health – Thu, 13 Feb 2025 10:20:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 health – 32 32 Do You Often Wake Up Between 3 and 5 AM? You May Be Having A Spiritual Awakening Wed, 24 Jul 2024 04:51:25 +0000 A great number of people experience difficulties regarding adopting habits that may enhance their sleep quality so instead of feeling energized when they wake up, they feel exhausted and moody.

The truth is that many people wake up a number of times during the night but they don’t even notice that because they fall back asleep quickly. Some of those awakenings are around a second long, but some are longer and cause the person trouble falling asleep again.

wake in night health

If you belong to this group, it’s crucial that you figure out what causes you to wake up and what to do to prevent it from happening over and over again.

These awakenings may have to do with the sleep cycle which goes from wakefulness to sleep, light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement and is the part of the sleep cycle where we will have the most dreams. These REM cycles happen more often as we approach the morning hours.

Some believe it has to do with aging, and others blame sleep apnea for it.

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But it turns out that there is yet another explanation why someone wakes up between 3 and 5 am. It is believed that at this time the most mysterious phenomena, called the ‘Witching Hour,’ occurs. This means that you can sense mysterious energy around you, or what is known as the “awakening.”

According to the ancient Chinese theories of Qi Energy, the energy meridians of the body are also connected to a clock-like-system that energizes different parts of the body at different times of the day. So, awakening between this particular time every night is a sign that energy in certain areas of the body connected to those meridians is either blocked or weak.

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What’s most, during this time, the Meridian of Lungs which is considered the most ‘magical’ one and is related to the sense of freedom is activated.

Another meridian activated at this time is the Meridian of Large Intestine which is responsible for our body’s “detox” system.

What you should ask yourself in case you experience these awakenings is whether there is something that bothers you that your meridian is trying to warn you of.

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Source: boreddaddy

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What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:57:10 +0000 Sleep researcher Samuel Dunkell has conducted pioneering work to explore the connection between sleeping positions and personality traits. “The way we sleep is the way live”, writes Dunkell in his book Sleep Positions.

#1 Back Sleeping Position Personality

What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality

If you sleep on your back, your sleeping personality reveals that you are a focused, silent, strong individual. You avoid conflicts and steer clear of fuss. You prefer to speak the truth than spin a hundred lies. You love structure and order. You also tend to have high expectations of yourself and others too. You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself. You are seldom found reacting too quickly in any situation. You are highly optimistic. You have the desire to live life to the fullest. You also love to be the center of attention. You may have a strong personality. You are very stubborn about achieving your goals in life.

You do not like to engage in petty gossiping or associating with people that do not deliver on your set standards for yourself. You tend to prioritize time for your self-growth and mental recharge. You tend to live life like royalty. You seek experiences and stories to tell in life.

#2 Fetal Sleeping Position Personality

What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality

If you sleep curled up like a baby, your sleeping personality reveals that you put a tough exterior on the world, however you are a sensitive and shy individual on the inside. You may be pretty introverted. You may have a penchant for being protected, nurtured, and understood. You may enjoy creative activities such as writing, painting, dancing, singing, blogging, etc which give you the platform to express yourself and your hidden desires. Sleeping in a fetal position also helps you to cut off from all the problems you may be experiencing in your waking life.

You feel the most comfortable and safe around your family or people who have time and time proven that they are trustworthy. You may feel anxious or overwhelmed in crowds. You may also experience trouble or nervousness in public speaking or addressing a huge audience. Sleep researcher Samuel Dunkell in the 1970s described that the fetal sleeping position was usually found more in people who are experiencing anxiety or emotional highs and lows. He further described that people sleeping in the fetal position are usually closed off to new experiences. They may be fearful of being abandoned or left out.

#3 Sleeping on Stomach Position Personality

Zodiac Signs

If you sleep on your stomach, your sleeping personality reveals that you are a fun, playful, open-minded individual. You usually are a ‘straight to the point’ kind of individual however sometimes you may come across as a bit harsh. You have immense clarity on what you want from life. You exude free-spiritedness in the way you move through life. However, you may also feel nervous or anxious on the inside. You like to have control over everything. You may also find it difficult to handle criticism constructively.

You are also a strong-willed, adventurer, risk-taker, and highly optimistic kind of individual. You always like to look at the bright side of any adversity. You are full of gratitude. Sleep research Dunkell said that people sleeping on their stomachs can also be impulsive, inhibit insecurities, or lack confidence. However, they are good at hiding any negative emotions.

