cooking hacks – Sat, 22 Jan 2022 16:48:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cooking hacks – 32 32 We debunked 10 kitchen myths that our mothers used to swear by Sat, 22 Jan 2022 16:48:50 +0000 Over the years, our grandmothers and mothers saved a variety of useful kitchen tips and passed them on to the next generation. However, in the age of the Internet, such life hacks are becoming increasingly popular, making it increasingly difficult to determine which hacks are good and which are bad. Are all of these kitchen myths as good and effective as they’re made out to be?

Myth № 1: To make dough thicker, you need to mix soda with vinegar.

To debunk this myth, we did not actually bake any buns, but rather, remembered the lessons of chemistry class. So, in order for soda to be used as a baking powder, it needs an acidic environment. But a common ’60s housewife somehow decided to mix the soda with vinegar (apparently, it was at hand most often). As a result of the reaction, carbon dioxide is released, adding a little puff to the dough. The problem is that carbon dioxide escapes before it gets to the dough.

Ideally, you need to mix soda with dry ingredients and acid, then with liquid, and quickly mix both parts and bake. However, in this method, it is better to use not vinegar, but sour cream, buttermilk, or lemon juice as an acid instead – or simply buy a bag of baking powder. We think this method is better left in the past.

Conclusion: does not work.


Myth № 2: To make eggs easy to shell, you need to put them into cold water after cooking.

Hard-boiling eggs perfectly so that the shell can be easily removed is a form of art. Just immersing eggs in cold water is clearly not enough.

Chef Kenji Lopez-Alt has cooked thousands of eggs over the past few years to find the perfect cooking technology. He advises dropping eggs into boiling water – and not cold, despite what everyone is used to. We did this ourselves! The eggs were really cleaned better when they were brewed in boiling water. However, you must be attentive because, at different temperatures, eggs can simply crack.

Here are a few more secrets:

  • The fresher the egg, the harder it is to peel off the shell.
  • Ready eggs should be placed in ice cold water for at least 15 minutes, and then cleaned under cold running water.
  • To make sure eggs are 100% not going to crack, try cooking them in couples. Kenji claims that this is the perfect way of cooking them.

Conclusion: It works, but only if all the other rules are followed.


Myth № 3: To make a dirty pan easy to clean, you need to boil saline solution in it

Old cookbooks advise housewives to clean a burnt pan in the following way: add some water, a lot of salt and boil it all together. Alas, this advice did not ease the unfortunate fate of our poor saucepan: the dirt remained exactly as it was. In addition, such a caustic slurry of salt can be harmful to stainless steel.

There turned out to be a much more effective and easy way to clean a dirty pan: soak it in warm water, leave it that way overnight, and in the morning it will be much easier to clean, no matter how messy it was.

Conclusion: does not work.


Myth № 4: To keep your hands and dishes from smelling like fish, you need to rinse them with cold water, and then wipe them with vinegar or lemon.

It is difficult to get rid of the smell of fish, and even detergents do not always help. The good old advice works best here: rinse the surface with running water and then wipe them with lemon juice. A weak solution of vinegar also helps to solve this problem.

Conclusion: it works.


Myth № 5: To prevent cheese from getting stale, you need to store it in parchment paper instead of plastic wrap.

When sold, cheese is usually wrapped in plastic, and many store it in it as well. But they say that parchment paper is much better suited for storing food items, including cheese.

One piece of cheese we packed with plastic wrap and the other, with parchment paper; and then left them in the refrigerator for three days. The result surprised us: The cheese that we wrapped in the paper was very dry and became stale while the one in plastic wrap, on the other hand, remained unharmed.

Perhaps the best advice would be to eat cheese as soon as possible before it starts to deteriorate.

Conclusion: does not work.


Myth № 6: To cut onions without crying, you need to dip the knife in cold water.

We tend to have a lot of trouble cooking with onions: either they fall apart when we try to cut them, or they make us cry our eyes out. It is advised to cut onions with a wet knife, wetting it from time to time while chopping them.

This advice generally works, but it all depends on the “stinging” of the onion and the sensitivity of your eyes. We still had a hard time trying not to cry, despite all the measures being taken. Additionally, dunking your knife in water every minute is not particularly convenient.

Conclusion: it generally works.


Myth № 7: To make potatoes easy to peel after cooking, they should be left for a couple of minutes in ice cold water.

When potatoes are boiled and drained of excess water, we usually give them some time to cool down and only then, proceed to peel them. But this is no fun: the peel doesn’t want to come off and is always sticking to your fingers!

In order to facilitate the procedure, you can follow this technique: Boil potatoes and then dip them in ice cold water for a couple of minutes before cleaning them. And it works fine – the potatoes cool down properly, and thanks to the moisture, the peel is cleaned without any problems. However, there are a few “buts” here: the vegetables become a bit watery and don’t cook as well this way. Although, we did not notice a big difference either in appearance or in taste. Perhaps we just don’t know how to cook?

Conclusion: it works.


Myth № 8: To quickly cool a hot drink, you need to place it in a basin containing ice sprinkled with salt.

Simple physics work here: when salt is added, the ice melts, but its temperature decreases. This mixture is capable of cooling a hot drink in a matter of minutes — our compote almost turned into ice in about five minutes.

Conclusion: it works.


Myth № 9: To keep onions from tasting bitter, pour hot water over them.

Very few people can enjoy the bitter taste of onions in dishes. However, they can be “defused” by following a simple process. After you have chopped the onions, place them in a small bowl and pour boiling water in it. Leave for one to two minutes, then drain. Onions don’t actually taste bitter at all after this — we checked.

