Hand Sanitizer – echowoven.com https://echowoven.com Mon, 14 Jun 2021 16:49:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://echowoven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/favicon_alternatech-60x60.png Hand Sanitizer – echowoven.com https://echowoven.com 32 32 Genius Uses for Hand Sanitizer You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner https://echowoven.com/genius-uses-for-hand-sanitizer-youll-wish-you-knew-sooner/ Mon, 14 Jun 2021 16:49:04 +0000 https://echowoven.com/?p=7868  

Polish Silver

Hand sanitizer cuts right through tarnish on silver, according to Taste of Home. “Squirt a few drops on a soft cloth and rub away the tarnish,” they advise.


Clean Your Eyeglasses

You could spend close to $20 on special herb-infused “eyeglass cleaner” fluid. But if you have hand sanitizer in your reach, use that instead. It helps eliminate fingerprints and even hairspray from your eyeglasses.

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Clean Hairspray off Your Mirror

When you’re spritzing with hairspray, it’s easy for the mirror to be caught in the crossfire. Removing it from your mirror can take a little effort, but it’s easier with some hand sanitizer.

Simply place some hand sanitizer on a microfiber cloth or paper towel, wipe, and your mirror will sparkle again.

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Get Permanent Marker off Clothing

Yep, you can use hand sanitizer to remove permanent ink from clothing. too. Just be sure to dab at the stain, rather than rub, and place a piece of newspaper between layers so that the ink doesn’t bleed from one layer to the other.

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Take the Ouch Out of Removing a Bandaid

Instead of ripping off an adhesive bandage, rub some hand sanitizer over the sticky ends to release the adhesive. Wait a minute, then painlessly remove the strip.

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Clean Your Keyboard

Did you realize that your keyboard can be just as dirty as a toilet seat? To address the keyboard problem, keep your hands clean and wipe your keyboard with hand sanitizer on a cloth — preferably microfiber. Be sure to unplug the computer or turn it off first.

Regular Dusting

Clean Your Touchscreen

The fact that it’s called a “touchscreen” indicates that it needs cleaning from time to time. The best way, according to PC Tablet, is to squirt some hand sanitizer on that microfiber cloth you’ve been using and wipe gently.

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Remove Nail Polish

Out of nail polish remover? Clean up your nails with hand sanitizer, advises Bustle. Apply some and let it sit for one minute. Using a cotton pad or tissue, wipe away, then repeat until your nails are clean.

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Eliminate Fingerprints on Stainless Steel

Fingerprints can ruin the look of your stainless steel appliances, but you don’t need to buy special stainless steel cleaner if you have hand sanitizer. On a cloth, the gel will remove fingerprints, spattered oil and other grease marks.


Clean Your Diamond Ring

While not all gemstones are candidates for cleaning by hand sanitizer, diamonds can withstand the process and the results will be sparkling. Avoid using sanitizer if the setting is gold or silver-plated, though, as the cleaner can disturb the plating.

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Use It in Place of Deodorant

The reason armpits start to smell is bacteria. So it makes sense that if you’re out of your roll-on, rubbing a little hand sanitizer in your armpits will keep you smelling fresh.

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As a Dry Shampoo

With the advent of dry shampoos, you can spray a little on to make your hair look fresh-washed when you don’t have time for washing and blow-drying.

But if you’re out of dry shampoo, try some hand sanitizer. Simply squeeze a bit out onto your fingertips and massage lightly into your roots, and your hair will look just as good.

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Spruce up Your Makeup Brushes

Who cleans their makeup brushes? We all should, because there are at least 10 gross things that can happen when you don’t. Get your makeup brushes extra clean by rubbing them with hand sanitizer after you wash them. Then allow them to air dry fully.

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Clean Your Flat Iron

If you haven’t cleaned the surface of your flat iron in a while, grab your hand sanitizer and get to work. The iron can be coated not only with hair products, but bacteria. After the iron cools down, smear on some hand sanitizer, wait a few minutes, then wipe it clean.

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