#4 Sleeping on Side Position Personality

Zodiac Signs

If you sleep on your side, your sleeping personality reveals that you are an easygoing and social individual. You can strike up a conversation with anyone in the room, even while commuting on the subway. However, you prefer to be your true self with your close group. You are also very trusting which sometimes makes you appear as if you can be persuaded easily. Though, people know little about you that you take everything into consideration and can be quite slow at making decisions.

If you sleep on your side hugging a pillow or tucked between your legs then you sleep in the pillow hugger sleeping position. This tells that you have a nurturing nature. You enjoy the most and tend to be yourself around your family members or friends. You prioritize your family, friends, and partner above everything. You are not at all a workaholic. You prefer to give more time to the people close to you in your life. You are highly family-oriented. You also tend to be very loyal to the people you love. You also are a provider by nature. You love to take care of people around you.

If you sleep on your side with your arms stretched out then you sleep in the yearner sleeping position. You crave genuine connections and relationships. You are usually suspicious and slow to open up however you crave love the most. You are always torn between experiencing new things yet doubtful if you might get hurt. You tend to be very rational. You do accept change easily. You are slow in making up your mind about anything. However, you are quite decisive once you have made up your mind.

If you sleep on your side with your legs straight and arms rested on your sides then you sleep in the log position. Sleep researcher Chris Idzikowsk describes you as one who is gullible and open to new experiences. You are sociable, easy to accept changes. You are able to get along with anyone mostly. You usually seem tough on the outside however you may be a sweet and friendly person to talk to.

Sleeping Personality Traits Of Different Sleepers: Summary

Here is a brief overview of some of the most common sleeping positions and their associated personality traits:

  • Back Sleepers: Confident, independent, and self-assured.
  • Fetal Sleepers: Shy, introverted, and insecure.
  • Stomach Sleepers: Sensitive, emotional, and impulsive.
  • Side Sleepers: Nurturing, compassionate, and caring.

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Do You Drool When You Sleep? You Are So Fortunate Then And We Tell You Why Sat, 20 Jul 2024 06:15:40 +0000 Sleeping is a fundamental process for our body. To lead a productive and active life, we must ensure we get a good night’s sleep every day, avoiding sleep deprivation or insomnia.

Unfortunately, some people fail to achieve a restful night’s sleep, negatively affecting their brain function and overall health.

Despite the great pleasure and importance we associate with sleep, we cannot always indulge in it for as long as we please. People have obligations such as work or study that require them to be active during the day.

Those who experience a lack of sleep and fatigue during the day may feel discomfort in their body, experience a bad mood, or even face health issues due to lack of energy. Sometimes the body tries to compensate by creating a new sleep cycle, leading to unintentional napping at a desk or on a bus.

Do You Drool When You Sleep? You Are So Fortunate Then And We Tell You Why

The Reason Why You Drool When You Sleep Is Beneficial.

It is observed that after a restful sleep, one may wake up to find the area where their head rested has drooled. Many consider this to be embarrassing or taboo and have even mocked others for this occurrence. However, it is important to recognize that drooling during sleep is a positive sign indicating restful sleep.

There are different stages of sleep, and one of them is called REM or rapid eye movement, which is associated with deep and relaxed sleep. When you drool during sleep, it means that the REM stage was uninterrupted, indicating that you have experienced a sound sleep without any disturbances. This is something to be grateful for, as not everyone can achieve such restful sleep.

Conversely, if you do not drool during sleep, it may indicate that your sleep habits are disrupted and your rest is inadequate. Remember, in order to achieve personal and professional growth, it is crucial to prioritize rest. If you have persistent sleep issues, it is advisable to consult a trusted physician.


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9 Things That Can Happen to Your Body When You Eat 2 Eggs a Day Fri, 19 Jul 2024 18:18:17 +0000 The useful properties of chicken eggs have been repeatedly questioned. People slandered this product which has now been proven to be unique in its composition in various ways.

Eggs are one of the few ideal foods for our health – they contain protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and can be used in different ways.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider incorporating 2-3 eggs into your daily diet:

Choline protects the brain

Image for illustrative purposes only. (©depositphotos/ brightside)

Consuming 2-3 eggs daily provides your brain with choline, a crucial nutrient that can enhance brain function and protect against memory loss and other cognitive issues.

