healthy life – Wed, 24 Jul 2024 04:51:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 healthy life – 32 32 Do You Often Wake Up Between 3 and 5 AM? You May Be Having A Spiritual Awakening Wed, 24 Jul 2024 04:51:25 +0000 A great number of people experience difficulties regarding adopting habits that may enhance their sleep quality so instead of feeling energized when they wake up, they feel exhausted and moody.

The truth is that many people wake up a number of times during the night but they don’t even notice that because they fall back asleep quickly. Some of those awakenings are around a second long, but some are longer and cause the person trouble falling asleep again.

wake in night health

If you belong to this group, it’s crucial that you figure out what causes you to wake up and what to do to prevent it from happening over and over again.

These awakenings may have to do with the sleep cycle which goes from wakefulness to sleep, light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement and is the part of the sleep cycle where we will have the most dreams. These REM cycles happen more often as we approach the morning hours.

Some believe it has to do with aging, and others blame sleep apnea for it.

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But it turns out that there is yet another explanation why someone wakes up between 3 and 5 am. It is believed that at this time the most mysterious phenomena, called the ‘Witching Hour,’ occurs. This means that you can sense mysterious energy around you, or what is known as the “awakening.”

According to the ancient Chinese theories of Qi Energy, the energy meridians of the body are also connected to a clock-like-system that energizes different parts of the body at different times of the day. So, awakening between this particular time every night is a sign that energy in certain areas of the body connected to those meridians is either blocked or weak.

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What’s most, during this time, the Meridian of Lungs which is considered the most ‘magical’ one and is related to the sense of freedom is activated.

Another meridian activated at this time is the Meridian of Large Intestine which is responsible for our body’s “detox” system.

What you should ask yourself in case you experience these awakenings is whether there is something that bothers you that your meridian is trying to warn you of.

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Source: boreddaddy

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Do You Drool When You Sleep? You Are So Fortunate Then And We Tell You Why Sat, 20 Jul 2024 06:15:40 +0000 Sleeping is a fundamental process for our body. To lead a productive and active life, we must ensure we get a good night’s sleep every day, avoiding sleep deprivation or insomnia.

Unfortunately, some people fail to achieve a restful night’s sleep, negatively affecting their brain function and overall health.

Despite the great pleasure and importance we associate with sleep, we cannot always indulge in it for as long as we please. People have obligations such as work or study that require them to be active during the day.

Those who experience a lack of sleep and fatigue during the day may feel discomfort in their body, experience a bad mood, or even face health issues due to lack of energy. Sometimes the body tries to compensate by creating a new sleep cycle, leading to unintentional napping at a desk or on a bus.

Do You Drool When You Sleep? You Are So Fortunate Then And We Tell You Why

The Reason Why You Drool When You Sleep Is Beneficial.

It is observed that after a restful sleep, one may wake up to find the area where their head rested has drooled. Many consider this to be embarrassing or taboo and have even mocked others for this occurrence. However, it is important to recognize that drooling during sleep is a positive sign indicating restful sleep.

There are different stages of sleep, and one of them is called REM or rapid eye movement, which is associated with deep and relaxed sleep. When you drool during sleep, it means that the REM stage was uninterrupted, indicating that you have experienced a sound sleep without any disturbances. This is something to be grateful for, as not everyone can achieve such restful sleep.

Conversely, if you do not drool during sleep, it may indicate that your sleep habits are disrupted and your rest is inadequate. Remember, in order to achieve personal and professional growth, it is crucial to prioritize rest. If you have persistent sleep issues, it is advisable to consult a trusted physician.


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Easy way for Mosquito-Proof Your Life: Say Goodbye to DEET and Calamine Lotion! Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:22 +0000 Mosquitoes, the tiny, blood-thirsty buzzkills that can turn a peaceful evening into an itchy nightmare. We’ve all been there, desperately searching for a way to escape their relentless attacks.

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Mosquitoes are attracted to various factors, and understanding what makes you a target can help you take measures to reduce your attractiveness to them. Here are some details about what mosquitoes are most attracted to:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Mosquitoes are highly attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale when we breathe. They use CO2 as a primary cue to locate potential hosts. So, when you’re breathing, you’re essentially sending out an invitation to mosquitoes.

Body Heat: Mosquitoes are also drawn to body heat. Warmer bodies indicate the presence of a potential host. This is why they are often more active during warm summer evenings when people are outdoors.