Conclusion: it works.


Some tips for cutting onions:

  • Sometimes the peel holds on tightly to the onion. In order not to mess around and not have to remove it with a knife, just remove the top layer together with the peel. We tried it, and it really works.
  • Do not cut the “tail” of the onion: it is very convenient for holding it while cutting. You can just throw it away afterward.
  • If you don’t want to cut off your fingers, you should never hold the bulb as shown in the picture on the left — the risk of cutting yourself is too high. Bend your fingers and hold the bulb firmly so you will save your hands and learn how to shred like a real boss.

Myth № 10: To prevent avocados from getting darkened, you need to store it together with a slice of onion.

We could not ignore this advice, our love for avocados here at Bright Side is too strong! Many people know that if you leave avocado halves in the refrigerator for at least a day, they quickly begin to darken. To avoid this, some housewives advise storing the avocado alongside a slice of onion.

We tested this simple method and here’s what we discovered after three days: the onion did not help the fruit retain its appearance. In addition, the avocado adopted a light onion smell, which probably won’t make anyone happy. Most likely, the avocado did not darken due to the tightly sealed package, and this is the method of storage we strongly recommend.

Conclusion: does not work.

Weird Kitchen Life Hacks That Even Chefs Would Appreciate Fri, 14 Jan 2022 18:02:13 +0000 Many people confuse the terms “life hack” and “advice,” but they are not. A life hack, according to one study, is a method of doing something ordinary in a simpler and more effective way. Everybody can invent a life hack; all you need is the courage to try.

To cut an onion and not cry, put a burning candle next to yourself

To cut an onion and not cry, put a burning candle next to yourself


 Place a folded damp cloth or tea towel under a chopping board, it stabilizes the board while you’re using it, and saves the board from slipping


If you cut tomatoes with a bread knife, the circles will be thin and the juice won’t be all around the kitchen


One-pan chicken thighs can be cooked on a wire rack over sliced potatoes. The potatoes will taste much better this way


Why wash greasy containers by hand if you can do it this way?


Put a paper towel in a dirty container, put some dish soap in it, and add some water. Close the lid, shake the container, take out the dirty paper towel and rinse the container. It’s done!

Food thaws faster if you set it in a frying pan. The cold conducts to the metal of the pan where it is dissipated faster


Use a slice of bread, plastic wrap, and an airtight container to store homemade sushi


 “This splatter shield was too small for my pan.”


Use a tablespoon to peel a boiled egg in a matter of seconds


Keep the pasta water — it will be a great base for the sauce because of the starch in it

Put a measuring cup in the colander to save some pasta water.


If you don’t have a dishwasher, you can wash greasy silicone sponge holders and plastic container tops in the washing machine


“I call it lazy lasagna; frozen ravioli layered with sauce and mozzarella baked in the oven. Anyone else does this?


Sometimes, there are life hacks that make us think, “Come on, that’s impossible!” But then it turns out that it really works! Have you ever been in a situation like this?

 “I came into the kitchen and saw this rice bag after boiling. Very smart.”


10 Genius Shortcuts To Make Your Kitchen Tasks Easier Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:43:12 +0000 These 10 clever food hacks will make life in the kitchen more enjoyable and cooking easier, from making eggs with cookie cutters to whipping cream with a whisk and preserving ginger in vodka.

It doesn’t have to be difficult to put delicious meals on the table.

Simply take advantage of these easy DIY food hacks to save money, time, and the aggravation of the kitchen.

Softening brown sugar food hacks

Brown sugar is great in recipes but if you don’t use the whole box of it, you will likely find a hardened mess the next time you need to use it.

There is no need to throw the box away! Just use this cooking tip to soften brown sugar easily.
Cooking hack – soften brown sugar with bread

Add a slice of bread to the bag or container of brown sugar. Within a few hours (longer if it is really hard), the brown sugar will become soft again.

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Why does this work? The slice of bread contains moisture. This moisture will evaporate if the bread is exposed to air.

However, if the bread is in a sealed container with some dried out brown sugar, the water vapor molecules will stick to the sugar crystals. This causes them to be surrounded by a thin layer of water, so the sugar will soften and crumble.

Tip: Be sure to remove the bread so that it does not grow mold.

These are some other kitchen hacks that will help to soften brown sugar:

  • Zap the brown sugar in the microwave for a few seconds
  • Cover the brown sugar with a damp clean towel and leave overnight. It should be soft by morning.
  • Place the brown sugar in a zip lock bag and add a slice of apple.
  • Wrap brown sugar in aluminum foil and cook it in a 300 degree oven for 5 minutes.

Cookie cutter eggs hack

It’s time for some fun in the morning. If you are like me, you will have a whole host of cookie cutters that you rarely use. Put them to a creative use by making cookie cutter eggs.

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Kids love these breakfast treats and even the kids who don’t particularly like eggs might be tempted to eat them.

Any shape of cookie cutter will work as long as it has a decent sized edge. The one pictured here is a flower but you could let your imagination go wild.

Imagine the smile that an egg on a plate shaped like a flower would bring? Use your festive shapes for any holiday breakfast treat.

For this breakfast shape, a flower cookie cutter was used. Metal cookie cutters work best because they are coated and are designed withstand the heat to make eggs.

This food hack works best if you like your eggs sunny side up, of course!

Choose egg rings in flower and star shapes as well as many other designs for a whimsical breakfast.