Protects vision

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Image for illustrative purposes only. (©depositphotos/ brightside)

Eggs contain antioxidants like lutein, which can improve vision and alleviate various eye problems.

Boost weight loss

Recent research suggests that eating eggs can keep you feeling full until lunch time and promote fat loss.

Vitamin D improves calcium absorption

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Image for illustrative purposes only. (©depositphotos/ brightside)

Eggs contain a healthy amount of vitamin D, an essential nutrient that enhances calcium absorption in the body, thereby strengthening bones and teeth.

Reduces the risk of cancer

Several studies have shown that the choline found in eggs can decrease the risk of various types of cancer. One study revealed that women who consume 2-3 eggs daily have a 15% lower risk of breast cancer.

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

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Image for illustrative purposes only. (©depositphotos/ brightside)

Contrary to previous beliefs, the cholesterol in eggs is not harmful to our health. In fact, it can lower levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol and increase levels of good (HDL) cholesterol, effectively reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Eggs are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can lower triglyceride levels and protect the heart.

Protects hair, liver, and skin

The substantial amount of vitamin B12 in eggs can safeguard your hair and skin while simultaneously detoxifying your liver.

Slows down the aging process

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Image for illustrative purposes only. (© depositphotos/ brightside)

A recent study showed that women aged 35-40 who consumed a few eggs daily were less prone to sagging and wrinkling skin, indicating that eggs may slow down the aging process.

Prevents birth defect

Eggs are rich in various B vitamins, particularly vitamin B9 (folic acid), which is highly recommended during pregnancy as it can help prevent many birth defects.


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If You Open A Watermelon You Find These Cracks In It… Don’t Eat It! Wed, 17 Jul 2024 04:37:05 +0000 468854926 122180920592114381 9169162390086726667 n

Watermelon has got to be one of our favorite fruits, especially when the mercury rises. It’s fresh, delicious, and contains plenty of water, vitamins, sugars and natural energy.

a plate full of watermelon slice

It is mostly composed of water and this is beneficial for health since it has a diuretic effect once it is consumed

If temperatures are above 30 degrees, you can consume a piece of watermelon and you will have a fresh sensation in your body

This fruit is highly recommended as it has great properties that benefit your health.

It is very easy to get and is also extremely economical, and perhaps, its best advantage is that it yields for many days.

Unfortunately, not everything is so good, some can cause you some damage.

Although hard to believe, there are times that watermelon can generate serious health problems, it is important to know all the characteristics of this fruit so that when you notice something strange you can discard it and avoid physical problems.

The cracks in a watermelon are a bad sign

If you open a watermelon you find these cracks in it …

Sometimes we open the watermelon and we notice some huge cracks inside it, however we do not give more importance and just as we consume it.

You should stop doing this because you are causing serious damage to your body.

The Reason The Surface Of The Watermelon Is Cracked Is By A Substance That Is Used For Its Growth.

If you open a watermelon you find these cracks in it 3

This chemical is known as Forchlorfenuron. With this the fruits are pulverized, which accelerates the growth of the fruits.

The biggest problem with this chemical is that when it enters the body it can generate cancer and neurological problems. Which are very difficult to heal.

Avoid consuming watermelon when you are in this state, remember that health comes first.

If you open a watermelon you find these cracks in it anh

How to keep watermelon as fresh as possible

If you open a watermelon you find these cracks in it4

If you don’t plan on eating a watermelon the day you buy it, there are several things you can do to help keep it fresh for longer. To start, you want to buy a good watermelon. Ideally, you want to purchase a watermelon with a firm rind with a yellow ground spot, a heavy weight, a hollow sound, and two finger-width stripes.

Once you’ve selected your watermelon and brought it home, it’s best to keep it whole until you’re ready to eat it. Chilling your watermelon also helps slow down the ripening process. While storing an entire watermelon on the counter away from direct sunlight is more than acceptable, putting the whole thing in the fridge will keep it fresher for an extended period of time.

Once cut, watermelon ripens and loses freshness at a rapid pace. To keep cut watermelon fresh for as long as possible, you want to chill it right away. You also want to cover it with plastic wrap or put it in an airtight container before placing it in the fridge. Just like when it is whole, keeping your cut watermelon cool will help it maintain freshness for longer.