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Scent: Mosquitoes have a keen sense of smell and can detect scents from a considerable distance. Certain scents, such as those produced by perfumes, scented lotions, and even sweat, can attract mosquitoes. Floral or fruity scents can be particularly appealing to them.

Dark Clothing: Dark-colored clothing, especially black and navy, can absorb and retain heat, making you more visible to mosquitoes. Light-colored and loose-fitting clothing is less likely to attract them.

Easy way for Mosquito-Proof Your Life

Lactic Acid: When we exercise or become active, we produce lactic acid, which is another attractant for mosquitoes. This is why physical activity can increase your risk of getting bitten.

Blood Type: Research suggests that mosquitoes may be more attracted to certain blood types. People with Type O blood may be more prone to mosquito bites compared to those with Type A or Type B blood.

Skin Microbes: The specific microbes and bacteria on your skin can influence your attractiveness to mosquitoes. Some skin bacteria produce scents that are more attractive to these insects.


Pregnancy: Pregnant women tend to exhale more carbon dioxide and have slightly higher body temperatures, making them more attractive to mosquitoes.

Alcohol Consumption: Consuming alcohol can increase your body temperature and cause your blood vessels to dilate, making you more appealing to mosquitoes.

Genetics: Your genetic makeup may also play a role in how attractive you are to mosquitoes. Some people are naturally more prone to mosquito bites due to their genetics.

It’s important to note that not all mosquitoes are equally attracted to these factors, and there is some variation among mosquito species. Additionally, individual preferences can vary. To reduce your attractiveness to mosquitoes…

But before you resort to DEET or calamine lotion, let us introduce you to some easy, all-natural solutions that will have you enjoying mosquito-free bliss.

1. Citronella Magic:

Lemongrass essential oil placed on a wooden table.

Citronella is your new best friend in the fight against mosquitoes. Whether in the form of candles or essential oils, its pleasant scent not only keeps these pests at bay but also adds a delightful ambiance to your outdoor gatherings.

2. Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Power:

This essential oil packs a double punch – it repels mosquitoes and has a refreshing, lemony scent. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil, apply it to exposed skin, and watch the mosquitoes stay away.

3. A Garlic Barrier:

Yes, garlic may ward off more than just vampires! Consuming garlic regularly can make your body emit a subtle scent that mosquitoes find repulsive. A natural deterrent from the inside out.

4. Mosquito-Repelling Plants:

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Keep pots of lavender, basil, or marigolds on your patio or in your garden. These plants naturally repel mosquitoes, and they look lovely as well.

5. Wear Light-Colored Clothing:

Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors. Opt for light-colored clothing to keep them from landing on you in the first place.

6. Cooling Peppermint Spray:

Combine peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle. The cooling sensation will relieve itchy bites, and the scent will keep mosquitoes away.

7. DIY Mosquito Traps:

Create your own mosquito trap by filling a container with a mixture of water, sugar, and yeast. The carbon dioxide produced will attract mosquitoes, and they’ll get trapped in the solution.

8. Mosquito Nets for Bedtime:

For a peaceful night’s sleep, invest in a mosquito net. It’s a classic and effective way to keep the bloodsuckers at bay.

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How to Treat Itchy Bites

Itchy mosquito bites can be quite annoying, but there are several methods you can use to treat the itch and discomfort. Here are some ideas for treating itchy bites:

Wash the Area: Start by washing the bitten area with mild soap and water to remove any potential irritants and reduce the risk of infection.

Keep the Area Clean and Dry: To prevent infection, keep the bite clean and dry. Avoid excessive moisture, as it can prolong the healing process.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera gel has soothing properties that can alleviate itching and reduce inflammation. Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to the bite.


Honey: Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A thin layer of honey applied to the bite can help reduce itching and promote healing.

Tea Bags: Apply a used and cooled tea bag (black or green tea) to the bite. The tannins in tea can help relieve itching and reduce inflammation.

Cold Compress: Apply a cold compress to the bite for 10-15 minutes. This can help reduce inflammation and temporarily relieve itching.


Anti-itch Creams or Lotions: Over-the-counter anti-itch creams or lotions containing ingredients like hydrocortisone, calamine, or pramoxine can provide relief from itching. Follow the product’s instructions for application.

Oatmeal Bath: Soaking in an oatmeal bath or applying an oatmeal paste to the bite can provide relief. Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties and can soothe the skin.

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Essential Oils: Some essential oils, such as lavender, tea tree, and chamomile, can help relieve itching. Dilute a few drops of essential oil in a carrier oil and apply it to the bite, but be cautious, as essential oils can be potent and may cause skin irritation if not properly diluted.

