If you’re one among these people who prefer to sleep on their side for seven to eight hours at night, make sure to lie down on the left side. It has been suggested by various researchers that for better sleep, a person must sleep on the left side.
Let us look at how sleeping on the left side is beneficial for the body
People prone to acidity have symptoms of acid reflux when they lie down to sleep. To counter this, try sleeping on the left side as it reduces the possibility of acidity during the night.
In this sleeping position, the stomach is below the cardiac sphincter that connects the food pipe and the stomach. By sleeping on the left side, the contents from the stomach will not go back into the food pipe and cause acid reflux.
Therefore, with the help of gravity, the symptom of acid reflux decreases if a person sleeps on the left side.
How good it would be if you could detox yourself while sleeping as well. If you wanna achieve this, sleep on the left side.
In the body, the lymphatic system is responsible for removing the toxins and the waste particles from the body by draining them into the thoracic duct. This thoracic duct is located on the left side of the body. Hence, by sleeping on your left side, you speed up the process of eliminating toxins and waste from the body.
The liver is located on the right side of the body. If a person sleeps on the right side of the body, it is more likely to be congested as sleeping on the right side puts pressure on the liver.
Therefore, to deal with liver congestion, one must sleep on the left side. Sleeping in this position helps the liver in neutralizing toxins before they are eliminated and also promote the smooth functioning of the organ.
As the heart is tilted to the left side, it functions better when we lie on the left side instead of the right side.
Sleeping on the right side makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood smoothly, whereas sleeping on the left side helps the heart to pump blood smoothly towards the body. And hence, sleeping on the left side enhances the functioning of the heart and reduces the chances of heart strokes while asleep.
Sleeping on the left side of the body is highly beneficial and recommended for pregnant women as well.
In pregnant ladies, sleeping on the left side helps to relieve the back pain. It increases blood circulation in the uterus. This sleeping position helps the fetus to move comfortably in the womb and thus improves its circulation.
Apart from this, sleeping on the left side reduces the pressure on the liver and also improves the kidney function of removing toxins from the body, which is highly beneficial for the baby.
A simple way to digest the food while sleeping is to lie down on the left side, as it allows food waste to travel easily from the intestine into the colon. Sleeping on the left side helps the stomach and pancreas to stay in their original position. Since both organs are on the left side of the body, lying on the left side ensures better digestion. Lying on the left side also allows the pancreatic enzymes and gastric juices to concentrate on the left side of the body.
Keep in mind that not all of these health benefits are backed by scientific studies. While you should certainly try sleeping on your left side, listen to your body and find a posture in which you are comfortable.
Source: durfi.com