sleeping position – Wed, 24 Jul 2024 04:51:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sleeping position – 32 32 Do You Often Wake Up Between 3 and 5 AM? You May Be Having A Spiritual Awakening Wed, 24 Jul 2024 04:51:25 +0000 A great number of people experience difficulties regarding adopting habits that may enhance their sleep quality so instead of feeling energized when they wake up, they feel exhausted and moody.

The truth is that many people wake up a number of times during the night but they don’t even notice that because they fall back asleep quickly. Some of those awakenings are around a second long, but some are longer and cause the person trouble falling asleep again.

wake in night health

If you belong to this group, it’s crucial that you figure out what causes you to wake up and what to do to prevent it from happening over and over again.

These awakenings may have to do with the sleep cycle which goes from wakefulness to sleep, light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement and is the part of the sleep cycle where we will have the most dreams. These REM cycles happen more often as we approach the morning hours.

Some believe it has to do with aging, and others blame sleep apnea for it.

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But it turns out that there is yet another explanation why someone wakes up between 3 and 5 am. It is believed that at this time the most mysterious phenomena, called the ‘Witching Hour,’ occurs. This means that you can sense mysterious energy around you, or what is known as the “awakening.”

According to the ancient Chinese theories of Qi Energy, the energy meridians of the body are also connected to a clock-like-system that energizes different parts of the body at different times of the day. So, awakening between this particular time every night is a sign that energy in certain areas of the body connected to those meridians is either blocked or weak.

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What’s most, during this time, the Meridian of Lungs which is considered the most ‘magical’ one and is related to the sense of freedom is activated.

Another meridian activated at this time is the Meridian of Large Intestine which is responsible for our body’s “detox” system.

What you should ask yourself in case you experience these awakenings is whether there is something that bothers you that your meridian is trying to warn you of.

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Source: boreddaddy

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What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:57:10 +0000 Sleep researcher Samuel Dunkell has conducted pioneering work to explore the connection between sleeping positions and personality traits. “The way we sleep is the way live”, writes Dunkell in his book Sleep Positions.

#1 Back Sleeping Position Personality

What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality

If you sleep on your back, your sleeping personality reveals that you are a focused, silent, strong individual. You avoid conflicts and steer clear of fuss. You prefer to speak the truth than spin a hundred lies. You love structure and order. You also tend to have high expectations of yourself and others too. You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself. You are seldom found reacting too quickly in any situation. You are highly optimistic. You have the desire to live life to the fullest. You also love to be the center of attention. You may have a strong personality. You are very stubborn about achieving your goals in life.

You do not like to engage in petty gossiping or associating with people that do not deliver on your set standards for yourself. You tend to prioritize time for your self-growth and mental recharge. You tend to live life like royalty. You seek experiences and stories to tell in life.

#2 Fetal Sleeping Position Personality

What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality

If you sleep curled up like a baby, your sleeping personality reveals that you put a tough exterior on the world, however you are a sensitive and shy individual on the inside. You may be pretty introverted. You may have a penchant for being protected, nurtured, and understood. You may enjoy creative activities such as writing, painting, dancing, singing, blogging, etc which give you the platform to express yourself and your hidden desires. Sleeping in a fetal position also helps you to cut off from all the problems you may be experiencing in your waking life.

You feel the most comfortable and safe around your family or people who have time and time proven that they are trustworthy. You may feel anxious or overwhelmed in crowds. You may also experience trouble or nervousness in public speaking or addressing a huge audience. Sleep researcher Samuel Dunkell in the 1970s described that the fetal sleeping position was usually found more in people who are experiencing anxiety or emotional highs and lows. He further described that people sleeping in the fetal position are usually closed off to new experiences. They may be fearful of being abandoned or left out.

#3 Sleeping on Stomach Position Personality

Zodiac Signs

If you sleep on your stomach, your sleeping personality reveals that you are a fun, playful, open-minded individual. You usually are a ‘straight to the point’ kind of individual however sometimes you may come across as a bit harsh. You have immense clarity on what you want from life. You exude free-spiritedness in the way you move through life. However, you may also feel nervous or anxious on the inside. You like to have control over everything. You may also find it difficult to handle criticism constructively.

You are also a strong-willed, adventurer, risk-taker, and highly optimistic kind of individual. You always like to look at the bright side of any adversity. You are full of gratitude. Sleep research Dunkell said that people sleeping on their stomachs can also be impulsive, inhibit insecurities, or lack confidence. However, they are good at hiding any negative emotions.

#4 Sleeping on Side Position Personality

Zodiac Signs

If you sleep on your side, your sleeping personality reveals that you are an easygoing and social individual. You can strike up a conversation with anyone in the room, even while commuting on the subway. However, you prefer to be your true self with your close group. You are also very trusting which sometimes makes you appear as if you can be persuaded easily. Though, people know little about you that you take everything into consideration and can be quite slow at making decisions.

If you sleep on your side hugging a pillow or tucked between your legs then you sleep in the pillow hugger sleeping position. This tells that you have a nurturing nature. You enjoy the most and tend to be yourself around your family members or friends. You prioritize your family, friends, and partner above everything. You are not at all a workaholic. You prefer to give more time to the people close to you in your life. You are highly family-oriented. You also tend to be very loyal to the people you love. You also are a provider by nature. You love to take care of people around you.

If you sleep on your side with your arms stretched out then you sleep in the yearner sleeping position. You crave genuine connections and relationships. You are usually suspicious and slow to open up however you crave love the most. You are always torn between experiencing new things yet doubtful if you might get hurt. You tend to be very rational. You do accept change easily. You are slow in making up your mind about anything. However, you are quite decisive once you have made up your mind.

