family – Sat, 28 Dec 2024 12:32:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 family – 32 32 Respect Your Parents In Their Old Age – Heart Touching Story! Fri, 02 Aug 2024 07:46:48 +0000 An 80 year old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45 years old highly educated son. Suddenly a crow perched on their window.

The Father asked his Son, “What is this?” The Son replied “It is a crow”. After a few minutes, the Father asked his Son the 2nd time, “What is this?” The Son said “Father, I have just now told you “It’s a crow”.

After a little while, the old Father again asked his Son the 3rd time, What is this?” At this time some expression of irritation was felt in the Son’s tone when he said to his Father with a rebuff. “It’s a crow, a crow, a crow”. A little after, the Father again asked his Son the 4th time, “What is this?”

This time the Son shouted at his Father, “Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again, although I have told you so many times ‘IT IS A CROW’. Are you not able to understand this?”

A little later the Father went to his room and came back with an old tattered diary, which he had maintained since his Son was born. On opening a page, he asked his Son to read that page. When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary :-

“Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window. My Son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a Crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again for 23 times. I did not at all feel irritated I rather felt affection for my innocent child”.

While the little child asked him 23 times “What is this”, the Father had felt no irritation in replying to the same question all 23 times and when today the Father asked his Son the same question just 4 times, the Son felt irritated and annoyed.

So If your parents attain old age, do not repulse them or look at them as a burden, but speak to them a gracious word, be cool, obedient, humble and kind to them. Be considerate to your parents. From today say this aloud, “I want to see my parents happy forever. They have cared for me ever since I was a little child. They have always showered their selfless love on me. They crossed all mountains and valleys without seeing the storm and heat to make me a person presentable in the society today”.

Say a prayer to God, “I will serve my old parents in the BEST way. I will say all good and kind words to my dear parents, no matter how they behave.”

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If Your Parents Show These 3 Signs, They Are About To Leave You Forever. You Should Prepare For The Worst Mon, 22 Jul 2024 03:09:24 +0000 1. They often dream about their deceased loved ones for long periods

If a sick person lying in bed for a long time often mentions their deceased relatives, it means these relatives are also the people they care about very much, and are also the people they miss.

If at this time old people often mention some people that you think are scared, pay more attention.

2. They mention their future funerals

When an elderly person decides to tell their children about their future funeral, they may understand their body better and even know that they are about to d!e. At this time, their children and grandchildren should prepare for the worst thing.

3. They have been sick for a long time but suddenly get better and constantly ask for food

There is a condition called Terminal lucidity. Initially, the sick lost their appetite and did not want to do anything. But suddenly they want to eat more and walk healthily. We also need to pay attention. It is a bad sign that shows they are to leave us for another world.

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Your Son Will Hold Your Hand For A Little While, But He Will Hold Your Heart For A Whole Lifetime Sun, 21 Jul 2024 08:35:44 +0000 My love for you is like an invisible elastic band. No matter how far you go, we are connected.I love you stronger than iron and softer than feathers.

My love for you could stretch around the world countless times, and when the world is covered, my love could stretch through the galaxy forever moving on.

Your Son Will Hold Your Hand For A Little While, But He Will Hold Your Heart For A Whole Lifetime

If my love for you had a color, it would be the whole rainbow.

I love you like the touch of a warm ray of sun, gently heating your soul at first chance of a chill.

My love for you is taller than the sky and wider than the galaxy.

My love for you is a guiding star leading me into great adventures in a brand-new world.

From the moment you were born, you became the sun to my planet.

Like a superhero squad, our love is strongest when we give it together.

I can’t thank God enough for gifting you to me. You have always been the best child of mine.

I love you. I have always tried to provide you with the best of everything. May you find happiness in your life!

I cannot be more grateful for the things that I have because I love my son and I have him.

My son, you are the reason that I am living today. You’re my world. I have been struggling for a long time in my life to provide you comfort, and I’ll always be doing the same for you till my last. I love you!

Happy is the son whose faith in his mother remains unchallenged. -Louisa May Alcott

To my son, never forget that I love you. Life is filled with hard times and good times. Learn about everything you can. Be the man I know you can be.

A son doesn`t need to deserve his mother`s love; he doesn`t need to ask for it. Mother`s love for her son is always unconditional.

I love my son and he makes me proud and brings me happy whenever he’s around me.

I will be there for you all the time and be that pillar of strength that you can always rely on to support you through life. I love you, dear son.