For more ideas for using cookie cutters to make eggs, head on over to this cookie cutter eggs post.

Shucking corn food hack

One of the pleasures of summer is eating corn on the cob – until you get a mouth full of corn silk, that is. This corn on the cob hack will teach you how to cook corn easily so that every trace of corn silk is gone when you shuck the ears.Get silk free corn every time with this fool-proof coking hack

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The trick is to cook it in the microwave, husks and all. The steam will release the husk slightly so that you can pull off the entire outside, along with the silk, in one motion when it is done.

Storing ginger hack

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Did you know that you can grow ginger from ginger root? It is easy to do and this hack shows how to store the ginger you grow.

Ginger is one of those spices that I need when I want to do a Chinese stir fry, but I find that I can’t use up a big piece of it fast enough to prevent deterioration. I’m always on the lookout for different means of ginger storage.

‘Cooking hacks – storing ginger in vodka

Ginger Storage is Easy with a Bottle of Vodka!

It is possible to freeze ginger, but I have found it will get mushy when defrosted. If you do freeze it, grate it in a frozen state and return the unused portion back to the freezer.

Storing ginger, even in the fridge, (unless you use it often) usually means that you ends up with a wrinkled piece just when you decide to use the ginger in a recipe.

Here is a neat ginger storage hack that includes vodka. Hey! What is not to like? Vodka is not just for drinking.?

To store the ginger in vodka just peel the piece of ginger and chop it into 1″ pieces. Place the cut ginger into a small jar of pure vodka. Dry sherry, sake or rice wine will also work.

The ginger will stay very fresh and won’t get that slimy film that you can get with just plain water. Also, there is no residual alcohol taste. Use it up over the course of a couple of weeks.

It’s not just vodka that will keep the ginger fresh. Any spirit will do but it may change the flavor quite a bit. Vodka keeps the ginger the longest and changes the flavor the least of all the spirits.

Stored this way, the ginger will retain its flavor and crisp texture for a long time. You can grate what you need and replace the rest back into the jar.

As an added bonus, over time, the alcohol will take on a ginger taste and can be used in cocktails, so there is no waste of the vodka!

Making vanilla ice cubes

Have you ever heard of a vanilla ice cube? This simple food hack makes a yummy ice cube that can be used in all sorts of drinks and cocktails.

Use the ice cubes in coke to make vanilla coke, or add them to make a delicious iced coffee or tea. The options are limitless.

These vanilla ice cubes give a creamy vanilla taste to whatever you decide to put them in.

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Cooking hacks – Making ice cubes with vanilla beansTo make the vanilla Ice cubes, you’ll need almond milk, sugar, a vanilla bean and pure vanilla extract.

Not only do these ice cubes add the flavor of vanilla to your drink, they also add some creaminess, and a touch of sweetness. Think of all the cocktails just waiting to use these!

Vanilla beans have a very intense flavor, so using them in the recipe gives us the best results. You can find them online or at Whole Foods or other specialty stores.

Combine the almond milk with the granulated sugar in a saucepan. Add the vanilla bean and heat until the flavors combine. Mix in a touch of pure vanilla extract for an even more intense flavor.

Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes. Strain through a fine mesh sieve when cool.

Pour into silicone ice cube trays, and freeze into cubes. Add the cubes to any drinks to give it a lovely hint of vanilla.

Frozen grapes for wine hack

Chilled wine is a great drink to have when it’s hot outside, but sometimes we end up with a bottle that has not been cooled down yet.

Don’t water down your warm wine with ice cubes. Keep frozen grapes in the freezer and add them to the warm wine. It is a great way to chill wine.Freeze grapes to chill wine

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Why chill wine with grapes?

This food hack makes so much sense, since wine is made from grapes in the first place. If you keep a bag of frozen grapes in the freezer, you can just use them as needed. You will never again have a warm bottle of white wine!

Ice cubes will chill the wine but water it down as they melt. Frozen grapes won’t do this.

You’ll maintain the flavor of your wine, chill the wine and give yourself a healthy snack at the end of your drink. Triple benefit!

Peeling garlic cooking hack

Garlic adds so much flavor to any recipe, but those tiny cloves can be a chore to peel. That does not have to be the case with this food hack.

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What if I told you that there is a way to peel an entire head of garlic in just seconds?

To peel the garlic quickly, all you need are two bowls (one metal) and a head of garlic. Shaking the containers with the garlic inside removes the skins easily in about 30 seconds.

I’ve put together a tutorial with video to show how this peeling garlic hack works.

Freezing buttermilk hack

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If you are like me, you will find that most recipes call for much less than a carton of buttermilk and the rest of it can go to waste before you use it again in another meal idea.

Don’t waste the rest of the container. Freezing Buttermilk is the answer.

When you are done with your recipe, pour the remainder of the buttermilk into a Tupperware container and freeze it. Be sure to measure it first and mark the container so that you will know how much the container needs. 1/2 or 1/4 cup measurements are handy.

I find normal ice cube trays handy for this job. They hold about 2 tablespoons, so using 2 of them in a later recipe gives you 1/4 cup, or 3 will work out to 1/3 cup.

There are also extra large silicone ice cube trays that hold about 1/2 cup of liquid and this makes them perfect for the task.

When it is time to use the buttermilk in future, just thaw and incorporate into any recipe!

Whipped cream hack

Homemade whipped cream is much better than an aerosol version any day of the week.