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If you see these painful red bumps, here’s what it means Tue, 28 May 2024 01:56:07 +0000 472715190 122192121554157339 4456341381531810301 n

One type of skin condition people suffer from is dyshidrotic eczema, which is prevalent in the spring. Although this condition isn’t curable, it is manageable and can be kept under control. The symptoms are small, itchy blisters.

Eczema refers to a group of diseases that cause skin inflammation, often known as dermatitis. As per statistics, eczema affects an estimated 35 million people in the States only. Around seventy percent of these cases include children under the age of five.

During a flare-up, the skin becomes red, itchy, and swollen with fluid-filled bumps that may ooze and crust. The most common triggers of eczema are allergic reactions, but it can also be genetic. Eczema isn’t contagious.

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One of the most common forms, as stated previously, is dyshidrotic eczema.

Dyshidrotic eczema (pompholyx) is a chronic, recurrent skin condition that causes itching and often appears symmetrically on the palms, fingers, and soles. It is marked by small, deep-seated vesicles measuring 1–2 mm, which eventually resolve with scaling after a few weeks.

There is some disagreement about the exact terminology and definitions, but this condition is also referred to as pompholyx, acute and recurrent vesicular hand dermatitis, acute palmoplantar eczema, vesicular endogenous eczema, cheiropompholyx (when affecting the hands), podopompholyx or pedopompholyx (when affecting the feet), and cheiropodopompholyx.

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Of course, not every inflammation of the skin is related to this type of eczema, so before you even start treatment make sure you are properly diagnosed.

Some of the most common symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema are:

  • Deep-set blisters on hands and feet (specifically on the edges of the fingers, toes, palms, and soles of the feet)
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Flaking
  • Scaly, cracked skin
  • Pain

People with contact dermatitis, atopic eczema, or hay fever are at a higher risk of developing dyshidrotic eczema. Sadly, it has a tendency to get infected, which delays the healing process.

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Although there is no cure and no surefire way to prevent flare-ups from taking place, an effective skincare routine can bolster your skin’s resistance to inflammation.

The most conventional treatment for dyshidrotic eczema are creams, which likely include corticosteroid creams or ointment or a prescribed injection or pill.

Other treatments include:

  • UV light treatments
  • draining large blisters
  • antihistamines
  • various anti-itch creams
  • immune-suppressing ointments, such as Protopic and Elidel

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Besides these conventional methods, there are also natural ways of treating and soothing the condition. Generally, maintaining clean and moisturized skin is one of the most effective methods for managing eczema. The type of treatment and its frequency will depend on your specific symptoms, but these natural, at-home approaches enable you to feel confident about the products you use on your skin.

Cold Compresses

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To reduce the inflammation of the skin, soak the affected area and apply cold compresses for 15 minutes. Repeat this process two to four times throughout the day and then apply moisturizer to the affected area for maximum effectiveness.

Aloe Vera

Shutterstock 1055550989 1024x538 1Renowned for its ability to soothe irritated skin and accelerate the healing process, aloe vera can help reduce the symptoms of eczema. For best results, break off a piece of the plant and apply the thick gel directly to your inflamed skin. Alternatively, you can purchase a bottle of natural aloe vera lotion from your local pharmacy.


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Due to its proven anti-inflammatory properties, oatmeal is often used to alleviate skin conditions, including dyshidrotic eczema. Applying oatmeal directly to irritated skin can help reduce eczema symptoms, leaving your skin feeling healthy and soothed.

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If you see these painful red bumps, you may have dyshidrotic eczema Tue, 28 May 2024 01:56:07 +0000 479566358 957545976469021 1805552910039234312 n

One type of skin condition people suffer from is dyshidrotic eczema, which is prevalent in the spring. Although this condition isn’t curable, it is manageable and can be kept under control. The symptoms are small, itchy blisters.

Eczema refers to a group of diseases that cause skin inflammation, often known as dermatitis. As per statistics, eczema affects an estimated 35 million people in the States only. Around seventy percent of these cases include children under the age of five.

During a flare-up, the skin becomes red, itchy, and swollen with fluid-filled bumps that may ooze and crust. The most common triggers of eczema are allergic reactions, but it can also be genetic. Eczema isn’t contagious.

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One of the most common forms, as stated previously, is dyshidrotic eczema.

Dyshidrotic eczema (pompholyx) is a chronic, recurrent skin condition that causes itching and often appears symmetrically on the palms, fingers, and soles. It is marked by small, deep-seated vesicles measuring 1–2 mm, which eventually resolve with scaling after a few weeks.