Baking Soda Paste: Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to create a paste. Apply it to the bite, leave it on for a few minutes, and then rinse it off. Baking soda can help reduce itching.

Easy way for Mosquito-Proof Your Life

If the itching persists, becomes severe, or if you experience an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite (which can include symptoms like swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing), it’s important to seek medical attention. In some cases, a healthcare professional may recommend prescription-strength treatments.

No more need for harsh chemicals or sticky lotions! These easy and effective methods will help you reclaim your outdoor and indoor spaces, free from mosquito nuisances.

Try them out, and let us know which one works best for you!


Cabbage Foot Wraps: Unveiling Surprising Results for Your Health! Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:21 +0000 Have you ever considered the extraordinary benefits of wrapping your feet in cabbage? Yes, you read that right. In this article, we’ll unveil a surprising and natural trick that has been used for centuries to address various health issues.

Whether you’re seeking relief from pain, inflammation, or detoxification, cabbage can be a game-changer for your well-being. Let’s dive into the surprising world of cabbage and its remarkable results for your feet.


1. The Healing Power of Cabbage:

Cabbage, a humble vegetable found in kitchens around the world, has a rich history of being used in natural remedies. This section delves into the incredible healing properties of cabbage and its role in traditional and modern wellness:

Cabbage’s use in natural remedies dates back centuries, with records of its medicinal applications in ancient civilizations.
Explore how different cultures have employed cabbage for various health concerns, from ancient Europe to Asia.


Therapeutic Properties: Cabbage contains compounds such as glucosinolates, which have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Discover how the high sulfur content in cabbage leaves can promote detoxification and alleviate common health issues.

Versatility in Health Remedies: Cabbage leaves are known for their versatility in addressing a wide range of health concerns.
Learn how cabbage wraps have been employed for conditions like joint pain, arthritis, swelling, and even detoxification.

The surprising results of wrapping your feet in cabbage are within your reach, offering a natural and cost-effective approach to various health concerns. The wonders of this time-tested remedy have amazed countless individuals throughout history, and it’s now your turn to experience the benefits.

2. How to Prepare and Apply a Cabbage Foot Wrap:

Using cabbage leaves as a foot wrap requires careful preparation and application to ensure the best results. Follow this step-by-step guide to select, clean, and prepare cabbage leaves, wrap your feet effectively, and secure the wrap for comfort and effectiveness:


Step 1: Gather Your Materials:

Gather fresh, green cabbage leaves. Look for leaves that are free from blemishes and damage.
You’ll also need a cutting board, a knife, and a rolling pin or a similar tool.

Step 2: Select and Clean the Cabbage Leaves:

Choose a few cabbage leaves and carefully remove them from the head of cabbage. Then, Rinse the leaves thoroughly under cold water to remove any dirt or impurities.

Step 3: Soften the Cabbage Leaves:

To make the cabbage leaves more pliable and comfortable for wrapping, use a rolling pin or a similar tool to gently flatten and soften them.
Be careful not to tear the leaves but ensure they are flexible.

Step 4: Trim and Cut the Leaves:

Place the cabbage leaves on a cutting board, and trim the thick stem from each leaf to make them easier to work with.
Cut the leaves into sizes that will comfortably wrap around your feet.

Step 5: Warm the Cabbage Leaves (Optional):

If desired, you can briefly warm the cabbage leaves in a microwave or with hot water. Warming the leaves can enhance their soothing effect.

Step 6: Wrap Your Feet:

Sit in a comfortable position and place the softened cabbage leaves on the soles of your feet. After that,
Wrap the leaves around your feet, ensuring they cover the areas you want to address. You can overlap the leaves slightly for better coverage.

Step 7: Secure the Wrap:

To secure the cabbage leaves, you can use medical tape or elastic bandages. But Ensure the wrap is snug but not too tight, allowing for comfortable circulation.

Step 8: Relax and Wait:

Once your feet are wrapped, it’s time to relax. Leave the cabbage wrap on for about 30 minutes to 1 hour to allow the healing properties of the cabbage to work.


Tips for Securing the Cabbage Wrap:

  • If you use elastic bandages, make sure they are not too tight, as overly tight wrapping can impede blood flow.
  • While the wrap is on, you can elevate your feet to enhance the effects.
    Keep an eye on your skin during the process. If you notice any irritation or discomfort, remove the wrap immediately.

By following these steps and tips, you can properly prepare and apply a cabbage foot wrap, ensuring comfort and effectiveness.

