life hack – Fri, 24 Jan 2025 03:35:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 life hack – 32 32 This is Why You Should Leave a Towel By Your Hotel Room Door Tue, 17 Dec 2024 03:03:29 +0000 448105752 892411639596112 6220322994161351243 n e1722319308330

For anyone traveling abroad, hotel rooms are always a place to exercise caution. This is particularly the case for women travelers. You never know what kind of privacy or hygiene concerns there can be inside a hotel room. So it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Recently, a flight attendant took to TikTok to share the most fundamental steps one should take while staying in a hotel. The US-based attendant repeatedly said that safety always remains her priority, regardless of the country she stays in.

Hotel bathroom towels
Image Credits: Unsplash

The TikToker, who goes by the name of Cici, explained that she has a checklist that contains all the steps that she thinks are essential for staying at a hotel. One of them is securing the safety latch of the hotel room door using a small towel. You can do so by using a small towel from the bathroom. Then, wrap it around the safety latch. Finally, close the lock of the latch while the hand towel is inserted. This makes it much more difficult to open the door. As an additional step, you can always keep a towel by the door, to avoid forgetting to do it.

Other Tips For A Hotel Room

This was only one of the precautions. Apparently, the first step she takes is to count how many doors there are between her hotel room and the exit stairwell. She explains that in the case of a fire, and if the area becomes filled with smoke or dark, the knowledge can help her navigate to the exit easily. In addition to this step, she also educated herself regarding the evacuations and security maps that are on display in the corridors. In case of an emergency, these details are what can be most consequential.

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The second step she recommends to her viewers is to ensure that the hotel room door is completely shut whenever they exit the room. Cici explains that it is more common for hotel doors to be heaving than usual. As such, they may need a “final push” to make sure it slots into its frame entirely. She also ensures that the peephole is covered. To do so, travelers can use tissues and shove them inside till there’s no way of anyone outside peeping inside.

As a more advanced step, the flight attendant also carries a “personal safety alarm like the Birdie”. This personal safety alarm designed specifically for women makes use of flashing strobe lights and a loud alarm to deter attacks. It is easily available and is quite inexpensive. Cici also advises to be cautious when any housekeeping arrives at the hotel room door, even though you don’t remember asking for anything. In such cases, the recommendation is to immediately contact the reception. Finally, she advises travelers to pick the hotel room in advance, and, if possible, to always choose one with only one adjoining room.

So, let us know if you are trying out these tips the next time you enter your hotel room!

Source: secretlifeofmom

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How to clear your sinuses with nothing but your fingers Wed, 23 Oct 2024 09:04:11 +0000 470891117 984739910343693 5958775072257213163 n

Sinus congestion can be uncomfortable, affecting sleep, concentration, and overall well-being. Common causes include allergies, colds, and sinus infections. While medications and nasal sprays are often used for relief, you can also utilize simple techniques involving acupressure and massage to help clear your sinuses effectively.

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Understanding Natural Relief

Natural methods for alleviating sinus congestion can be beneficial for those who prefer to avoid over-the-counter medications. These techniques have been used for centuries to promote relaxation and improve circulation.

Before You Begin

  1. Ensure Clean Hands: Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face to avoid introducing bacteria, which could worsen sinus issues.
  2. Get Comfortable: Sit in a relaxed position in a quiet environment to focus on the techniques without distractions.

Techniques for Relief

  1. Eyebrow Massage:
    • Using your thumbs, gently press at the inner corners of your eyebrows, just above the bridge of your nose.
    • Slowly slide your thumbs outward along your eyebrows. Repeat this motion for about 30 seconds to a minute. This can stimulate the sinuses and help relieve congestion.
  2. Nasal Bridge Press:
    • Place your index fingers on either side of the bridge of your nose, just below the bone.
    • Apply gentle pressure and massage in a circular motion for 30 seconds. This technique can help open nasal passages and improve airflow.
  3. Cheekbone Pressure:
    • Locate the point where your cheekbones meet your nostrils.
    • Using your index fingers, press gently on these points and massage in small circular motions for about 30 seconds. This helps to drain the sinuses and reduce pressure.
  4. Jawline Massage:
    • Slightly open your mouth and find the muscles just below your ears along the jawline.
    • Using your index and middle fingers, massage these muscles in a circular motion for 30 seconds. This technique can help relax facial muscles and improve sinus drainage.
  5. Neck Stretch:
    • Tilt your head back slightly and gently massage the sides of your neck with your fingers, moving from just under the ears down to the collarbone.
    • Repeat this motion for about 30 seconds to a minute. This can help reduce tension and promote lymphatic drainage.


