math quiz – Mon, 19 Aug 2024 08:22:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 math quiz – 32 32 How Many Eggs Can You See? Mon, 19 Aug 2024 08:22:30 +0000 “How Many Eggs Picture Puzzles ” has been a very confusing puzzle all over the internet for some time. It keeps on trending on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. If you are able to visualize it perfectly from all sides, you will be able to give the correct answer to this tricky puzzle. Can you visualize and comment on your answer below?

Please, Read the full article to understand the answer of this puzzle perfectly.

How Many Eggs Can You See

What is the answer to this egg pyramid puzzle?

There are 30 eggs in this picture puzzle.

We come to know the answer to this puzzle but we don’t try to understand why the answer is 30?

Let’s try to learn and understand the answer to this puzzle.

Starting from the Top Level

There is only 1 egg in the image on the top level.

In the Second Level

There are 2×2 = 4 eggs.

It means that there are two eggs on the front side and two more eggs on the backside. Okk, That’s why there is one egg upward.

In the Third Level

There are 3×3 = 9 eggs.

This means there are nine eggs to support upward four eggs.

In The Last/Base Level

There are 4×4 = 16 eggs.

This means that there will be sixteen eggs to support upward nine eggs.

Final answer :

Now, We will total the number of eggs at every level.

So, from the Top Level to the Last/Base Level,

1+4+9+16= 30

So, The correct answer to this puzzle is 30 Eggs.

Look at this image to understand it properly !!!

How many eggs can you see puzzle

I hope that you may have understood. If you still have any doubts, comment below. We will definitely reply to you and try to resolve your doubt.


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Many Adults Are Stumped By The Horse Riddle – Can You Solve It? Fri, 02 Aug 2024 04:55:28 +0000 A man buys a horse for $60. He sells it for $70.

He then buys the horse back for $80. And he sells the horse for $90.

In the end, how much money did the man make or lose? Or did he break even?

Many people are unable to figure out the correct answer.

Answer To Buying And Selling A Horse Riddle

The short answer is the man profited $20. The man makes $10 each of the two times he sells the horse, for a profit of $20.

The answer can be verified by accounting for what the man has in each transaction.

Step 1: buys a horse for $60. The man is -$60 of cash from his starting point.

Step 2: sells the horse for $70. The man gets $70, so he is a net -$60 + $70 = $10 of cash.

Step 3: buys the horse for $80. The man spends $80, which means he is a net of $10 – $80 = -$70 cash.

Step 4: sells the horse for $90. The man gets $90, which means he is a net of -$70 + $90 = $20 cash.

In the end the man has $20 more than he started with.

Did you approach it differently?

Let us know in the comments, and SHARE this problem to test your friends.

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Are You Smart Enough to Crack This Sequence In 20 Seconds? Fri, 26 Jul 2024 02:16:31 +0000 Challenge your IQ with this fun math puzzle! Can you find the missing number in the series within 20 seconds? Test your intelligence and observation skills now.

Are you ready to test your intelligence and boost your brainpower? Math puzzles and IQ tests are perfect for anyone looking to enhance their cognitive abilities and keep their mind sharp.

They challenge your problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and ability to spot patterns. Today’s challenge is a thrilling number puzzle that will test your IQ under time pressure.

Can you find the missing number in this sequence within just 20 seconds? Take on the challenge and see if you have what it takes to be a math whiz!


Look carefully at the numbers and identify the pattern. The challenge lies in finding the rule that governs the sequence.

The clock is ticking, and you have only 20 seconds to crack it. This type of puzzle showcases your ability to quickly identify patterns and make logical connections.

If you answered 28, you are correct! Solving puzzles like this one requires keen observation skills and a sharp mind.

Those who can solve it quickly typically possess high intelligence, strong analytical abilities, and exceptional pattern recognition skills.

Keep challenging yourself with puzzles like this to keep your brain in top shape!

Maths IQ Puzzles With Answers


The answer is 28.

We have explained the solution below.

=> 1 * 1 = 1

=> 3 * 2 = 6

=> 5 * 3 = 15

=> 9 * 5 = 45

=> 11 * 6 = 66

=> 13 * 7 = 91

Can you see the progression?

