egg – Wed, 11 Sep 2024 01:47:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 egg – 32 32 If You Eat 3 Whole Eggs Every Day, You’ll Be Surprised What It Does To Your Body Wed, 11 Sep 2024 01:47:14 +0000 Eggs, like some other foods, have gotten a bit of a bad rap over the years, with numerous findings reporting that eggs can be chiefly responsible for high levels of cholesterol. However, the truth of the matter is altogether different. In fact, not only is the cholesterol statement erroneous, eggs actually have many varied — and essential — benefits for your body.

Because the average large egg contains between 180 and 186 milligrams of cholesterol, just one immediately counts for over half of your recommended daily intake, the Huffington Post reports. However, it’s a little more complicated than that: It turns out cholesterol is actually already being produced, in rather significant amounts, by your body – 1 to 2 grams each day on average. But when you consume foods that contain cholesterol, your body’s production of the substance decreases to make up for it. You don’t really add cholesterol to existing amounts, you’re replacing one kind with another.

Authority Nutrition makes another excellent point: While cholesterol has negative connotations for obvious reasons, it is not a purely harmful molecule. Cholesterol is a vital part of the body, and is essential in creating testosterone, estrogen and cortisol. The website also reports a study where a group of individuals took to eating one to three whole eggs a day. For 70 percent of those people, eggs did not negatively affect cholesterol levels. For the remaining 30 percent, the issue was fairly benign as well: Eggs were found to change LDL cholesterol (the harmful variety) from small, dense molecules to larger ones, which made them a lot less of a threat. One damper on the good news, however: Eggs are found to cause an increased risk of heart disease in diabetics, Authority Nutrition says.

Now that we’ve dispelled most of the negative preconceptions about eggs, let’s explore the advantages to their regular consumption:

1. Nutrients


Eggs are rich in several different types of nutrients, according to the Huffington Post: They’re rich in vitamins A, D, E and B-12, as well as iron, folate, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, among others, all of which are extremely important.

2. Protein


Eggs provide the highest-quality protein, with a much higher rating than milk or beef. You’d need about 30 grams of meat to equate to a single egg, which is much less expensive.

3. Choline


Choline, a nutrient you don’t frequently hear about, is nonetheless very important for the brain. It helps promote growth and memory function. Choline supplements are especially crucial for pregnant mothers, where most of the woman’s choline supplies will be sent to her child and she will be left with a critically low amount. 90 percent of people are lacking in choline. Eggs contain plenty of this nutrient.

4. Eyesight


Eggs are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that gather in the eye region and protect your eyes from dangerous light wavelengths, as well as lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

5. Weight control


Eggs help with satiety, meaning they make you feel fuller than many other foods. People who start the day with some eggs in their breakfast feel much less hungry throughout the day, which allows them to take smaller meals.

6. Bones, hair and nails


The vitamin D and calcium mentioned previously are of great importance for the bones, helping them grow stronger. Eggs help prevent osteoporosis this way. In addition, the amino acids and minerals in eggs promote healthier hair and nails, the website says.

So should you eat three eggs a day? Authority Nutrition recommends it, saying the benefits are much stronger than the downsides. But “Today” reports such an intake in eggs can lead to carotid plaque buildup in the arteries, as well as an increased risk in heart attack and stroke due to the presence of trimethylamine N-oxide, a somewhat harmful chemical.

The Huffington Post suggests varying up your diet a bit, stating three eggs a day can be a bit much. However, there’s clearly no reason not to enjoy more than one of these a day – especially if you prefer free-range eggs to the supermarket variety, which has been found to provide a lot less nutrients.

What do you think of these findings? Let us know in the comments, and share this story with your friends!