Incorporating these simple yet effective techniques into your routine can provide natural relief from sinus congestion without the need for medications. However, it’s important to be gentle to avoid discomfort. If your symptoms persist or worsen, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable. Remember, while these techniques can be helpful, they are not a substitute for medical treatment if necessary.

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Put Garlic Under Your Pillow 1 Night, See If It Works for You Thu, 10 Oct 2024 07:32:43 +0000 Garlic has been used for cooking and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It is one of the healthiest foods that exists on this planet. It contains a lot of healthy nutrients and it provides many health benefits. Because of its power to prevent and treat large number of health problems including liver diseases, baldness, clogged arteries, colds, flu, respiratory problems, etc. It is recommended to be eaten every day.

The best and most healthy ingredient in garlic is the allicin. When the gаrlic is crushed or pulverized this component becomes even more active than before , but if garlic is cooked this ingredient is destroyed and doesn’t provide you with the same health benefits as predicted naturally. This is why you need to crash it, leave it be for 15 minutes and eat it. In order to eliminate the strong odor, add some vegetable oil and parsley.



Now that you know more about the benefits of garlic, we’ll show you a simple therapy that involves putting a clove of garlic under your pillow each night.

This old family secret has been used to improve sleep quality and depth for generations, especially in people who have a hard time falling asleep. The sulfurous compounds in garlic along with its aroma have a calming effect that helps improve the quality of your sleep.

In ancient times, it was thought that garlic was able to offer protection against evil spirits. In reality, this sense of security is due to its natural zinc content.

The smell may be difficult to get used to at first, but after a few days it won’t be a problem and you’ll praise it as the best remedy for insomnia.


What’s more is that it even has a positive effect on physical performance as garlic helps recharge your energy for the next day.

We recommend complementing this therapy by eating at least a clove of garlic a day on an empty stomach, with or without lemon.

Source: awesomequotes4u

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10 Brilliant Home Remedies For Common Cold Thu, 26 Sep 2024 04:44:35 +0000 Despite being a pretty tame illness, the common cold can be downright miserable! Achy muscles, stuffy nose, itchy throat, sneezing, and coughing can make for a miserable few days. If you’re between doses of your over-the-counter medicine or you just want to ease your cold symptoms naturally, there are plenty of options right in your own cupboards!

Home remedies are usually less expensive, not filled with tons of chemicals and they’re great in a pinch! Check out a few of these ideas to help ease your cold symptoms:


1. Create a steam shower

WebMD recommends steaming up your sinuses to clear them out when you’re feeling stuffed up. Step into your bathroom, shove a towel under the door and turn your water up high. The steam will the bathroom, naturally loosening any buildup in your nose and throat so you can breathe easier.

2. Use a cool mist vaporizer

Try a cool mist vaporizer or humidifier to add extra moisture to the air, The Mayo Clinic recommends. You’ll need to change the water daily to get rid of any dust which can agitate already stuffy noses.

3. Create a salt water spray

Unstuff your nose by making your own salt water nasal spray. Mix 3 teaspoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to 8-ounces of warm (boiled) water. Use a bulb syringe to squirt the water in your nose. Store the leftover mixture in an airtight container, according to WebMD.

4. Gargle with warm salt water

One of the simplest tricks for soothing a sore through is to gargle a bit of warm salt water. Add 1 tablespoon to 1/2 cup of water and gargle up to three times per day. Try not to swallow the salty water.