There is some disagreement about the exact terminology and definitions, but this condition is also referred to as pompholyx, acute and recurrent vesicular hand dermatitis, acute palmoplantar eczema, vesicular endogenous eczema, cheiropompholyx (when affecting the hands), podopompholyx or pedopompholyx (when affecting the feet), and cheiropodopompholyx.

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Of course, not every inflammation of the skin is related to this type of eczema, so before you even start treatment make sure you are properly diagnosed.

Some of the most common symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema are:

  • Deep-set blisters on hands and feet (specifically on the edges of the fingers, toes, palms, and soles of the feet)
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Flaking
  • Scaly, cracked skin
  • Pain

People with contact dermatitis, atopic eczema, or hay fever are at a higher risk of developing dyshidrotic eczema. Sadly, it has a tendency to get infected, which delays the healing process.

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Although there is no cure and no surefire way to prevent flare-ups from taking place, an effective skincare routine can bolster your skin’s resistance to inflammation.

The most conventional treatment for dyshidrotic eczema are creams, which likely include corticosteroid creams or ointment or a prescribed injection or pill.

Other treatments include:

  • UV light treatments
  • draining large blisters
  • antihistamines
  • various anti-itch creams
  • immune-suppressing ointments, such as Protopic and Elidel

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Besides these conventional methods, there are also natural ways of treating and soothing the condition. Generally, maintaining clean and moisturized skin is one of the most effective methods for managing eczema. The type of treatment and its frequency will depend on your specific symptoms, but these natural, at-home approaches enable you to feel confident about the products you use on your skin.

Cold Compresses

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To reduce the inflammation of the skin, soak the affected area and apply cold compresses for 15 minutes. Repeat this process two to four times throughout the day and then apply moisturizer to the affected area for maximum effectiveness.

Aloe Vera

Shutterstock 1055550989 1024x538 1Renowned for its ability to soothe irritated skin and accelerate the healing process, aloe vera can help reduce the symptoms of eczema. For best results, break off a piece of the plant and apply the thick gel directly to your inflamed skin. Alternatively, you can purchase a bottle of natural aloe vera lotion from your local pharmacy.


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Due to its proven anti-inflammatory properties, oatmeal is often used to alleviate skin conditions, including dyshidrotic eczema. Applying oatmeal directly to irritated skin can help reduce eczema symptoms, leaving your skin feeling healthy and soothed.

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Water Intake: The Essential Guide to Starting Your Day Hydrated Thu, 04 Apr 2024 01:26:29 +0000
Your body is 70% water, so it isn't surprising that you need to drink water every single day to maintain a healthy body. Drinking water in the morning is important because it helps your body recover from its nightly dehydration.

Your body is 70% water, so it isn’t surprising that you need to drink water every single day to maintain a healthy body. Drinking water in the morning is important because it helps your body recover from its nightly dehydration.

Understanding your water intake is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As your body comprises roughly 70% water, it’s vital to stay hydrated, especially by starting your day with a sufficient water intake. This practice not only rehydrates your body after hours of fasting but also sets a positive tone for maintaining hydration throughout the day.

How much water should you drink?


There isn’t one agreed-upon amount of water that everyone should drink every day. In fact, the amount of water that you need depends on many factors, including:

  • Age.
  • Gender.
  • Weight.
  • Amount of daily physical activity.
  • The temperature and humidity of the air.

Some sources recommend that you begin your day with three full cups of water. You can slowly increase the amount of water you drink every morning while your body adjusts. Drinking any at all is better than none.

Find the amount of water that makes you feel best. Remember to drink more than normal when you exercise or when it’s hot out.

What is special about the morning?


You’re fasting the entire time that you’re asleep — and, often, for a few hours before sleep. Fasting means that you aren’t eating or drinking anything. So your stomach is empty and you’re dehydrated when you first wake up.

Drinking water in the morning helps your body recover from its nightly dehydration. Your body absorbs water faster when your stomach is empty. In Japan, there’s a tradition of drinking water on an empty stomach for good health.

Dehydration can lead to a number of health problems, so you should rehydrate by drinking water as soon as possible. Drinking water first thing can also help you to establish a healthy routine and keep you hydrated throughout the day.

What are the advantages of drinking water first thing in the morning?