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You can take the time to get out your stand mixer and whip it, of course, but if you are looking for just a small amount of it, it’s easier to whip it by hand with a whisk.Food Hacks – Whipping cream with a whisk

Just grab a bowl and be sure that the cream is chilled before you start. Cold cream whips faster. If you think to chill a metal bowl and the whisk earlier in the day – even better.

To whisk the cream, just beat it until soft peaks start to form. Be patient and you’ll have soft and fluffy whipped cream in no time at all.

Once you have the soft peaks, fold in some sugar to taste. Be sure to do this before you have stiff peaks, or you will end up over-whipping the cream.

Left over sauce food hack

kitchen shortcut 10

Left over Sauce is something that always seems to happen when I make stove top dishes. Since I mainly cook for two people, here is always too much of it to use right away.

Here is a tip for using the left over sauce that is similar to the buttermilk hack – Just freeze the sauce in ice cube trays!

10+ Common Frozen Foods You Should Avoid at All Costs Thu, 09 Sep 2021 08:41:11 +0000 Nutritionists share the frozen foods you should avoid at all costs and which quick and healthy options they choose to eat.

Frozen foods to avoid at all costs

Frozen waffles or pasta are go-to favorites when you’re on a time crunch in the morning or evening. These guilty pleasures, like other frozen foods, allow you to eat without the hassle of cooking. However, the nutritional content can be lacking or leaning toward too much sodium or fat. These guilty pleasures, like other frozen foods, allow you to eat without the hassle of cooking. However, the nutritional content can be lacking or leaning toward too much sodium or fat

These guilty pleasures, like other frozen food, allow you to eat without the hassle of cooking. However, the nutritional content can be lacking or leaning toward too much sodium or fat

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Pasta dishes

Those ready-made spaghetti Bolognese and creamy pasta dishes are comfort foods at their finest, but they’re not the best for your body. Skip the frozen dishes, which tend to be loaded with sodium and fat, and throw your own healthy pasta recipe together, suggests Jodi Greebel, RDN, pediatric dietitian and founder of Citrition. Not only is boiling pasta quick and easy, but you also have more control over what goes into the sauce and sides. Load yours up with nutritious veggies for a healthier twist on your guilty-pleasure pasta. To start, give this healthy spaghetti recipe a try.

frozen pasta dinner

Fruity breakfasts

Don’t be fooled by the fruit in items like blueberry pancakes and strawberry waffles. “Parents think that because there is fruit in them they must be healthy,” says Greebel. Au contraire. The berries speckled through these carb-heavy breakfast items are far down the ingredient list—way below sugar—making these treats high in sugar and sodium, but low in the nutrients you were looking for, like fiber. You’re better off adding a healthy handful of fresh or frozen berries to the top of plain frozen pancakes and waffles, says Greebel.

pancake berries


Frozen Chinese foods like stir-fry or beef with broccoli are loaded with sodium, thanks in part to the sauces they come in. Luckily, a healthier version is just as easy and freezer-friendly. Buy a pack of plain frozen veggies—some stores even sell stir-fry vegetables without the sauce—and throw them in your pan with chicken or beef, suggests Greebel. Use just a bit of low-sodium soy or teriyaki sauce to keep the salt to a minimum. 

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Breakfast sandwiches

No matter how much time they save you at breakfast time, those frozen egg sandwiches shouldn’t be your go-to morning meal. You’re loading up on sodium and additives instead of some plain protein-packed eggs. Breakfast sandwiches are “almost as quick to assemble on your own and so much healthier,” says Greebel. If you don’t have a minute to spare in the morning rush, do your breakfast prep work over the weekend and make some egg muffin cups, suggests Bowerman. You can even freeze them for later, popping them in the microwave before you head out the door.

breakfast sandwich 1

Two-serving meals

When you’re looking for a quick and healthy single-serving dinner, buyer beware: Some frozen foods look reasonable in calories, fat, and sodium at first glance, but they’re actually two servings disguised as one. Double-check the portion size before you dig in to make sure you’re not biting off more than you’d want to chew. Swap the poser out for a single-serving meal, or set half aside for leftovers. 

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Smoothie base mixes

Smoothies can start your morning on the right foot with an immediate serving (or more) of fruit, but be careful when shopping for base mix in the frozen aisle. Those that are just portioned-out fruit and veggie mixes are A-OK, but others don’t deserve their health halo, RD, director of worldwide nutrition education and training at Herbalife Nutrition. “Some are just a ‘base mix’ for your smoothie, which means they have no fruit at all, but instead are loaded with sugars, gums, flavorings, etc.,” says Bowerman. She recommends skipping those mixes and hunting down another freezer aisle staple: whole, unsweetened fruits. Add some veggies if you’d like, along with protein powder and milk (dairy or non-dairy), for a healthier start to the day. Curious about other dairy substitutes? 

frozen mixed berries


You don’t need to let go of your waffles entirely, but if frozen waffles are a big part of your diet, you’ll want to consider making an update. Whip up a big batch of homemade waffles with whole grain flour and protein powder, suggests Bowerman. The fiber-rich

Low-protein veggie burgers

Skipping the traditional cheeseburger for a meatless option can be better for your belly and the planet, but there’s a catch. “A lot of people look at all plant-based burgers as healthy protein substitutes, but many of them are much higher in carbohydrates and fat than protein,” says Ilana Muhlstein, RD, creator of the 2B Mindset nutrition program. “Protein is important for keeping us full and preventing overeating.” Leave it on the shelf if the nutrition facts say just five grams of protein, and hunt down another veggie patty with ten grams or more, she suggests.