The process allows you to harness the healing properties of cabbage to address various health concerns with this natural and time-tested remedy.

Explore our website for more fascinating home remedies and wellness tips that can help you enhance your health and well-being in the most unexpected ways. It’s time to try the extraordinary benefits of cabbage foot wraps for yourself!

99,5% Will Fail to Start the Game. Do You See The Hidden Odd Ones? Mon, 04 Apr 2022 18:34:50 +0000 There are many types of puzzles that allow us to train our minds and improve our logic skills, whether they are math, mazes, or question-and-answer puzzles. And there are also visual exercises in which you need to use your visual skills to stimulate your brain and get those juices flowing.

Pay attention to the details, and don’t forget to count your right answers!

Let’s get started! Good luck!

1. Look for the odd one out

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2. What about this one?

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3. Ready to go to the next one

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4. Can you solve this in 3 seconds?

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5. It’s a little more difficult – are you up to it?

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6. Well done! This is the last one

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Check out the answer:


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Let us know your result in the comments!

Don’t forget to SHARE the fun with loved ones.

Products and the Amounts Required to Avoid Overdosing and Stay Healthy Tue, 11 Jan 2022 16:38:29 +0000 We may eat bread, eggs, bananas, and milk every day, but we often overlook the recommended serving sizes. We risk overdosing on vitamins and minerals, endangering our health even further.

2 bananas per day

Bananas provide essential nutrients and fiber to the body. It is acceptable to consume two bananas per day as a snack. They may help with bloating, appetite control, and the replacement of processed sugars. According to experts, bananas are insufficient for breakfast. They’ll give you a quick boost at first, but you’ll soon be tired and hungry again.


7 eggs per week

It’s risky to eat many eggs, especially for people with heart disease. Specialists recommend up to one egg a day for most people and fewer for people with high blood cholesterol. If you’re generally healthy, 7 eggs per week should be fine.


 1 teaspoon of salt per day

Adults should eat no more than 6 grams of salt a day — that’s around 1 teaspoon. And this amount should include all salty food that you consume, including cheese, salami, and chips.

Be careful about how much salt you give to kids:

  • 1 to 3 years — 2 g of salt a day
  • 4 to 6 years — 3 g of salt a day
  • 7 to 10 years — 5 g of salt a day
  • 11 years and over — 6 g of salt a day

 3 cups of milk per day

Dietary guidelines recommend that adults should drink 3 cups or 732 ml per day of milk to get the most benefits and avoid problems. However, be careful if you’re intolerant of it.


One and a half tablespoons of olive oil per day

One and a half tablespoons of olive oil per day will be a great bonus for your health. Be careful how you consume it. When olive oil is cooked at high heat, it loses its benefits.


6 teaspoons of sugar per day

Researchers suggest consuming no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day for most women. Men can eat up to 9 teaspoons.
If you drink one can of a sugar-sweetened drink per day without cutting back on calories elsewhere, you can gain up to 15 pounds over 3 years.


3 cups of black tea

9 different studies suggest that drinking 3 cups of black tea on a daily basis reduces the risk of stroke. Still, be careful with this beverage and the amount of caffeine you ingest if you have insomnia or other individual contraindications.


 4 cups of black coffee per day

Several studies suggest that drinking 4 cups (945 ml) of coffee a day is safe for most healthy adults. People who drink up to 4 cups of it daily have a way lower chance of developing any kind of liver disease. However, it doesn’t mean that you need to start drinking it if you don’t tolerate it or have other medical issues.

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1 orange per day

One orange can provide enough vitamin C for one day. Eating it in large quantities may give you gastrointestinal symptoms, so avoid eating oranges at night.


6 slices of bread per day

Dietary guidelines say that a “healthy” 1,800 to 2,000-calorie diet can include 6 slices of bread a day. This includes up to 3 slices of “refined-grain” white bread.


Smart Snacking Tips Anyone Should Know Sun, 26 Dec 2021 01:31:34 +0000 Your physique, weight gain, and even your mood can depend on how and when you snack. Timing, healthy foods, and serving size are just a few of the conditions that must be met in order to feel better. And by the way, smoothies are not necessarily the best option for a snack.

We’ve collected tips on how to chew properly, choose wisely, and we’ve also suggested 4 healthy snack options at the end.

1. Snack slower.

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Enjoy every piece. Stretch the process of snacking. Try to allocate 10 minutes solely for a snack and do not be distracted by other factors, like TV, phone, or a conversation with someone.