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My Mother-in-Law Expects to Be Paid for Spending Time With Her Grandchild Sun, 21 Jul 2024 07:42:05 +0000 My husband and I have been happily married for 10 years. We have a healthy, beautiful 6-month-old baby, and both of us work full-time. My husband works from home and I work in an office.

My mother-in-law recently retired and she offered to watch our baby while both of us are working. We accepted and it’s all good, she has a way with kids so no comments there. I truly appreciate her time and devotion and everything she does. She not only watches the baby but also does the dishes, cooks, and cleans.

My mother-in-law and I had a talk yesterday where she dared to ask us for payment/hour. I am still in shock. How dare she ask for money for precious time with her grandchild? Putting a price on time spent with Katie?? When I was a baby, my grandma used to babysit me and my sister for hours on end. My grandma never asked for any kind of payment, money, or gifts, she just did it out of love for us. I used to babysit my siblings for hours on end when I was younger, for free.

My Mother-in-Law Expects to Be Paid for Spending Time With Her Grandchild

I don’t even know what to say, I’m angry and this situation has started to affect my marriage. My husband believes that she has the right to get paid because if she didn’t care for our kid, we’d still be obligated to hire a complete stranger and we’d probably end up paying even more.

I am out of options. I have thought through everything and I’m lost. My head is just AAAH. What do I do here? Do you have any advice? My friends have never had this problem before, so I have no one else to help me.

Do your parents ever take care of your baby? Have you ever thought about paying or compensating them for their time? How would you respond if a family member asked you for payment in exchange for babysitting? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Brightside

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My Sister Wants Help After Betraying Our Family; I Gave Her One Condition Sat, 20 Jul 2024 12:07:55 +0000 I was given my sister’s part of the inheritance when she eloped with a guy who worked for us and stole from our business. My dad died from a heart attack because of it, and I swore I would never forgive her for it.

Now my sister called, and she told me that she wanted “her” money.
She explained that her son is very sick, and they need it for the expensive treatments he’s undergoing.

I said, “There is one thing you can do to get that money, and that is to divorce your husband.” She started crying and told me that I was heartless and that I intended to ruin her family.

I don’t know what to do next.

Source: brightside

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My Son Is Ashamed Of Me And Said: “I Don’t Want People To Think We Came Together,” So I Repaid Him In The Same Manner Fri, 19 Jul 2024 08:23:40 +0000 My 14-year-old son started being ashamed of my husband and me about 2 years ago. We thought this would pass, but it has gotten worse. We’re just regular people, but you’d think we’re weirdos the way he treats us.

He tells us things like, “Don’t come to my games,” “Don’t leave me right out front” and “I’ll go ahead at the mall, so people don’t think we come together.” The list goes on and on. He’s great when we buy him something or do what he wants, but lately, he’s been treating us like garbage.

A couple of days ago, I drove 40 minutes to pick him up from a school event, and he made me wait for him a block away. When he saw me, there were other kids around, he turned red and stopped. He waited for the kids to pass, then got in the car, slid down, and said, “Drive.” I’ve told him how all this makes us feel, but he doesn’t care. Well, I’ve had enough.

My Son Is Ashamed Of Me And Said
Image for illustrative purposes only. (© Cottonbro Studio/ Pexels)

That night, he needed a new t-shirt for an event, so as I was driving to the store, I said, “Duck!” and pushed his head down. I then told him that I thought the person driving around was a friend from college, and I didn’t want him to see us together. When he asked me why, I told him I was embarrassed. When we arrived at the store, I got out of the car and hurried to the entrance.

When my son caught up with me, I asked him to stay a few feet back in case I ran into someone I knew at the store. He knew what I was doing. I then asked him how it felt to be treated like an embarrassment, and he said, “Not good.”

The next morning, we went to the transit office to pick up a bus pass for him (I told him I no longer wanted to be seen in a car with him and that he would have to take the bus from now on). I expressed aloud how much I regretted having to go into the office with him and that I was more concerned about how the clerk, whom I did not know, would perceive me than how I made him feel. I then asked him to stand by the door and not speak. I think he’s getting the point, but I’m still not sure.

I told my sister about this, and she got furious. She thinks I should understand that this is a phase and he will outgrow it. But I feel like I’ve given him almost 2 years, and this phase is a well-ingrained habit that I’m tired of. What do you guys think?


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A Son Took His Mother To A Nursing Home And Only Visited Her From Time To Time Wed, 17 Jul 2024 08:48:06 +0000 447976452 858899296261021 9203618577436144131 n

After the passing of his father, this man found himself unable to provide his mother with the care and attention she deserved. With a heavy heart, he made the difficult decision to place her in a nursing home where she could receive the necessary assistance for her daily needs. Little did he know, this would only lead to his mother’s unhappiness and a profound sense of regret.

