting from exposure to cleaning chemicals.
Don’t let your cleaning products get mixed together. Some combinations–chlorine bleach and ammonia, for instance–will produce poisonous gases.
When you’re using cleaning chemicals, make sure the room you’re in is properly ventilated.

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Dryer Sheets to Clean Stubborn, Stuck-On Food

Scrubbing pots and pans is never anyone’s favorite chore, but it can seem truly impossible when you’re trying to remove heavily burnt-on food using just a scrubber and soap. Make the job easier by dropping a dryer sheet into a dirty pot filled with soap and water. Let the dryer sheet sit in the soapy water for an hour, then be prepared to be amazed at how easily all the gunk and grime come off.

dryer sheets clean pans

Mouthwash for the Washer

Have you ever pulled a load of laundry out of the washer that smelled less than fresh? Eliminate musty smells in the washing machine by running a cycle with mouthwash. Not only does this disinfecting substance leave your mouth smelling squeaky clean, but it also gets rid of odor-causing bacteria in the laundry room.

mouthwash in washing machine

Cornstarch for Tarnished Silver

Cornstarch is primarily used as a thickening agent in soups, stews, and stir-fries, but it can also perform well around the house as a gritty cleaning agent. Apply a paste of cornstarch and water to your tarnished silver, let it dry, then wipe it off to reveal that sparkling surface. 

polish silverware