2. Choose the right time.

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The best time for a snack is between 12 pm to 5 pm. Snacks in this timeframe will not only prevent binge eating, but also help curb unhealthy snack choices — which is often the reason for gaining excess weight.

3. Choose baked, not fried.

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Fruits and vegetables are not good in just any form. For example, bananas and potatoes are best baked, not fried. And while roasting sounds healthy, the fact is that it usually occurs with the addition of oil, and fried oil is not a very good friend to our body.

4. Do not eat at your desk.

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Mindless eating at your desk, especially without controlling portions, is dangerous. An open stack of cookies in front of a computer can go unnoticed while you are working on a project.

5. Сhoose healthy alternatives.

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© Shutterstock, © Depositphotos, © Depositphotos

When your collegues having tea or coffee at work with a sweet, bring healthy alternatives: like cheese and fruit.

6. Eat more fiber and dairy products.

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If you have a sedentary job, eat more fiber and dairy products. This will help the intestines cope with inactivity. Fiber is found in all vegetables and many fruits, as well as bran and whole grain bread.

7. Try bran.

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Try crunchy bran. They quickly saturate and help lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. You can add it into your smoothie, sprinkle it on fruit salads, or mix it with cottage cheese. But do not eat more than 30 grams of bran per day and be sure to drink plenty of water.

8. Do not drink your calories.

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Any high-calorie drinks like juices or smoothies will not satisfy you for a long time and will probably exceed the permissible limits for calorie and sugar content.

9. Prepare snacks at home.

In stores or fast food restaurants, you can rarely find something healthy in ready-made form, so it’s easier to just grab a chocolate bar and run back to work. If you prepare something at home like a healthy cookie, dried bananas in the oven, apple slices – you have more control over the ingredients you are eating and when you bring your own yummy snacks, you will be less tempted to buy something bad for you.

BONUS: What to eat for a healthy snack?

Cottage cheese

A great snack option at any time. For lunch, you can have cottage cheese with berries and fruits. For a salty snack you can try cottage cheese with vegetables.

Any fruit

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Apples, pears, bananas, oranges, grapefruit, peaches, 4-5 apricots or a bowl of seasonal berries. But don’t overeat them. Fruits are high in calories and contain fructose, so it’s easy to overdo it with them.

Nuts and seeds

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Don’t eat more than 25 grams. Nuts are very healthy, because they contain unsaturated fats. But they are also high in calories.

Daily Tips: HOW TO NATURALLY WHITEN TEETH AT HOME Tue, 21 Dec 2021 16:55:46 +0000 Most individuals want their teeth to be whiter and brighter, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. It’s no wonder that dental whitening and at-home tooth-whitening procedures have gained popularity!

But beware; using a commercial dental whitening product come with its own set of problems:

  • They are expensive. Tooth whiteners can set you back $15 -$45 for store bought treatments and an average of $250 for in-office treatments.
  • They are full of artificial ingredients and man-made chemicals. Tooth whiteners and whitening toothpastes can contain artificial fragrances, artificial flavoring, plastic polymers, sodium laurel sulfate, triclosan, alcohol, hydrated silicaand other ingredients that I do not want in my body!
  • They can be irritating to teeth and gums.  Commercial tooth whiteners can cause tooth sensitivity or pain, an increase in hot or cold sensitivity, and gum irritation.

Fortunately, there are many inexpensive and simple home cures you may employ to brighten your smile. Learn how to whiten your teeth naturally at home using these 14 all-natural solutions:


What to do: Create a thin paste by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide in a small dish, use a soft toothbrush to apply the paste to teeth, and brush gently for 2 minutes. Rinse and brush with regular toothpaste.

Why this works: Hydrogen peroxide is the bleach used most often in commercial teeth-whitening products, it bleaches stains from teeth to restore their natural, white color. Baking soda is mildly abrasive which helps gently buff away surface stains and thicken the peroxide so it stays on the surface of the tooth longer.

lemon baking soda clogged drain


What to do: Brush teeth with regular toothpaste. Mix ½ cup of water with 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, swish in your mouth for 1 minute. Brush and rinse with water to remove hydrogen peroxide. Repeat daily until you see lighter teeth.

Why this works: The peroxide bleaches stains from teeth to restore their natural, white color.

Is Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash Safe and Effective


What to do: Create a thin paste by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda with ½ teaspoon of sea salt and a bit of water in a small dish, use a soft toothbrush to apply to teeth and gently brush for 2 minutes. Rinse and brush with regular toothpaste.