5. Make a hot rice pack for your sinuses

Heat can help relieve pressure on your sinuses. Make your own rice pack with a tube sock and white rice. Fill a clean sock 2/3 of the way full with rice. Sew the end closed. Heat the rice pack up in the microwave, checking every 30 seconds until you get the right temperature. (You can even toss these in the freezer for a cold pack to use in the summer!)

6. Drink ginger tea

Ease tummy troubles and sooth your cough with a little ginger tea. Just add a few slices of ginger root to hot water and sip it, Healthline recommends.

7. Eat a teaspoon of honey

Honey is well-known for its antibacterial properties, according to Healthline. Simply eating a teaspoon of honey (for anyone over 1-years-old) is a safe remedy for coughs and sore throats. You can also add some honey to your ginger tea.

8. Take a scented bath

Warm baths can help ease cold and flu symptoms. To maximize the bath’s effectiveness: add Epsom salt and baking soda to the water to relax sore muscles. Lavender or orange can help you relax.

9. Drink lots of water

One of the easiest ways to help your body heal faster is to make sure you are getting enough fluids. When you’re sick aim to drink at least 8 ounces every two hours. Add some mint or lemon for extra cold-boosting power, according to Dr. Axe.

10. Eat chicken noodle soup

Eating chicken noodle soup when you’re sick isn’t just a sentimental thing. Researchers believe that some ingredients in chicken noodle soup could aid white blood cell production and transportation. Plus chicken soup helped ease nasal congestion better than hot water, according to a New York Times report.

Stay healthy this fall and help your family feel better too! Make sure to share these tips with them on Facebook.

Source: remedydaily

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Put Salt in Your Shampoo Before Showering. This Simple Trick Solves One of the Biggest Hair Problems Tue, 24 Sep 2024 03:05:00 +0000 This natural ingredient can work wonders for your hair, making it stronger, cleansing your scalp from dandruff and excess oil, exfoliating the skin, and stimulating hair growth. Let’s dive into the specific benefits that salt can bring to your hair and skin:

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For Your Hair

1. Prevents Excess Oil

If you struggle with greasy and oily hair, salt is your savior. It can regulate overactive sebaceous glands on your scalp, reducing oil production. Just add 2-3 tablespoons of salt to your regular shampoo and wash your hair with it. You’ll see noticeable results after a few treatments.

2. Anti-Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff is the result of dead skin cell build-up on the scalp. Salt can help stimulate circulation and remove dandruff flakes while safeguarding your scalp from fungal growth. Divide your hair into sections, sprinkle 1-2 teaspoons of salt on the scalp, and gently massage it with wet fingers for 10 minutes. Then wash it off as usual.

3. Hair Growth

Salt is a fantastic aid for hair growth. It can prevent hair loss and promote the growth of new strands. After washing your hair as usual, massage your wet scalp with sea salt for 10-15 minutes. Rinse and repeat this process twice a week for two months.

Put Salt In Your Shampoo Before Showering. This Simple Trick Solves One Of The Biggest Hair Problems

For Your Skin

1. Softening Body Scrub

Combine coarse sea salt with 2 teaspoons of coconut oil to create a gentle body scrub that eliminates dead skin cells. Use it to exfoliate your body in a circular motion, then rinse with a shower gel once you’re done scrubbing.

2. Face Toner

Sea salt penetrates deep into your skin pores, cleaning them and controlling oil production while fighting acne-causing bacteria. Mix 1 teaspoon of sea salt with 4 ounces of warm water and pour it into a spray bottle. Apply this solution to clean, dry skin 1-2 times daily, avoiding the eye area.

3. Face Mask

If you have sensitive or easily irritated skin, this mask can soothe your skin, control oil production, and hydrate dry areas. Mix 2 tablespoons of sea salt with 4 teaspoons of raw honey, apply it to clean, dry skin (avoiding the eye area), and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Finally, rinse it off with warm water.

Remember, the information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider before trying new health or beauty regimens.


