Little Johnny – Thu, 25 Jul 2024 23:49:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Little Johnny – 32 32 The Teacher Asked The Class To Use The Word “Fascinate” In A Sentence Thu, 25 Jul 2024 23:49:43 +0000 The teacher asked the class to use the word “fascinate” in a sentence.

Molly put up her hand and said, “My family went to my granddad’s farm, and we all saw his pet sheep. It was fascinating.”

The teacher said, “That was good, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate,’ not ‘fascinating’.”

Sally raised her hand

She said, “My family went to see Rock City and I was fascinated.”

The teacher said, “Well, that was good Sally, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate’.”

Little Johnny raised his hand, but the teacher hesitated because she had been burned by Little Johnny before

She finally decided there was no way he could damage the word ‘fascinate’, so she called on him.

Johnny said, “My aunt Carolyn has a sweater with ten buttons, but her bo0bs are so big she can only fasten eight!”

The teacher sat down and cried.

Everyone loves a good joke to brighten their day, please SHARE this with your friends and family!

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A Boy Says He’s Too Smart For First Grade. This Is The Principal’s Response Tue, 23 Jul 2024 18:37:31 +0000 A first grader named Johnny wasn’t interested in the lesson so his teacher asked him what the problem was.

The boy replied: “I’m too smart for first grade. My sister, who is in third grade, is less intelligent than me. I think I’m in the wrong class.”

The teacher then took Johnny to the principal’s office.

While Johnny waited in the hallway outside, the teacher informed the principal of the situation.

“The boy would take a test,” the headmaster informed the instructor, “and if he didn’t do well, he would be sent back to first grade to learn appropriate behavior.”


Johnny decided to take part in the test after being brought in and informed of its specifications.

“What is 3 + 3?” you ask the student.

Johnny: “6

The teacher asked again, “How much is 6 x 6?”

Johnny: “36

The student was tested on everything the principal thought a third-grader should know.

After glancing at the teacher, the principal declared, “I think Johnny can go to third grade.”

“Can I ask him a few questions?” the teacher asked.

“What does a cow have four of and I only have two?”

After a short pause, Johnny said, “Legs.”

“What do you have in your pants and I don’t?” continued the teacher.

The teacher’s eyes widened noticeably, but Johnny replied, “Pockets”.

“What does a dog do when a person steps on it?” continued the lecturer.

Johnny: “Pants

“What has the letters F and K in it and means great excitement,” asked the teacher

Johnny: “Fire truck.”

“Put Johnny in fifth grade,” the principal told the instructor, “I missed the last four questions myself.”

If this made you laugh, please SHARE this joke with your family and friends on Facebook.


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Little Johnny Brought Home His History Test Result Fri, 19 Jul 2024 03:58:13 +0000 Little Johnny brought home his history test result, it was 90.

His father was so happy with it.

However, his mother, Karen, just couldn’t believe her son got 90 in history.

After taking a closer look at the marks, she found that the handwriting styles of the 9 and the 0 are different.

“Johnny, you are so busted. Tell me, did you add the 0 to your marks?”

“No, mum, I didn’t.”

“I am asking you once more. Did you add that fxxking 0 to your marks?”

“Mum, no, I didn’t add that 0”.” OK, as you’re not telling the truth, you are grounded for 1 month.”

“Mum, no, please, no, I really didn’t add that 0.”

” This is your last chance, kid, tell me the truth.”

“……. I just added the 9 to it.”

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