Why this works: Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and salt are gentle abrasives that remove surface stains from teeth.

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What to do: Create a thin paste by mixing a teaspoon of organic turmeric powder and a bit of water in a small dish, use a soft toothbrush to apply the paste to teeth, and gently brush for 2 minutes. Be careful not to spatter, it can stain!  Rinse with water then brush with regular toothpaste.

Why this works: Turmeric powder is a gentle abrasive that can remove surface stains to reveal whiter teeth.  Turmeric is naturally anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial which makes it a great choice for natural dental care.



What to do: Wet toothbrush and sprinkle with food-grade activated charcoal powder then brush for 2 minutes. Be careful not to spatter, it can stain!  Rinse with water then brush with regular toothpaste.

Why this works: Activated charcoal whitens by absorbing plaque and other tooth-staining substances, leaving your teeth cleaner and brighter.

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What to do: Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with enough baking soda to make a thin paste, use a soft toothbrush to apply to teeth and gently brush for 2 minutes. Rinse with water then brush with regular toothpaste to remove all lemon juice.

Why this works: Lemons are high in citric acid which acts as a natural bleach for stains on teeth. Baking soda is mildly abrasive which helps gently buff away surface stains and thicken the lemon juice so it stays on the teeth longer.

Use A Lemon Juice Baking Soda Paste


What to do: Place a tablespoon of organic coconut oil in your mouth and swish/swirl it around your mouth (the way you’d use a mouthwash) for 5-20 minutes. Rise then sprinkle a clean, damp toothbrush with baking soda and brush your teeth. Rinse.

Why this works: Oil pulling is an ancient technique that removes plaque and bacteria exposing whiter, brighter teeth. Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial and can also help to reduce gum disease. Baking soda is mildly abrasive which helps gently buff away surface stains.

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What to do: Swirl a mouthful of ACV around your mouth the way you’d use mouthwash for 2 minutes then dip your toothbrush in apple cider vinegar (ACV) and brush to help remove stains. Rinse then brush your teeth with baking soda or toothpaste to remove all ACV.

Why this works: ACV contains acetic acid which helps break down plaque and stains on teeth. It also contains minerals, probiotics, and enzymes that can kill germs and bacteria in your mouth.

ACV Hair Detox 4


What to do: Mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of toothpaste and a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. Spread mixture over teeth and leave on for 5-10 minutes. Brush teeth with the mixture then rinse thoroughly with water, brush with regular toothpaste or plain baking soda to remove all hydrogen peroxide.

Why this works: The peroxide bleaches stains from teeth to restore their natural, white color. Baking soda is mildly abrasive which helps gently buff away surface stains and the toothpaste helps the mixture adhere to the surface of the tooth.

baking soda teeth whitening


What to do: Mix 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of organic turmeric powder with a few drops of peppermint oil, spearmint essential oil, or cinnamon bark oil to create toothpaste. Brush teeth twice a day.

Why this works: Coconut oil and turmeric powder are a powerful plaque-removing combination that’s naturally anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. The essential oil gives the toothpaste a nice flavor

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What to do: Sprinkle the white side of an orange peel with sea salt then gently rub a small piece onto your teeth for 2 minutes. Rinse then brush with regular toothpaste or baking soda to remove all citrus residue.

Why this work: The white part of a citrus peel naturally contains d-limonene a substance that is used in commercial teeth whitening products. Salt is naturally abrasive and can help remove surface stains.

sea salt face scrub recipe


What to do: Crush and stir a large strawberry with ½ teaspoon of baking soda until smooth and well blended. Spread mixture onto teeth and wait 5 minutes. Rinse then brush with regular toothpaste or baking soda to remove all berry residue.

Why this works:  Strawberries contain malic acid which is used in many commercials teeth whitening products to help remove surface stains. Baking soda is a mild abrasive which helps gently buff away discoloration.

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What to do: Gently rub a small piece of the inside of the banana peel of your teeth for two minutes. Rinse then brush with regular toothpaste or baking soda to remove all banana residue.

Why this works: The high level of minerals in the peel (potassium, magnesium, and manganese) are absorbed into the teeth and help to whiten your smile.