We can deduce that 7 * 4 is missing in the progression therefore, we shall use 7 * 4 = 28 to complete the series.

Hence, the missing number in the series above is 28 in this maths puzzle.

Source: jagranjosh

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Can You Solve This Kids Math Problem Adults Seem To Alway Get Wrong Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:02:44 +0000 When you were in grade school, were you any good at math? I know I certainly wasn’t. That being said, I am pretty confident I can now solve a kid’s math problem as an adult.

This problem, however, is driving the internet mad. There are debates in offices and across dinner tables worldwide over the correct answer to this kid’s math problem.

The discussions about the right answer to this kid’s math problem have gotten so heated in some offices that staff has reached out to mathematicians to finally find the truth.

The problem in question is as follows:

451640487 908011571368187 5553651677246950953 n e1721897959777

Can you get the right answer?

Some people claim the answer is 16. Others say that it is 1.

But how could a math problem have two correct answers? Is math not supposed to be the one thing that is right and wrong, plain and simple, with no gray areas?

The answer is yes – this one is just a little bit trickier, depending on whether or not you remember your grade school math.

Why People Are Getting Two Different Answers For This Kids’ Math Problem

The answer to this problem is achieved through something called the order of operations. Remember this? It’s the order in which an equation has to be solved.

In some areas of the world, children are taught the acronym BEDMAS or PEMDAS to remember how this works. They stand for:

B – brackets/parenthesis
E – exponents
D – division
M – multiplication
A – addition
S – subtraction

P – brackets/parenthesis
E – exponents
M – multiplication
D – division
A – addition
S – subtraction

Whether you use PEMDAS or BEDMAS, the correct answer is and always will be 16.

Here’s Why

The critical part is that the D and M in the acronym stand for division OR multiplication (or multiplication OR division), you are supposed to do whichever comes first in a given equation. The order that they appear in each acronym is not what dictates their use.

In the case of this question, the first step is to do what’s inside the brackets: (2+2)= 4.

Now the equation looks like this: 8 ÷ 2 (4). Remember that a number beside a bracketed number actually means multiplication. So now, the equation is 8 ÷ 2 x 4.

Now that all that’s left to do is division and multiplication, you simply solve the equation from left to right, starting with the division:
8 ÷ 2 x 4 = 4 x 4 = 16

Editor’s Note: If you are punching this equation into a scientific calculator to double-check your work, make sure it looks like this: 8 ÷ 2 x (2+2).

Punching it in like this: 8 ÷ 2 (2+2) may cause it to incorrectly get an answer of 1. Based on order to operation rules, this would be incorrect.

Source: mysticalraven

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Only The Sharpest Of Minds Can Solve This Math Puzzle Within 15 Seconds – So How Long Will It Take You? Mon, 22 Jul 2024 08:02:26 +0000 A fruity brainteaser taking the internet by storm claims it can determine if you are a high-IQ math whizz.

The puzzle needs to be worked out in just 15 seconds to prove your braininess, so set a timer and put your skills to the test.

Pitting three mangoes together, the first-row total totals 15. Then, one mango and two pears make 23, and a pineapple and two pears are equal to 21.

So what would a mango, a pear and a pineapple total? Only the sharpest of minds can get it in a flash – so how long will it take you?

Only The Sharpest Of Minds Can Solve This Math Puzzle Within 15 Seconds

To solve the conundrum, you simply need to determine the value of each fruit.

So if three mangoes total 15 that means each one is equal to five.

To work out the value of a pear in the second row, you first deduct five (for the Apple) from the total figure of 23.

This means two pears are equal to 18 – so each one is worth nine.

In the third line, you now know that the two pears total 18. So if there are two – the remaining pineapple must be valued at three to total 23.

This brings you to the last line. If the apple is valued at five, the pineapple at three, and the pear at nine – it gives you a total of 17.

Only The Sharpest Of Minds Can Solve This Math Puzzle Within 15 Seconds

Simple right? But did you get it in under 15 seconds?

Source: dailymail

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