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How To Pick A Perfect Watermelon: Tips From An Experienced Farmer Wed, 18 Sep 2024 04:09:34 +0000 Who doesn’t love watermelon? Most people are obsessed with this delicious and refreshing fruit. Sometimes we think that unless you’re an experienced farmer, buying a juicy, tasty, fully ripe, and sweet watermelon is hit or miss. However, it doesn’t have to be if you look for a few things when you’re picking out your melon. In fact, you can tell whether a watermelon is ripe without actually cutting it.

Today, we would like to share some tips from experienced farmers that will help you to choose the finest watermelon ever.

Look for the field spot

© O.Bellini /

The yellow spot, known as the field spot, is the place where the watermelon rested on the ground. Ripe watermelons always have creamy yellow or even orange-yellow spots, not white.

Look for ’webbing’

These weblike brown spots on the watermelon mean that bees touched the pollinating parts of the flower many times. The more pollination, the sweeter the fruit is.

’Boy’ and ’girl’ watermelons


Many people do not know that farmers differentiate watermelons by gender. For example, ’boys’ are bigger, have an elongated shape, and a watery taste. The ’girls’ have a rounded shape and are very sweet.

Pay attention to the size


It is better to choose neither the largest nor the smallest watermelon. Select an average-sized fruit. And note, please: large or small, the watermelon should feel heavy for its size.

Inspect the tail


A dried tail indicates that the watermelon is ripe. However, if the tail is green, it probably means that the watermelon was picked too soon and will not be ripe.

Source: Brightside

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How To Fix A Hole In Clothing Without Sewing Tue, 17 Sep 2024 02:53:13 +0000 Every now and then, you might notice a hole in your favorite shirt or pants. But hold on before you toss them out! You can still save those beloved items, even if you’re not a sewing expert. In fact, this technique is super helpful for small holes because it makes the stitches smooth and not so noticeable. Once you start looking for those annoying little holes, you might find more than you thought in your closet. The best part is that once you master this trick, mending each tiny hole will only take a few minutes!

What Causes a Hole in Clothing

Those pesky little holes can appear for many reasons. Sure, moths often get the blame, but they aren’t the only culprits. Regular wear and tear can lead to small holes, and even things like zippers or jewelry can catch and make problems too. These can include:

  • Zippers
  • Bras
  • Belts
  • Your washing machine
  • Chlorine bleach
  • Snags on rough surfaces

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How to Prevent Holes

The places where holes show up can give clues about what’s causing them. For instance, if you notice holes at the bottom of your shirts, it might be because of belt buckles rubbing against the material. If that’s true, you could think about not wearing a belt, changing how you wear it, or using sandpaper to smooth out any sharp parts. If you tuck your shirts into your jeans, the zipper could be the culprit for the holes. Also, zippers can damage clothes in the washing machine. So, always remember to zip up your jeans, hoodies, and similar items before washing to prevent them from getting caught on other fabrics. And don’t forget to close your bras before washing to stop the metal clasps from snagging on other clothes. If your bras often come undone, it’s smart to wash them in a separate bag.

When it comes to washing machines, there are a few habits that can mess up your clothes. For instance, stuffing too many items into the washer can lead to zippers and buttons getting stuck, which might tear your clothes. So, be careful not to overload the washer, and always turn clothes with beads, buttons, or other decorations inside out before you wash them.

You should always keep delicate materials like cotton and silk separate from tougher items like sheets and towels. When you wash silk and other fragile fabrics, make sure to use a gentle spin cycle. Be cautious with chlorine bleach, as using too much or not correctly can harm your clothes. To play it safe, consider using eco-friendly alternatives like vinegar, citric acid, or baking soda.

Moths are known for creating holes in clothes, especially in fabrics made from animals like wool, silk, and leather. They can also eat through other kinds of fabric. To catch male moths, you can use pheromone traps. Plus, placing dried lavender in small mesh bags or using mint or lavender essential oils can help repel the other moths. If you have a big moth issue, washing your clothes in warm water and cleaning your closet with vinegar can work really well.

Be careful of rough surfaces like brick, sharp nails, wood, and stone. If you accidentally brush against them or hit them, they can cause snags. You might not notice these tiny holes at first, but they can grow larger and become a bigger problem after washing or just from everyday use. If you have these types of surfaces in your house, consider making them smoother or covering them to avoid any unintentional rips.