7 Surprising Banana Peel Uses1


  1.  Track Tooth Whitening Progress: Whitening teeth at home will not produce the immediate dramatic results you see in the dentists office. You should take photos to help track your progress.
    • What to do: Take a picture of your teeth before and after each whitening treatment. Compare the images to see what works.
    • Why: The natural whitening process is gradual, you will be able to see analyze the results more if you compare a before and after picture instead of relying on your memory.
  2. Tooth Whitening Warnings: If you have any dental issues or dental work you should consult with your dentist before trying any of these home remedies.
    • Be Cautious – Naturally whitening teeth at home is safe and effective if done correctly. Use these natural tooth whitening remedies occasionally to avoid damage to the tooth enamel.
    • Be Realistic – Some yellowing is natural and is a sign of healthy tooth enamel. You do not want to over-bleach or cause enamel damage.

Surprising Health Benefits of Interacting With Animals Sat, 04 Dec 2021 18:34:37 +0000 What we now know about our relationships with animals will amaze you. Read on to discover some amazing benefits of time spent with animals.

Handling a Pet Produces a Measurable Drop in Cortisol

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All of these feel-good interactions are more than just happy talk. A 2019 study found that there’s hard science behind warm-and-fuzzy interventions like the AVPs: in a randomized trial involving 250 students, researchers measured significant drops in students’ salivary cortisol levels after 10-minute hands-on petting of cats and dogs in an AVP. Study group at the local cat café, anyone?

Interacting With Animals Can Make Us Better People

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What do other species mean to us (and vice versa)? To get at the heart of the matter, we turned to Kathy Stevens, co-founder of Catskill Animal Sanctuary — a 150-acre refuge in New York’s Hudson Valley where, for the past two decades, thousands of animals have found love and peace after lives full of cruelty and neglect. “Spending time with animals reminds us of our responsibility to right the wrongs our species has created, but also of what’s important — love and connection, regardless of outward differences like class or race or species,” she says. “Animals are teachers and friends, sources of solace and inspiration, and perhaps most importantly, reminders of our moral obligation as caretakers of the planet. That’s how they’ve changed our lives — they keep us grounded in what matters.” Read on to meet some of the Sanctuary’s residents — and to learn just how lucky we are to share the planet with them.

Animals Could Be Therapeutic Aids for Children With Autism

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Laverne, a once-neglected ewe rescued from Massachusetts, gave birth to her lamb, Davey, after arrival and gained fame at Catskill Animal Sanctuary as an ultra-attentive mama.

In a pioneering Australian study, researchers measured physiological arousal, an indicator of social anxiety, in trios of 5- to 12-year-old children interacting in classroom-like activities such as reading aloud, reading silently, and engaging in play. In peer interactions where guinea pigs were present (as opposed to peer interactions where toys were present), children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) displayed reduced arousal and increased positive emotion — which leads researchers to believe that animals could function as “social buffers” in therapeutic settings for them.

Seeing Birds Can Make Us as Happy as Getting a Raise

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Sabine and Giselle survived a fall from a transport truck on the highway. They’re now the best of friends and enjoy life on the Sanctuary’s pond.

If you’ve experienced the pandemic-era thrill of discovery at the end of a pair of binoculars, you’re in good company. To learn more about that thrill, scientists from the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research crunched the numbers from a survey of 26,000 people in 26 European countries. They found that a 10 percent increase in species diversity — that is, seeing 14 additional bird species in their vicinity — increased respondents’ life satisfaction at least as much as 10 percent more money in their household accounts each month. If rare birds don’t flock to your neighborhood, don’t despair: English researchers have found that bird abundance (as opposed to variety) is associated with lower levels of negative mental health indicators.

Spending Time on a Farm Can Protect Against Childhood Asthma

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Merida and Kevin were rescued from neglect. Now that they’re all grown up, you can find them delighting in mud baths in warmer months.

Colonizing bacteria known as microbiota “educate” our immune systems in how to respond to the outside world. German scientists analyzed bacteria samples from more than 700 infants who spent part of their earliest months on traditional farms and found that those youngsters had especially mature and effective gut bacteria — gut bacteria that could actually help protect their lungs (and help explain why children who grow up on a farm have a lower risk of developing allergies and asthma).

Visiting Animals Where They Live Is Good for Your Gut

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German researchers were especially surprised to discover the positive environmental effects of “farm-related exposures” like time spent in barns and sheds where animals feed and sleep; could a day trip to a local farm sanctuary be in the cards for you and your new arrival this fall? Put another way (in a discussion of a study that found diverse microbes in Amish babies’ systems), “Too clean is not necessarily a good thing.”

Having Pets Early in Life Can Reduce Kids’ Risk of Allergies

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Barbie the hen was found in Brooklyn under a parked car. She’s pictured with Rambo, a free-roaming Sanctuary sheep who would check on the other animals before he turned in for the night.