The advantages of drinking water first thing in the morning affect many different areas of your health. Benefits include:

  • Better skin. Dehydration can really damage your skin. Drinking water in the morning will lead to better-hydrated skin and reduced wrinkles and will increase your skin’s natural glow.
  • Better hair. Your hair is 25% water. Too little water can make it dry and brittle. Drinking water in the morning can increase its shine and strength.
  • Weight loss. Water has no calories but can help you feel full. Sometimes we even confuse thirst for hunger. This can cause us to overeat. Drinking enough water will prevent this problem.
  • Improved metabolism. Your metabolism can increase by up to 25% when you drink water on an empty stomach. A faster metabolism will make your entire body feel better and more energetic.
  • Increased energy. Besides the energetic boost from your increased metabolism, drinking water on an empty stomach also increases your red blood cell count. These added cells increase the amount of energy in your body.
  • A boosted immune system. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps balance your lymph system — an important part of your immune system. This makes it easier for your body to fight off infections.
  • Fewer kidney stones. Water dilutes the acid in your kidneys, so fewer kidney stones form.
  • Cleansed bowels. Drinking water before eating breakfast helps flush out your bowels every morning. This can help keep harmful bacteria from building up. It also helps your intestines absorb nutrients faster.
  • Increased toxin flushing. Drinking lots of water will help you flush toxins out of all areas of your body. This will help your immune system and make you feel better overall.
  • Decreased heartburn. Drinking water first thing in the morning will dilute your stomach acid and help you digest your food.
  • Fewer headaches. Dehydration commonly causes headaches. By drinking water first thing, you can decrease the number of headaches that you get.

You need to drink water throughout the day to keep your body healthy. The best way to do this is by starting every day with a glass. Try it and see how your health improves.



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9 important things to do before bed

It’s been a year since I got sucked into the realm of night wellness, and it’s been a blissful ride that I don’t plan on getting off ever.

A proper bedtime routine is key to glowing health – both mental and physical.

When you unwind properly at the end of the day, your worries take a backseat, your skin starts glowing, and your mind slips into a me-time mode that lasts till your waking hours.

The best thing is – you don’t need to do anything major to tap into your night resting mode.

Throw in some basic hygiene, beauty, and self-care activities, and you get yourself a simple bedtime checklist that will help you put your day to rest.

But if you’re content with a 30-minute bedtime routine, you’re already at the right place.

Before reading on, you might want to quickly pin this post for safekeeping.

9 Things You Should Do Before Bed

In this post, we check out 9 things to do before bed that will add up to a perfect night routine.

This is a bedtime checklist you need to tick off each night to create more balance and stability in your life.

Let’s get started.

9 Things To Do Before Bed

1. Minimize The Use Of Electronic Gadgets

It might be unrealistic of me to ask you to completely cut off your use of electronic devices before bed, though you can certainly do that too.

But if you can bring down your usage to 10% of what you’re used to, that would be great.

You might need your phone to set the alarm clock, listen to music, and tune into a podcast while you’re going through your bedtime routine.

But there is no need to plug into Netflix even if justify it as your way of ‘chilling.’ There are so many other ways to relax before bed, as you’ll soon see when you move down this list.

So, save the late-night movie marathon and TV series binging for the weekend.

But for the remaining five days, favor mindfulness over the temporary satisfaction of being entertained; your mind will thank you for this.

And I’m sorry, social media lovers, but your beloved platforms cannot make the cut either.

It’s simply not healthy to be scrolling through your online feed, checking the notifications every few seconds, and replying to texts when you’re minutes away from dozing off.

Now, that might seem like a cruel punishment, but it’s for your greater good, as you’ll see.

2. Brush Your Teeth

So people argue that brushing your teeth in the morning is enough, but is enough good enough? Okay, I might have lost some of you on that one.

The point is, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. It’s what dentists recommend and you can’t wade your way out of it.

I usually wait half an hour or so after my dinner to brush my teeth. It’s one of the daily habits my mother ingrained in me since my childhood, and one I am very grateful for.

So, if you want to maintain good oral hygiene, brush your teeth before bedtime.

Also, after this routine task, you won’t be tempted to snack after dinner, which is all the more reason to add it to your nightly checklist.

3. Moisturize Your Face

I am in love with this part of my routine. All the skincare lovers are probably already doing this, but those of you who don’t need to get started ASAP.

Wash your face after brushing your teeth. Use a cleanser that’s gentle on your skin, and then pat your face dry with a soft and clean towel.