Simple Tips To Use Stainless Steel Pan Without Sticking Tue, 31 Aug 2021 20:27:31 +0000 Even though stainless steel pans have outstanding features among other cookware materials, they aren’t non-stick, making food stick to their cooking surfaces. This happens because the cooking surfaces have microscopic pores that open up when the pan is placed on heat.

As such, the pores hold on to the cool food in the pan, making both sticks together. Also, the food particles form chemical bonds with the metals’ atoms sometimes. However, this isn’t unchangeable. Here are ways you can stop food from sticking to your stainless steel pans:

Ensure The Cooking Surface Is Clean And Dry

how to keep food from sticking 1

Dirty cooking surfaces have small food particles that cause food poured into the pan to stick. Always ensure the pan’s surface is clean before cooking. Also, don’t put cold food inside the pan. Allow frozen foods to thaw for some time at room temperature before you cook them.

Cold foods stick easily when you cook them in stainless steel pans. Ensure the pan’s surface is dry too. You can also apply some oil to the surface before you start cooking.

Ensure The Pan Is Hot Before You Put It In Your Oil

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Wait for the pan to get hot before you add your oil or butter. However, you can put hot oil in a cold pan as well. The oil should be at room temperature before you add your food. Don’t overheat the oil till it starts to smoke. The oil should cover the pan’s bottom from edge to edge to prevent food from sticking. Also, use healthy fats for cooking.

Don’t Crowd The Pan

Putting too much food in the pan lowers its temperature and releases moisture. The temperature becomes incapable of browning your food and bringing out its flavors. Instead of crowding the pan, divide your food into batches and cook them one after another or use another pan on another cooktop.

Don’t Turn The Food Hastily

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Moving food around quickly in the pan also causes food to stick. Even if your foods stick initially, they will be released from the pan on their own after some time. Sticking means that your food isn’t done yet, so you should give it more time. You can also reduce the heat.

4 Tips For Taking Care Of Stainless Steel Pans

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As much as stainless steel pans are excellent kitchen tools, they need to be adequately maintained. You have to protect them from discoloration and damage. Below are some tips on how to do so:

1. Use Non-Harsh Sponges And Soaps

Using harsh sponges and soaps to clean your stainless steel pans will scratch them permanently and make future cleaning harder. You can easily remove water spots, marks, etc., by boiling the pan in water mixed with baking soda, applying the mixture of elbow grease and baking soda to the effects, etc.

Stay away from products that can damage the polished finish of your stainless steel pan. Also, when cleaning your pan, don’t go against the grain. This helps to preserve the pan’s appearance.

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2. Season Your Stainless Steel Pan Regularly

Stainless steel pans don’t need to be seasoned before they work well. However, seasoning them fills the porous pores on the cooking surface, making the surface smoother and non-stick.

However, you should season your stainless steel pan before and after cleaning as soap and water remove the seasoning. Don’t use cooking sprays as it causes buildups in your pan and makes food stick.

3. Salt Only Boiled Water

Another important thing to take note of is to saltwater only when it has boiled. If salted water hasn’t come to a boil, corrosion happens. The salt falls to the pan’s bottom and leaves minor but irreversible marks similar to a nail’s shape before it finally dissolves. To prevent this, you can stir the salted water well.

4. Don’t Cook Cold Foods In The Pan

Ensure your foods are at room temperature before you cook them. Foods with moisture readily stick to the pan’s surface. This is because steel contracts when it is exposed to cooler weather. Don’t cook refrigerated foods immediately. You can remove excess moisture from the cold foods with paper towels. Also, ensure your food is ready before you start cooking.

10 Mistakes When Cooking Steak You Should Avoid Mon, 16 Aug 2021 11:32:41 +0000 Cooking steak can be tricky. There are some mistakes most people make when cooking steak. Check out these mistakes to avoid.

Not using seasoning

mistakes 1 1

You may be afraid of making steak too salty or overpowering it with spices, but trust us: Caution doesn’t pay when it comes to seasoning. Since you can’t season the steak’s interior, playing it too safe will deprive you of rich flavours and a bold crust.

What to do instead: Season the meat heartily on both sides about 35 to 40 minutes before cooking. Another mistake? Not knowing how to grill each specific cut of meat.

Cooking steak cold

mistakes 2 1

When it comes to steak, it can be hard to be patient, but you never want to pull steak straight from the fridge to throw on the grill. Plan ahead, giving the meat time to reach room temperature. A cold steak will cook unevenly, potentially causing the outside to burn while the inside remains undercooked.

What to do instead: Depending on the cut, allow a half-hour to two hours for the meat to sit on the counter.

Getting the wrong cut

mistakes 3 1

Choosing a steak isn’t as easy as grabbing it from the cooler and heading to the checkout. There are plenty of varieties, and not all of them should be cooked the same way. For instance, T-bones thrive on the grill, but a boneless ribeye does best in a frying pan (thanks to the fat running through it). Treating all steaks the same can deprive you of the best possible flavour.

What to do instead: Learn your cuts and preferred cooking style. If you forget which cut you like, remember that the higher the price point, the more likely it’s meant to be fried. (Any good butcher will be happy to provide answers and advice!)

Choosing a lean cut

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There’s a time and place for lean cuts, but steak night isn’t one of them. Lean cuts tend to be tough and dry since fat is what provides most of the flavour.

What to do instead: Pick out a steak with a healthy amount of marbling (the fat which shows up as white flecks and lines). It may be more expensive, but the tenderness and juiciness will be well worth it.