The so-called “mini-farm effect,” observed when exposure to a wide variety of microbes and other “immunoregulatory factors” like dog and cat allergens leads to a child’s eventual tolerance of other common allergens (i.e. food and airborne irritants like dust and pollen), has also been reported among children in Sweden. Researchers analyzed data from more than 1,000 young subjects and found that there was a dose-dependent association between having dogs and cats in a household and tolerance to allergic disease — so cohabiting with more cats and dogs reduces risk and increases their beneficial effect.

A Goat’s Gaze Could Cause a Happiness-Hormone Spike

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Violet was born at the Sanctuary shortly after her mother was rescued. Don’t let that modest gaze fool you: She became an instant kid star when a video of her climbing a rock went viral.

Scientists have known for some time that the “puppy-dog eyes” our canine pals give us can increase our levels of the feel-good cuddle hormone oxytocin, and that the loving looks we give them in return cause their oxytocin levels to increase. (Known as a “positive loop,” it’s heralded as one of the reasons the human-canine bond is so close.) Recent research is demonstrating that goats are also capable of responding to human expressions and our emotional cues, as well as looking to us for help in problem-solving — and study authors speculate that their loving looks might be just as loaded. When it comes to being humankind’s best friend, could goats have had the potential to be the G.O.A.T. all along?

Horses Offer Support for Psychotherapy Patients

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When rescuers first met Cricket, she was chained to a tree. Her caregivers report that her new life has helped her completely forget her old one — and that she can now be “quite bossy”!

As providers of both physical and psychological support for humans, horses have an astounding history: they have been aids in therapeutic treatment since the second century, and there are now 26 different ways interacting with horses can be medically beneficial to people. A systematic review published last year in Environmental Research and Public Health highlighted the emerging and promising science of equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP) for patients with trauma and personality problems. Research shows that interventions with horses’ assistance could positively influence patient-caregiver trust, offer strong motivation to continue therapy and help patients develop resilience — all crucial aids for groups that tend to drop out of care and have low expectations of treatment.

Interacting With Animals Reduces Stress in Students

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As of 2015, more than 1,000 American colleges had animal visitation programs (or AVPs) available to calm the minds of students and administrators alike. AVPs generally last between five and 45 minutes and can range from interactions with therapy dogs or staffers’ pets to extended sessions with adoptable animals from local shelters. Those meet and greets have been associated with everything from higher positive emotions, reduction in negative emotions, lower perceived stress and mood improvements.

Rescuers saved both Scout and Zeke’s lives. Scout (left) has become the benevolent leader of the herd, and is often the first to approach visitors.

The 10 Best Ways to Whiten Yellow Teeth Naturally at Home Tue, 30 Nov 2021 22:00:54 +0000 We all dream of having a perfect Hollywood smile. However, not everyone can afford to go to the dentist to have their teeth whitened.

Activated charcoal

Activated charcoal is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to naturally whiten your teeth. Crush up one charcoal tablet into a powder. Dip your clean wet toothbrush into it, and brush your teeth as you normally do.


Powdered milk and toothpaste

Powdered milk will help to maintain your teeth healthy and beautifully white. Brush your teeth after putting toothpaste on your toothbrush and topping it with powdered milk.


Sea salt, lemon juice, and toothpaste

Mix half a teaspoon of sea salt and some freshly squeezed lemon juice with a small amount of toothpaste in a bowl. Apply the mixture to your teeth, and leave it on for a minute before rinsing your mouth thoroughly.


Baking soda and lemon juice

Put a pinch of baking soda on your toothbrush, and add a few drops of lemon juice over it to get a set of shining teeth. Remember not to use this whitening method more frequently than once a week.


Hydrogen peroxide

Before using hydrogen peroxide, make sure that your teeth aren’t too sensitive. If everything is fine, simply dip a cotton swab into the peroxide, and gently rub your teeth. However, this whitening technique isn’t recommended for frequent use as it can harm your enamel.


Baking powder and lemon juice

A teaspoon of baking powder and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice will work wonders in just 2 minutes. Don’t keep this mixture on your teeth for more than 2 minutes.\

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Lemon juice and water

А mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water will help to restore whiteness to your teeth and completely disinfect your oral cavity.


Apple cider vinegar and water

Dilute half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Rinse your mouth with this solution every morning before brushing your teeth.


A strawberry

Take a ripe strawberry, and mash it up with a spoon. Brush your teeth with this “paste” for a few minutes to get rid of yellow stains.