Source: remedydaily

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How To Make A Beautiful And Delicious Deviled Egg Bouquet Mon, 26 Aug 2024 03:50:45 +0000 I’ve always adored a delicious deviled egg. They’re the ideal bite-sized treat, and are always a hit as an appetizer or on a party platter. Recently, I discovered an incredible deviled egg recipe that surpasses all others. This fantastic recipe and presentation by РОССИЯ on YouTube will inspire you to turn your deviled eggs into a masterpiece from now on!

Ingredients for white tulip deviled eggs include:

  • eggs,
  • crab,
  • cream cheese,
  • green onion,
  • paprika, and salt.



Step 1: Boil the eggs until they are hard. Allow them to cool.

Step 2: Cut the top of the egg in a cross shape with a sharp knife, going slightly down the sides. Take out the yolk.

Step 3: Combine the egg yolk, crab, cream cheese, salt, and paprika in a medium bowl. Mix well. Put the mixture into a piping bag. If you don’t have one, use a Ziploc bag with a corner cut off.

Step 4: Fill each hard-boiled egg with the egg yolk mixture using a piping bag.


Step 5: Gently create a small opening at the base of every egg using a straw. Place a green onion as the “stem” inside each egg.

How To Make A Beautiful And Delicious Deviled Egg Bouquet

That’s all! Just serve and enjoy. This recipe may look fancy, but it’s really easy to make. I’ll definitely be making this for our Easter brunch!

Source: maxdiaries

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Why There’s A Green Ring Around Your Hard Boiled Egg Wed, 07 Aug 2024 03:13:31 +0000 Eggs are a common staple in everyone’s diet. High in protein with no sugar, eggs are one of the most versatile foods out there. Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner, or just a snack, eggs can easily be added to any diet. Hard-boiled eggs, in particular, are popular as they are so quick to make.

But have you noticed that green ring around the yolk? Yes, it definitely can be gross-looking. The good news is that this green ring doesn’t always happen. And, if you want to get rid of it for good, it’s completely within your control. (Read further, we’ll tell you how.)


First, when you cut open a hard-boiled egg and you notice a greenish ring, it’s the first sign that the egg itself wasn’t cooked properly.


Specifically, the discoloration is an indicator that the egg was overcooked, similar to how meat or rice might also get darker when overcooked.

What causes this color change?

Hydrogen sulfide from the egg white interacts with iron from the yolk. This process causes the color change.


How do you avoid the green ring for good?


The key is to make sure to cook your hard boiled eggs for the correct amount of time.

How do you get the perfect hard boiled egg?

There’s a lot of controversy around the perfect time to cook hard boiled eggs, but consensus is between 10 to 12 minutes.

So next time you are ready to make hard boiled eggs, set yourself a cooking time or just use the timer on your phone. You’ll never see that green ring again.

Source: cooktopcove

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Farmer Finds Giant Egg But What Was Inside Was Even More Puzzling Thu, 01 Aug 2024 01:11:51 +0000 A farmer in Australia got the shock of his life when he went to collect the daily delivery of eggs from his hens.

One of his hens had laid a giant egg, three times the size of a normal egg and weighing 6.2 ounces.

The babushka egg was laid by a free-range chicken at the Stockman’s Eggs on the Atherton Tablelands, in north Queensland.

Farmer Finds Giant Egg But What Was Inside Was Even More Puzzling

Scott Stockman, who runs the business, posted a photo of the incredible discovery he and his staff made at the farm.

Seeing it next to an average-sized egg it looks so unusual but perhaps what was more unusual was what they found after they cracked the egg.

One of our Free Range Girls has been working overtime. Check out this whopper! The average egg weighs around 58gms and this beauty came in at 176gms!!!

Inside the egg was another egg, perfectly formed.

“It’s just incredible actually —to have two perfectly formed eggs together,” Scott told ABC News Australia.

An expert from Charles Sturt University’s veterinary sciences school said he had never seen anything like it before.

One of our Free Range Girls has been working overtime. Check out this whopper! The average egg weighs around 58gms and this beauty came in at 176gms!!!