Life took its toll, and he became absorbed in the busyness of his everyday responsibilities, making it increasingly difficult to visit his mother as often as he should have. But when he received the devastating news of her deteriorating health, he couldn’t hold it off any longer. He rushed to her side, only to find her lying motionless in her nursing facility bed.

Moved by the situation, he asked his mother if there was anything he could do for her. It was in that moment, through her tired eyes, that she conveyed her final wishes to him – requests that were born out of her declining health.

1083 min

Sleepless nights plagued her as the outdated fans in her room failed to provide sufficient ventilation, causing her to suffocate. In addition to that, the refrigerator contained expired items, leaving her deprived of proper nourishment. These seemingly small desires held immense importance for her failing health.

The son was taken aback by these requests, realizing that his mother’s condition was far more critical than he had anticipated. Her message was clear – when his own children no longer wanted him around, he had to ensure that they provided better circumstances than he did. It was a heartbreaking realization for him as he understood how he had neglected his mother by making decisions without her consent.

Our role as children is to ensure that our elderly parents can truly enjoy their golden years in peace and comfort. This touching story serves as a powerful reminder of the deep and unconditional love that a mother has for her children. Let’s share this narrative within our families and among our friends, sparking conversations about the importance of cherishing and caring for our aging parents. Together, let’s encourage one another to do the same, honoring the sacrifices and love that have been bestowed upon us.

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We are divorcing! Mon, 15 Jul 2024 08:29:58 +0000 An old man in Scotland calls his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and says, “I hate to ruin your day but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough.”

‘Dad, what are you talking about?’ the son screams.

“We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer,” the father says.

“We’re sick of each other and I’m sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Leeds and tell her.” Franticly, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. “Like hell, they’re getting divorced!”

She shouts, “I’ll take care of this!” She calls Scotland immediately and screams at her father “You are NOT getting divorced.

Don’t do a single thing until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don’t do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?” and hangs up.

The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. ‘Sorted! They’re coming for Christmas – and they’re paying their own way.’

Source: funnyhours

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My Husband Refuses to Let My Mom Live With Us Unless She Pays Us Rent Mon, 15 Jul 2024 04:37:47 +0000 Dad recently passed away, and Mom feels very sad and lonely. To ease her pain, I suggested that she lives with us to be with her grandkids. My husband refused at first but then agreed on the condition that she pays us rent. I was furious, as we own the house and pay no rent.
My Husband Refuses to Let My Mom Live
Image for illustrative purposes only

He smirked and declared, “Your mother is a leech. Once she moves in with us, she will never leave.”
He added, “She will eat our food, use our electricity, and it just doesn’t make sense for her to take advantage of it all for free. She needs to know that this house is not a hotel!”

My Husband Refuses to Let My Mom Live With Us Unless She Pays Us Rent
Image for illustrative purposes only

I was furious. Him and I have both have contributed to buying this house, and we have equal rights to it. I cannot just ask my mom to pay us money; that’s senseless.
That said, I have to admit that my husband is not a bad person. Him and mom just never got along. The other night he said to me, “Your mother hated me ever since I met her. I wouldn’t be comfortable with her living with me now.”

My Husband Refuses to Let My Mom Live
Image for illustrative purposes only

I am torn between my husband and my mom who clearly needs her only daughter’s help now. What should I do?

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I Refused to Let a Family Tragedy Ruin My Wedding Day Sat, 13 Jul 2024 11:36:51 +0000 My sister lost her husband and 8-year-old son in a crash six days before my wedding. She wanted me to cancel, but I said, “I cannot sacrifice my day. We have already paid for everything.” She was silent.

On the big day, as we were all dancing, my sister appeared in the crowd, laughing hysterically. Then all of a sudden, we hear a massive sound as all the lights in the party venue switched off at once, and the music abruptly stopped.

Horrified, I saw her son and husband’s images appear on the large projection wall where our wedding photos were displayed. In that moment, I realized she had orchestrated a plan to ruin my special day.

I Refused to Let a Family Tragedy Ruin My Wedding Day
Image for illustrative purposes only. © Kathrine Birch / Pexels

My sister then got up on stage and took the microphone, addressing me by saying, “You’re up here dancing and partying while your little nephew died less than a week ago. Shame on you!”

Before leaving the stage, she added, “When you have kids of your own, I will treat them with the same indifference you treated mine!”

Everyone was silent after that, and the guests started leaving shortly after. My day was totally ruined.
Was I to blame?

Source: brightside

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