How to Repair Clothes Without Sewing

Before you start fixing any holes, you will need the following:

  • Clothes with holes measuring 5 mm or less
  • An Iron
  • Fusible bonding web
  • A large piece of wax paper


1. Turn the damaged article of clothing inside out and place it on the ironing board, the hole facing out.

2. Cut a small piece of fusing web. It should be slightly bigger than the hole you’re trying to repair.

Fix a hole screenshot 1
Image Credit: Classy Cheapskate | Youtube

3. Gently push both sides of the hole together (so that it looks like the hole is gone) and place the fusing web over the hole. Place the wax paper over the same spot. You can purchase fusing web at places like Walmart, fabric or craft stores, and Amazon.

4. Next, set your iron onto its “wool” setting and place it onto the wax paper. Do not move the iron or press on it for about 10 seconds. Remove carefully.

Fix a hole screenshot 2
Image Credit: Classy Cheapskate | Youtube

5. Finally, pick up the piece of clothing and turn it right-side-in to examine the hole. If it hadn’t closed smoothly, use your fingers to close the hole like in step two. Repeat steps three and four with the iron until the clothing looks good as new. It may take a few tries to master the method, but when you succeed, you’ll notice immediately that the hole looks gone. [3]

Fix a hole screenshot 3
Image Credit: Classy Cheapskate | Youtube


  1. “7 Sneaky Causes of Holes in Clothes and How to Avoid Them (It’s Not Always Moths!).” Utopia. June 23, 2023.
  2. “What Causes Holes in Clothes After Washing.” The Spruce. Mary Marlowe Leverette. February 28, 2023
  3. “Got a Hole in Your Favorite T-Shirt? Here’s the No-Sew Trick to Fix It.” Tip Hero.
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The Unexpected Advantages of Putting Salt on Your Broom at Night Tue, 10 Sep 2024 06:53:08 +0000 Beginning of a text. Have you ever heard of putting salt on your broom before sweeping? This unusual advice may seem like a myth, but it has unexpected advantages that can improve how you clean. Let’s see what happens when you sprinkle a little salt on your broom at night and how it can make your daily cleaning tasks easier.

Why do people put salt on their brooms? Salt is not only important for cooking; it can also be used for various tasks at home because of its texture and chemical properties. When used on a broom, it can improve the broom’s cleaning performance and help keep your home tidy in several ways.


Advantages of Using Salt on Your Broom

Improved Cleaning Ability

Salt works as a gentle scrubbing agent, making it easier to remove dirt and grime while sweeping. This is very helpful for cleaning bumpy surfaces or places where dirt usually stays.

Deodorizing Benefit

Salt naturally gets rid of bad smells. By using a broom with salt on it, you can help get rid of bad smells on your floors or carpets.

Salt has properties that can kill bacteria. Putting salt on your broom before sweeping can help stop bacteria from spreading in your home, which makes your living space healthier.

Pest Repellent: Surprisingly, salt can also keep ants and other pests away. Using a broom with salt on it can stop these pests from walking on your recently cleaned floors.

How to Use Salt to Clean Your Broom

Here is an easy guide on how to use salt with your broom for good outcomes:

  • Put a little bit of salt on the bristles of your broom. You only need a small amount – just enough to cover them lightly.
  • If you can, leave the broom overnight so the salt can get into the bristles.
  • Clean as usual the following day, focusing on spots where dirt and smells gather.

Final thoughts: Putting salt on your broom may seem like a small thing to do, but it can greatly improve how well you clean. This simple and affordable method not only helps keep things clean and hygienic but also gives a surprising advantage to your daily tasks. Try it tonight and get ready to be surprised by the outcomes!

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RAPID TEETH WHITENING in 1 minute! Tue, 10 Sep 2024 04:14:38 +0000 Are you in search of a fast and effective way to brighten your smile? Today, I’m thrilled to share a quick method that can give you a dazzlingly white smile in just one minute! It’s time to bid farewell to yellowish teeth and embrace a stunningly radiant smile.