Turning the steak only once

mistakes 5 1

It’s a common misconception that the best way to keep a steak tender and juicy is to flip it once. While you may get photo-worthy grill marks, your steak won’t be any more delicious. In fact, with this method, you may be drying out the steak. There’s another surprising reason you actually don’t want to have a steak with grill marks.

What to do instead: Get into the habit of turning your steak multiple times as it cooks, especially when the heat is high. Extra flips allow the steak to cook more quickly (up to 30% faster than the one-flip method.) This is what will give you a juicier steak. You’ll also find that this method helps the meat cook evenly, without much curling along the edges.

Sticking to the supermarket selection

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It makes sense to purchase meat with the rest of your groceries, but if you want to cook a knockout steak, go the extra mile. To cook like a pro, trust a pro to help get you started.

What to do instead: Head to a local butcher. They’ll be able to help you figure out the best cut and introduce you to lesser-known options. A butcher will also be able to answer any cooking questions you have and offer their own suggestions.

Cutting into it too soon

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A freshly cooked steak is almost too tempting but resists the urge to dig into it right away. Like lots of other foods, steak needs time to relax, as do the fibres within it. While the meat cooks, its fibres shrink, emitting moisture and making the steak juicy. Cutting into the meat right away will cause that hard-earned moisture to spill out onto the plate, leaving a drier, less flavourful dinner.

What to do instead: Cover the meat in foil and let it rest after cooking – five minutes for thinner cuts and up to 15 minutes for heartier pieces. The fibres will then have time to expand and reabsorb the juices.

Skimping on a meat thermometer

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No matter how expert your grilling skills, you probably can’t accurately tell when a steak is ready simply by looking at it. Visual cues can be deceiving: The exterior may look tantalising while the inside is still too raw. If you tend to test how it’s progressing by poking it with a fork, you’re releasing some of those flavours and juices that make the meat delicious.

What to do instead: Wielding a trusty thermometer, aim for internal temperatures of 60–65°C for medium-rare, 65–70°C for medium, and 70°C for medium-well steaks, respectively. (P.S. If these temperatures are lower than you’re used to, it’s because we’re factoring in a process called “carryover cooking.” Once the steak is removed from the grill, its internal temperature will rise several degrees as it rests.)

Using an oil with a low smoke point

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Extra virgin olive oil is lauded for its health benefits and for the flavour it adds to sauces and sautés, but when it comes to high-heat situations, leave that bottle in the cupboard. Its smoke point is a relatively low 160 degrees, and it emits unpleasant flavours and toxic chemicals when it passes this point. Because steaks are cooked at temperatures of up to 260 degrees, using dark olive oil risks a smoky kitchen and puts the meat’s flavour at risk, too. Butter’s smoke point is only 160 degrees, so we’d pass on that, too.

What to do instead: Generally, lighter oils have higher smoke points. If you plan to brush oil onto your steak, look for peanut, canola or extra light olive oil.

Not cleaning the grill

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There’s nothing quite so tedious as cleaning a grill, but a dirty grill makes for subpar steak. Debris on the grate makes it sticky and causes the meat to adhere and tear. You’ve worked hard – don’t let a little neglect stand in the way of cooking a perfect steak.

What to do instead: Clean the grill each time you use it. When the coals are still hot, use a wire brush to clean the gunk off the grates. Top it with a small amount of oil, and the grill will be good for the next use.

15 Nearly Forgotten Kitchen Tips and Tricks From The Past Mon, 16 Aug 2021 10:53:48 +0000 Here’s a list of the best kitchen tips and tricks that come from your grandma’s day. They can help save you time, money, and effort, starting with tomato sauce.

1.Clean up with condiments

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Reader S.N. Downs says, “Tomato sauce does a great job of polishing copper cookware. Just rub a small amount on the bottom of discoloured pots or pans, let stand for a few minutes, rub again and rinse.”

2. Stretch pricey maple syrup

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Reader Edna Hoffman advises stretching maple syrup by adding 1 cup applesauce to 1 cup syrup. “Heated, it makes a delicious topping for pancakes and waffles.”

3. DIY herbal cooking oils

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For rosemary-flavoured oil, place a sprig of fresh rosemary in a glass bottle. Top it up with mild olive oil and leave to infuse for 14 days. Strain the oil through a fine sieve. Tip: Never keep flavoured olive oil in the fridge, as it will thicken and turn opaque in the cold. Remember to remove the herbs from the oil once infused or the herb can turn mouldy and taint the oil. Use within one month.

4. Give brownies a flavour boost

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Take your brownies from simple to scrumptious. Reader Marcy Wright says, “Substitute brown sugar for granulated sugar for a rich caramel flavour in brownies.”

5. Stop drips in their tracks

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Add milk to your coffee without making a mess. Reader Bertha Mueller says, “Rub a small amount of butter on the lip of your creamer, and you’ll have no more drips on the tablecloth.”

6. Give the fabric a second chance

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Don’t throw away your worn tablecloths. Instead, reader Helen Lamance says you can make a variety of dish towels and napkins from them.

In addition to wasting worn tablecloths that could easily be repurposed, there are at least 12 other kitchen mistakes it’s time to stop making.

7. Make a money-saving swap

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Save money without sacrificing flavour. Reader Mary Jane Swanner says, “For an economical substitute to chopped nuts in cookie recipes, use quick-cooking oats browned in a bit of butter.”

8. Keep apples looking fresh

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To prevent browning when working with peeled apples, Bernetta Rokusek recommends slicing them into the water with 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice added.