Then use rub a moisturizer on your face in gentle outward circles.

Take your sweet time doing this, and use the feeling of nourishment to tap into mindfulness.

It’s important to bring your attention to the present and give in to your own calming tendencies.

This might sound a bit dramatic, but that’s what self-love is about – Finding little ways to care for yourself and enjoying every moment of it, even if it’s something as simple as moisturizing your face at night.

4. Create A To-Do List

It’s normal to think about your next day’s plans before going to bed.

When I was an overthinking bee, I’d keep running my morning routine in my head and fall asleep to the thought of boarding the subway on time.

Well, we all know it’s not quite unproductive to live in the future, but doing so before going to sleep encourages your brain to continue this unhealthy cycle the next day.

That’s why you should create a to-do list during your bedtime. It’s a brilliant yet simple way to visualize your goals for the next day and stop obsessing over them.

Write down your checkpoints for the next day in your planner, notepad, or a piece of paper you can carry with you.

Your list can include your morning activities, workout routine, meal plan, and work-related goals that you tend to worry about.

This will also help you stay accountable and avoid procrastination.

5. Prepare For The Next Day

To avoid hustling in the morning, it’s best to sleep prepared. I’m not asking you to stay up late prepping for your next day’s schedule.

Just tidy up a few things so that you can lie down without any impending work stressing you out.

Select your outfit for the next day, including your accessories and shoes. Prepare your work bag by putting in any necessary items and files.

Set up your alarm clock to wake up on time.

If you’re a morning workout person, then lay out your exercise clothes on the table so that you feel active the moment you’re up.

Basically, prepare to wake up prepared. It’s one of the best habits of successful people that you can incorporate into your night routine.

6. Stretch And Relax

On my wellness journey, I explored various home workout regimes. Some were wonderful, others I found not that good fit for my body.

The best one I’ve found to date is the Pure Joy Yoga workout. It’s one of the rare workouts that is loved by both my body and my mind.

I was so amazed by its effects on my mental health that I decided to dig deeper into this, and found out that stretching is something people actually do before their bedtime!

It improves the quality of your sleep, helps your body unknot after a tiring day, and is a blissful way to tune into mindfulness.

Once you add bedtime stretching to your routine, you won’t want to go to sleep without it.

7. Brain Dump Through Journaling

The good old classic journaling method is still valid, maybe more than ever considering how crazier life has gotten for us humans.

Call it venting, brain decluttering, or emotional release – your journal can take everything you have to dish.

And that’s because it is a representation of your inner self.

There are a million thoughts racing through your mind every day, and it can be hard to keep track of the important stuff.

When you journal at bedtime, you give yourself permission to acknowledge everything that went wrong during the day.

Your stress finds a healthy outlet, and you get to soothe your tender feelings the day they present themselves.

Also, bedtime journaling is your chance to express gratitude for life and get to know yourself a little better.

It is the best thing you can do to practice emotional self-care, put your thoughts to bed, and sleep with your worries chucked out of the window.

8. Read A Book

Even after doing activities like stretching and journaling, don’t be surprised if your brain has plenty to chatter about, because it’s stubborn like that.

That’s why bedtime reading is a must-do activity to add to your checklist.

When you immerse yourself in the pages of a book, your mind has no option but to slow down.

Plus, reading is such a delightful way to end your day. It’s one of the simplest habits of happy people that can be extremely rewarding.

Don’t agree with me? Give it a try tonight. Read just one page, and see if it makes a difference to your mood.

You can pick an old classic, or go with something that’s trending in the contemporary section.

Just, maybe stay away from thrillers and mystery? We don’t want you to burn the midnight oil telling yourself ‘Just one more page.’

If stories don’t appeal to you for night reading, then a valuable non-fiction book is also good to give yourself food for thought.

9. 10 Minutes Of Meditation

The last thing to do before bed is to guide your mind toward restful sleep. This is the closing chapter of your nighttime routine and should not be skipped.

Sit with your back against the wall, relax your whole body, and close your eyes.

For the next few minutes, do nothing but focus on your breaths.

Count to three in your head as you inhale, hold for three seconds more, and release the breath in three counts.

If you’d like to be free with your breaths, you can also bring your awareness to the sensations in your body.

Feel your body’s points of contact with the bed and visualize your anxiety seeping out through your toes.

Another great way to meditate at night is to listen to sleep meditations and let the narrator’s voice guide you toward mindfulness.

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