The Quick Whitening Formula

Ingredients Needed:

  • 2 tablespoons of rice flour
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of toothpaste

How It Works

The magic lies in the blend of these ingredients:

  • Rice Flour: Acts as a gentle exfoliant to scrub away surface stains.
  • Lemon Juice: Known for its natural bleaching properties.
  • Olive Oil & Toothpaste: Work together to nourish and protect your teeth.

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Steps to a Brighter Smile

  1. Mix rice flour, lemon juice, olive oil, and toothpaste in a bowl to create a smooth paste.
  2. Apply the paste onto your teeth using a toothbrush or your finger.
  3. Leave the mixture on for 1 minute.
  4. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.
  5. Smile and enjoy your newly whitened teeth!

A Note on Dental Care

While this method can help in brightening your teeth, it’s important to maintain regular dental hygiene practices. Consistent brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups are essential for keeping your smile healthy.

Give this rapid teeth whitening technique a try and witness a brighter smile in just a minute! Remember to smile often and take care of your dental health. 😊✨

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How to Clean Your Oven in Minutes and Make It Look Brand New Wed, 04 Sep 2024 06:43:55 +0000 Maintaining a spotless oven without resorting to harsh chemicals is not only environmentally friendly but also safer for your health. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into a unique and effective oven-cleaning recipe using simple household items: baking soda and vinegar. This method not only revitalizes your oven but also ensures a safe and chemical-free cooking environment. Let’s embark on this journey towards a sparkling oven together.

Understanding the Ingredients:

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a versatile and natural cleaning agent. Its mildly abrasive nature makes it effective in breaking down grease and grime without scratching surfaces. When combined with water, baking soda forms a paste that adheres to surfaces, making it ideal for cleaning stubborn stains.
Vinegar, a staple in many households, is acidic and has excellent degreasing properties. When vinegar reacts with baking soda, it produces carbon dioxide bubbles, creating a foaming action that helps loosen tough residues.


1. Preparation:

Before diving into the cleaning process, gather the necessary supplies: baking soda, water, vinegar, spray bottle, damp cloths, and optionally, gloves.

Ensure the oven is cool and remove racks and other removable components for separate cleaning.

2. Creating the Baking Soda Paste:

In a bowl, mix baking soda with water until you achieve a thick, spreadable paste consistency. Adjust the ratio as needed until the desired texture is reached.

3. Application of Baking Soda Paste:

Using a spatula or gloved hands, generously coat the interior of the oven with the baking soda paste. Pay special attention to areas with heavy grease buildup, ensuring complete coverage.

Allow the paste to sit overnight, giving it ample time to penetrate and break down stubborn grime.

4. Removing the Paste:

On the following day, use damp cloths to wipe away the baking soda paste from the oven’s interior. Witness the transformative power of the paste as it effortlessly lifts away grease and grime, revealing a cleaner surface underneath.

5. Utilizing Vinegar:

Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and generously spray it over any remaining dirty spots or stubborn residues inside the oven.

Witness the chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda as it creates a foaming spectacle, effectively dislodging stubborn grime and neutralizing odors.

6. Rinsing and Drying:

With a clean, damp cloth, wipe down the entire oven interior, ensuring the removal of any residual vinegar and baking soda.

Once wiped clean, allow the oven to air dry thoroughly or use a dry cloth to expedite the process.

7. Final Heating Session:

To seal the cleaning process, preheat the oven to a low temperature for a brief period. This step helps burn off any remaining residues, leaving the oven gleaming and ready for use.



Bid farewell to chemical-laden oven cleaners and embrace this eco-friendly and effective method using baking soda and vinegar. By following this step-by-step guide, you can achieve a sparkling clean oven without compromising on effectiveness or resorting to harmful chemicals. Not only does this method promote environmental sustainability, but it also ensures a safer cooking environment for you and your family. Say hello to a freshly cleaned oven and enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done, all thanks to the power of baking soda and vinegar.

Source: truth-here.

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