9. Ripen tomatoes in a rush

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Tired of waiting for your green tomatoes to turn red? Reader Anne Schofield says, “Place unripened tomatoes with other fruit, especially bananas, to speed up ripening.”

10. Bake perfectly portioned muffins

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Reader Teresa Graham has a smart breakfast tip. She says, “Use a baster to fill muffin cups all the same size – and to make no-drip hotcakes.”

11. Repurpose your decorating tools

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A cake frosting bag and decorating tip are not just for birthday cakes. Reader Dawn Lofthus says, “They also work great for filling deviled eggs. It’s decorative and fast.”

12. Just add cocoa

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More chocolate is always a good idea. Reader Lois Hill says, “When making chocolate cake, use cocoa instead of flour to coat your cake pan. This will keep the cake from having that white-flour dust on it when you remove it from the pan.”

13. Boil potatoes before baking

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To bake potatoes quickly, reader Maxine Martin says, “Boil them in salted water for 10 minutes, and then put them into the oven. The boiling water will heat the potatoes more rapidly than if they were placed into the cold oven.”

14. Toast and shout


Need bread crumbs fast? Reader Dawn Leedy says, “Put two slices of bread in the toaster, transfer them to a sandwich bag, and then crush them with a soup can or rolling pin.”

15. Use a make-shift cookie cutter

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If your cookie cutters aren’t handy, don’t hang up your apron. Reader Dorothy Blessing says, “A small can of beans or a water glass makes perfectly round cookies.” While making cookies is fun, it always results in a huge mess.

15 Surprising Butter Uses You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner Fri, 13 Aug 2021 01:51:42 +0000 If you’re only using butter on your toast, you’re tapping just a fraction of its potential! Here are some amazing uses for butter around the house.

1. Use butter to keep mold off cheese

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Why waste good cheese by letting the cut edges get hard or moldy? Give semi-hard cheeses a light coat of butter to keep them fresh and free of mold. Each time you use the cheese, coat the cut edge with butter before you rewrap it and put it back in the fridge.

2. Remove sap from the skin using butter

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You’ve just gotten home from a pleasant walk in the woods, but your hand is still covered with sticky tree sap that feels like it will never come off. Don’t worry. Just rub butter on your hand and the gunky black sap will wash right off with soap and water.

3. Zap ink stains on a doll’s face

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Uh-oh, one of the kids used a pen to draw a new smile on that favorite doll’s face. Try eliminating the marks by rubbing butter on them and leaving the doll face-up in the sun for a few days. Wash it off with soap and water.

4. Cut sticky foods with ease

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Rub butter on your knife or scissor blades before cutting sticky foods like dates, figs, or marshmallows. The butter will act as a lubricant and keep the food from sticking to the blades. Brilliant!

5. Prevent pots from boiling over

You take your eye off the pasta for two seconds, and the next thing you know, the pot is boiling over onto the stovetop. Keep the boiling water in the pot next time by adding half a tablespoon of butter or rubbing the butter around the top of the pot.

6. Help the medicine go down

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If you have a hard time swallowing pills, especially large ones, coat them lightly with butter first. This should help the pill slide down your throat.

7. Fix a squeaky door

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Butter makes a surprising but effective substitute for WD-40 when you’re looking to take the squeak out of a noisy door. Simply rub the butter on the door hinge. This lubricates the metal to stop the squeak.

8. Get gum out of hair

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You’ve undoubtedly heard that peanut butter can get sticky gum out of hair, but its peanut-less cousin can work the same magic. Rub the butter over the gum, letting it absorb into the hair before trying to slide the gum out.

9. Use butter to treat dry hair

If your hair has turned dry and brittle, a small amount of butter can return it to its glossy shine. Massage the butter into your hair, then cover your hair with a shower cap for about a half-hour. Shampoo as usual, and rinse all the butter out.

10. Make ghee

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Ghee is butter that has been clarified, so only the pure butterfat remains. Since the milk solids have been removed, you don’t need to refrigerate them. Try this recipe for ghee, and you can use it as a butter substitute in slow-cooking recipes and high-heat dishes since it has a higher smoke point than regular butter or cooking oils. (You’ll find more brilliant cooking shortcuts here.)

11. Upgrade your coffee

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Odd as it may sound, some coffee drinkers add butter to their coffee instead of milk or cream. It’s particularly popular with people on the keto diet, which stresses high-fat, low-carb meals. Some nutritionists are skeptical, but others say the fats in the butter can actually help keep you fuller longer.

12. Get rid of a fishy smell

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Your fishing trip may have been a big success, but you don’t want to be reminded of it by the smell of fish on your hands. Just rub some butter on your hands, wash them with warm water and soap, and you’ll smell clean and fresh again.

13. Make the cat feel at home

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Is the family feline freaked out by your move to a new home? Moving is often traumatic for pets as well as family members. Here’s a unique use for butter and a good way to help an adult cat adjust to a new house or apartment. Just spread a bit of butter on the top of one of its front paws. Cats love the taste of butter so much they’ll keep coming back for more.

14. Use butter to soothe aching feet

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The DIY applications for butter are seemingly endless! To soothe foot pain, massage feet with butter, wrap in a damp, hot towel, then sit back and relax for 10 minutes. Your feet will feel revitalized!

15. Remove stubborn rings with butter

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Whether your fingers have swelled up from the heat or you just wanted to wear a cute ring that you know doesn’t quite fit, you’re now stuck—literally—with a ring that won’t budge. Cover the ring with butter before carefully sliding it off your finger.

