Picking the Perfect Watermelon – echowoven.com https://echowoven.com Tue, 17 Dec 2024 10:20:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://echowoven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/favicon_alternatech-60x60.png Picking the Perfect Watermelon – echowoven.com https://echowoven.com 32 32 If You Open A Watermelon You Find These Cracks In It… Don’t Eat It! https://echowoven.com/if-you-open-a-watermelon-you-find-these-cracks-in-it-dont-eat-it/ https://echowoven.com/if-you-open-a-watermelon-you-find-these-cracks-in-it-dont-eat-it/#respond Wed, 17 Jul 2024 04:37:05 +0000 https://echowoven.com/?p=73321 468854926 122180920592114381 9169162390086726667 n

Watermelon has got to be one of our favorite fruits, especially when the mercury rises. It’s fresh, delicious, and contains plenty of water, vitamins, sugars and natural energy.

a plate full of watermelon slice

It is mostly composed of water and this is beneficial for health since it has a diuretic effect once it is consumed

If temperatures are above 30 degrees, you can consume a piece of watermelon and you will have a fresh sensation in your body

This fruit is highly recommended as it has great properties that benefit your health.

It is very easy to get and is also extremely economical, and perhaps, its best advantage is that it yields for many days.

Unfortunately, not everything is so good, some can cause you some damage.

Although hard to believe, there are times that watermelon can generate serious health problems, it is important to know all the characteristics of this fruit so that when you notice something strange you can discard it and avoid physical problems.

The cracks in a watermelon are a bad sign

If you open a watermelon you find these cracks in it …

Sometimes we open the watermelon and we notice some huge cracks inside it, however we do not give more importance and just as we consume it.

You should stop doing this because you are causing serious damage to your body.

The Reason The Surface Of The Watermelon Is Cracked Is By A Substance That Is Used For Its Growth.

If you open a watermelon you find these cracks in it 3

This chemical is known as Forchlorfenuron. With this the fruits are pulverized, which accelerates the growth of the fruits.

The biggest problem with this chemical is that when it enters the body it can generate cancer and neurological problems. Which are very difficult to heal.

Avoid consuming watermelon when you are in this state, remember that health comes first.

If you open a watermelon you find these cracks in it anh

How to keep watermelon as fresh as possible

If you open a watermelon you find these cracks in it4

If you don’t plan on eating a watermelon the day you buy it, there are several things you can do to help keep it fresh for longer. To start, you want to buy a good watermelon. Ideally, you want to purchase a watermelon with a firm rind with a yellow ground spot, a heavy weight, a hollow sound, and two finger-width stripes.

Once you’ve selected your watermelon and brought it home, it’s best to keep it whole until you’re ready to eat it. Chilling your watermelon also helps slow down the ripening process. While storing an entire watermelon on the counter away from direct sunlight is more than acceptable, putting the whole thing in the fridge will keep it fresher for an extended period of time.

Once cut, watermelon ripens and loses freshness at a rapid pace. To keep cut watermelon fresh for as long as possible, you want to chill it right away. You also want to cover it with plastic wrap or put it in an airtight container before placing it in the fridge. Just like when it is whole, keeping your cut watermelon cool will help it maintain freshness for longer.

Source: tastingtable.com, 99easyrecipes.com, gourmandize.com

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Mastering the Art of Picking the Perfect Watermelon! https://echowoven.com/mastering-the-art-of-picking-the-perfect-watermelon/ https://echowoven.com/mastering-the-art-of-picking-the-perfect-watermelon/#respond Mon, 15 Jul 2024 07:56:53 +0000 https://echowoven.com/?p=73268 Prepare yourself for an exciting journey as we explore the tips for choosing the tastiest watermelon. By following these suggestions, you can become skilled at discovering delicious and enticing finds.
Mastering the Art of Picking the Perfect Watermelon
Image: Plants and gardening

Size Matters

When it comes to watermelons, being larger does not necessarily mean being better. Search for a watermelon that seems weighty in comparison to its size. A mature watermelon should feel heavy and solid, showing that it is filled with delicious juice. Gently tap it—the sound should be low and hollow, meaning the fruit is ripe and tasty.

Colorful Clues

The color of a watermelon’s skin can give useful information about how ripe it is. Choose a watermelon that has a bright, rich green hue. Steer clear of pale or yellowish spots, as they are a sign of a fruit that is not yet ripe. Search for a smooth, yellow patch on the bottom, referred to as the “field spot.” A yellowish color signifies that the watermelon is ripe and ready to eat.

Mastering the Art of Picking the Perfect Watermelon

Shape & Texture

Take notice of the form and feel of the watermelon. Select a watermelon that is symmetrical and does not have any bruises, dents, or soft spots. Slide your fingers over the skin; it should feel firm and smooth. Dry or creased skin could be a sign of dehydration or that the fruit is too ripe.

Pro Tip

Mastering the Art of Picking the Perfect Watermelon

Are you aware that various types of watermelons possess distinct qualities and traits? From the traditional “Crimson Sweet” to the seedless “Sugar Baby,” every variety has its own unique taste and characteristics. Please refer to the infographic provided for a useful resource on how to recognize different types of watermelons based on their size, colors, and unique characteristics.

Now armed with these expert tips, it’s time to embark on your watermelon hunting journey! Explore farmers’ markets, local stands, or your garden to discover that perfect, mouthwatering watermelon. Enjoy the refreshing taste of summer and share the joy with family and friends!

Source: Rescue My Plant

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