If you sleep on your side with your legs straight and arms rested on your sides then you sleep in the log position. Sleep researcher Chris Idzikowsk describes you as one who is gullible and open to new experiences. You are sociable, easy to accept changes. You are able to get along with anyone mostly. You usually seem tough on the outside however you may be a sweet and friendly person to talk to.

Sleeping Personality Traits Of Different Sleepers: Summary

Here is a brief overview of some of the most common sleeping positions and their associated personality traits:

  • Back Sleepers: Confident, independent, and self-assured.
  • Fetal Sleepers: Shy, introverted, and insecure.
  • Stomach Sleepers: Sensitive, emotional, and impulsive.
  • Side Sleepers: Nurturing, compassionate, and caring.

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How Your Sleeping Position Affects Your Health Sun, 21 Jul 2024 04:10:44 +0000 Generally, we spend 25 years of our lives sleeping. This is vital because getting good rest is imperative for our overall well-being. Sleeping has many advantages—it not only revitalizes the body but also allows the mind to function optimally.

Since time is quite valuable, it’s of the utmost importance that the time spent sleeping is well-spent. This article provides you with a comprehensive analysis of different sleeping positions to help you choose the most suitable one for yourself. Check them out!

1. Soldier ranking

the soldierq
Image for illustrative purposes only. (© jysk)

Also known as the soldier position, sleeping on your back with your arms at your sides is considered the best sleeping posture. This position is similar to the Savasana pose in yoga and is known to have many health benefits.


  • Perfect position for the spine, neck, and arms.
  • Helps improve overall posture.
  • Reduces acid reflux.
  • Helps maintain perky breasts.
  • Helps cure insomnia.
  • Decreases the likelihood of headaches.
  • Prevents facial wrinkles.


  • May worsen snoring in people with sleep apnea.
  • Can have negative effects on a fetus.
  • May cause lower back pain.


  • Try sleeping on your back without a pillow to maintain your body in a neutral position and reduce snoring.
  • Placing a large pillow under the back of your knees can help support the natural curve of your lower spine.

2. Starfish ranking

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Image for illustrative purposes only. (© jysk)

In this position, a person lies on their back with their arms stretched out to each side of their head.


  • Excellent position for the spine and neck.
  • Helps cure insomnia.
  • Decreases the likelihood of headaches.
  • Helps reduce acid reflux as the head is elevated and the stomach can settle, preventing stomach acid from re-entering the esophagus.
  • Prevents facial wrinkles and skin irritations.


  • This position can worsen snoring in people with sleep apnea.
  • The awkward position of the arms may put pressure on the nerves in the shoulder, leading to pain.
  • May cause lower back pain.


Avoid using a pillow when sleeping in this position to allow your neck, head, and back to rest in a natural posture.

3. Log ranking

Sleeping on your side with both arms positioned down in a straight line is known as the log position.

Sleeping on the left side is considered one of the best sleeping positions as it provides several health benefits.


  • Ideal sleeping position for the spine as it receives full support in its natural curve.
  • Prevents neck and back pain.
  • Reduces sleep apnea and snoring.
  • Ideal sleeping position for pregnant women.


  • Since your upper leg doesn’t receive enough support, there is a higher chance of developing hip or back pain.
  • Sleeping on one side can lead to skin aging, facial wrinkles, and sagging breasts.
  • May cause neck pain.


  • To alleviate neck pain due to improper support, it is recommended to use a large pillow.
  • Place a pillow between your thighs to support your upper leg.

4. Yearner ranking

The yearner position involves sleeping on the left side with the arms outstretched. It is recommended to lie on your left side to rest your vital organs.


  • Prevents back and neck pains.
  • Sleeping on your left side can reduce acid reflux.
  • Helps decrease sleep apnea and snoring.
  • Relieves heartburn.
  • Allows the body to clear waste from the brain more effectively and reduces the risk of developing disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • Research shows that people sleeping in this position are less likely to wake up in the middle of the night, likely due to the comfort the body receives.


  • Restricts proper blood flow and puts pressure on nerves, which may result in pain in the arms and shoulders.
  • Nerve compression can strain internal organs such as the stomach, liver, and blood vessels.
  • May cause sagging breasts and premature skin aging.


  • Sleep on a satin pillowcase to reduce the likelihood of facial wrinkles.
  • Place a pillow between your knees to support your upper leg.

5. Fetal position

the fetusq
Image for illustrative purposes only. (© jysk)

The fetal position involves sleeping with your knees drawn towards your chest and your chin tucked down.

It is highly popular among women, and experts suggest sleeping on the left side for the benefits it provides.


  • Significantly reduces snoring.
  • One of the preferred positions for pregnant women.
  • Sleeping on the left side can help reduce acid reflux.


  • The extreme curl can put strain on the back and neck, leading to pain.
  • Like other side-sleeping positions, this position can lead to skin wrinkles and saggy breasts.


  • Use a firm pillow to support your head.
  • It is recommended that people sleeping in this position alternate sides throughout the night.

6. Freefall ranking

the freefallq
Image for illustrative purposes only. (© jysk)

Lying flat on your stomach when sleeping is not the best sleeping position, and most experts advise against it.


In some cases, it has been shown to reduce snoring.


  • Puts strain on the spine and causes pain in the neck and lower back.
  • The blood circulation to the face is cut off, leading to the development of wrinkles.
  • Puts unnatural pressure on internal organs.

Remember, finding the right sleeping position is important for your comfort and overall well-being. Consider trying different positions and choose the one that allows you to have a restful sleep and wake up refreshed.

Source: demicblog

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