Ways You’re Accidentally Ruining Your Countertops Tue, 10 Aug 2021 01:07:32 +0000 By Cody Calamaio

Perhaps the most important work surface in the home, the kitchen countertop is built to withstand food preparation, regular cleaning, pesky stains, and more. But despite their durability, countertops can suffer from costly damage whether they’re made of laminate, marble, granite, or any other material. Here are 10 common ways homeowners unintentionally ruin their countertops, with tips on how to keep yours in tip-top shape for years to come.

Excessive Weight

Many hard surfaces crack under pressure, and countertops are no exception. Placing heavy objects near unsupported edges or joints can cause cracks, ruptures, and fractures that are expensive and difficult to repair. You had better think twice before purchasing that extra-heavy microwave or standing on the countertop to reach a high shelf!

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Harsh Cleaning Supplies

Harsh cleaning products containing bleach or ammonia can cause stone and granite countertops to lose their luster. To prevent them from fading, stick with soap and hot water for daily cleanups.

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Hot Appliances

Always check the countertop manufacturer’s recommendations before you put toaster ovens, slow cookers, and other heat-generating appliances on your countertop, because temperature changes can cause some materials to crack. When in doubt, place a trivet or cutting board between the appliance and the counter.

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Acidic Foods

Because marble countertops are made of calcium carbonate, which is chemically a base, they’re especially sensitive to anything acidic. One simple splash of vinegar, wine, lemon juice, or tomato sauce will cause dull spots, known as etches, on the surface. If you spill anything acidic on your marble countertop, clean it up right away with water, then neutralize the stain by sprinkling baking soda onto it.

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Water Buildup

Pools of water, especially mineral-rich hard tap water, can cause stains and white crusty buildup if left on the kitchen counter. After wiping up the spilled water, be sure to completely dry the countertop with a towel to prevent future problems.

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Cutting and Chopping

Chopping, slicing, and dicing directly on the kitchen countertop is a no-go—even if the surface is butcher block. Fine scratches can disrupt the waterproof sealant on most countertops, making them more susceptible to damage down the road.

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Leaning on Edges

Splitting or peeling edges are common problems on laminate countertops. Reduce the stress on your counters by never leaning on the edges—and definitely don’t open a beer bottle on them!

Laminate Countertop is Peeling

Hot Pots and Pans

Placing a hot pan directly on a countertop can cause discoloration or cracking. Use trivets or pot holders as a barrier, or risk creating a burn mark you’ll forever regret.

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Everyone wants a sunny kitchen, but did you know that direct sunlight can cause laminate countertops to fade? Sunlight can also fade some sealants used on granite and wood countertops. Pull down a shade during peak daylight hours to minimize long-term damage.

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Repetitive Motions

Do you always prepare food in the same spot? Over time, that section of the counter will suffer from scratches, etches, and other signs of wear and tear. If you have the space, try migrating to different parts of the counter regularly.

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10+ Pantry Goods That Basically Never Expire Tue, 03 Aug 2021 02:48:34 +0000 By Ayn Monique Klahre

The pantry—originally a room to store bread—dates back to medieval times, though today this cool, dry spot keeps a much wider variety of foods safe to eat. With the right conditions, many pantry staples can sit for years or even decades and still be perfectly edible, which is nice to know if you’re stocking up for emergencies! While you should always use your best judgment before eating something you bought years ago, take some peace of mind from the fact that these pantry goods pretty much never expire.

Most Canned Food

Because the canning process locks out oxygen, canned food will stay fresh for years—often far beyond the printed expiration date. Remember, though, that eating improperly stored canned goods can cause botulism, so if your cans look rusted or have deep dents or bulges, don’t eat what’s inside.

canned goods


When stored in an airtight container, this natural preservative will last forever. So, go ahead—shake that salt shaker.



It may be a liquid, but this viscous sweetener has a very low water content, which helps it last for years. Even when honey changes color or crystallizes, it’s still good—as long as the container is sealed.



All kinds of sugar, including brown sugar, powdered sugar, and white sugar, will last indefinitely. Sugar can harden over time, but it’s still safe to eat if you don’t mind the texture. If the lumps really bother you, try softening the sugar by putting it in a plastic bag along with a damp paper towel and microwaving it for about 15 seconds.


Maple Syrup

Just like honey, pure maple syrup has low water content and can last for ages—which, given how much it costs, is a huge relief!


Distilled liquors like tequila, vodka, gin, whiskey, and rum last indefinitely, even after they’ve been opened. The only downside to keeping an opened bottle of spirits on the shelf is that it will slowly lose its flavor over time.

bottle of tequila

Powdered Milk

As long as it’s sealed, an unopened package of powdered milk can last indefinitely.

Powdered Milk Expiration Dates

Vanilla Extract

Pure vanilla extract (not the imitation stuff) is mostly alcohol, so a bottle of the stuff will stay fresh for years as long as it’s been properly sealed after use.

Distilled White Vinegar

This high-acidity liquid is a preservative for a reason: Distilled white vinegar will last forever in a cool, dark place.

White Rice

Inside an airtight container, all varieties of uncooked white rice will last forever (just keep an eye out for pantry pests). Alas, brown rice has a shorter shelf life than its white cousin.

white rice

Dried Beans

Though they may take longer to get tender when you finally cook them, many varieties of dried beans remain edible basically forever.

dried beans


Keep cornstarch well sealed after you’ve opened it, and this low-moisture thickener can last for years.