Associate Professor Raf Freire says the hen must have produced an egg as normal but for some reason didn’t lay it.

“Then the next day, rather than that egg being laid, like it usually is, what’s happened is that there’s been another ovum released,” he told ABC News.

“That’s come down and then the chicken has somehow decided to make its shell around both the previous day’s egg and the new ovum that’s come down.”

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According to the experts the egg would have been safe to eat but Scott told ABC News that they get 50,000 eggs a day so “didn’t bother eating it.”

Pretty amazing, right? Share this story with your friends on Facebook if you found it incredible too!

Source: en.stories.newsner

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A Simple Test To Determine If Your Eggs Are Still Good To Eat Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:37:06 +0000 How many times have you cracked an egg into a bowl of other ingredients, only to question whether the egg has gone bad or not? Unfortunately, eggs are not the easiest ingredient to determine the freshness of as the protective opaque shell hides the condition of the white and yolk.

how to tell if an egg is rotten quickly 13129 0 600

Luckily, there is a simple test to determine if your eggs are still good to eat. It’s called the “Float Test” and all you need is a bowl of cold water. Place the egg in question into the bowl of cold water and observe one of the following:


• The egg sinks and lays flat on the bottom of the bowl.

This means your egg is fresh and good to eat!

• The egg sinks but stands on end.

This means the egg is not very fresh, but is still perfectly fine to eat.

• The egg floats.

THE EGG IS BAD so throw it away

The Float Test to tell if a chicken egg is bad

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The reason why the float test works is because as an egg gets old, air starts to enter through the porous shell. If enough air gets in, it will create buoyancy, causing the egg to float. It also promotes bacterial growth in the egg, causing it to become rotten.


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9 Things That Can Happen to Your Body When You Eat 2 Eggs a Day Fri, 19 Jul 2024 18:18:17 +0000 The useful properties of chicken eggs have been repeatedly questioned. People slandered this product which has now been proven to be unique in its composition in various ways.

Eggs are one of the few ideal foods for our health – they contain protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and can be used in different ways.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider incorporating 2-3 eggs into your daily diet:

Choline protects the brain

Image for illustrative purposes only. (©depositphotos/ brightside)

Consuming 2-3 eggs daily provides your brain with choline, a crucial nutrient that can enhance brain function and protect against memory loss and other cognitive issues.

Protects vision

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Image for illustrative purposes only. (©depositphotos/ brightside)

Eggs contain antioxidants like lutein, which can improve vision and alleviate various eye problems.

Boost weight loss

Recent research suggests that eating eggs can keep you feeling full until lunch time and promote fat loss.

Vitamin D improves calcium absorption

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Image for illustrative purposes only. (©depositphotos/ brightside)

Eggs contain a healthy amount of vitamin D, an essential nutrient that enhances calcium absorption in the body, thereby strengthening bones and teeth.

Reduces the risk of cancer

Several studies have shown that the choline found in eggs can decrease the risk of various types of cancer. One study revealed that women who consume 2-3 eggs daily have a 15% lower risk of breast cancer.

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

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Image for illustrative purposes only. (©depositphotos/ brightside)

Contrary to previous beliefs, the cholesterol in eggs is not harmful to our health. In fact, it can lower levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol and increase levels of good (HDL) cholesterol, effectively reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Eggs are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can lower triglyceride levels and protect the heart.

Protects hair, liver, and skin

The substantial amount of vitamin B12 in eggs can safeguard your hair and skin while simultaneously detoxifying your liver.

Slows down the aging process

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Image for illustrative purposes only. (© depositphotos/ brightside)

A recent study showed that women aged 35-40 who consumed a few eggs daily were less prone to sagging and wrinkling skin, indicating that eggs may slow down the aging process.

Prevents birth defect

Eggs are rich in various B vitamins, particularly vitamin B9 (folic acid), which is highly recommended during pregnancy as it can help prevent many birth defects.


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