tip – echowoven.com https://echowoven.com Wed, 18 Sep 2024 04:09:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://echowoven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/favicon_alternatech-60x60.png tip – echowoven.com https://echowoven.com 32 32 How To Pick A Perfect Watermelon: Tips From An Experienced Farmer https://echowoven.com/how-to-pick-a-perfect-watermelon-tips-from-an-experienced-farmer/ https://echowoven.com/how-to-pick-a-perfect-watermelon-tips-from-an-experienced-farmer/#respond Wed, 18 Sep 2024 04:09:34 +0000 https://echowoven.com/?p=81308 Who doesn’t love watermelon? Most people are obsessed with this delicious and refreshing fruit. Sometimes we think that unless you’re an experienced farmer, buying a juicy, tasty, fully ripe, and sweet watermelon is hit or miss. However, it doesn’t have to be if you look for a few things when you’re picking out your melon. In fact, you can tell whether a watermelon is ripe without actually cutting it.

Today, we would like to share some tips from experienced farmers that will help you to choose the finest watermelon ever.

Look for the field spot

© O.Bellini / shutterstock.com

The yellow spot, known as the field spot, is the place where the watermelon rested on the ground. Ripe watermelons always have creamy yellow or even orange-yellow spots, not white.

Look for ’webbing’

These weblike brown spots on the watermelon mean that bees touched the pollinating parts of the flower many times. The more pollination, the sweeter the fruit is.

’Boy’ and ’girl’ watermelons


Many people do not know that farmers differentiate watermelons by gender. For example, ’boys’ are bigger, have an elongated shape, and a watery taste. The ’girls’ have a rounded shape and are very sweet.

Pay attention to the size


It is better to choose neither the largest nor the smallest watermelon. Select an average-sized fruit. And note, please: large or small, the watermelon should feel heavy for its size.

Inspect the tail


A dried tail indicates that the watermelon is ripe. However, if the tail is green, it probably means that the watermelon was picked too soon and will not be ripe.

Source: Brightside

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3 Reasons You Should Always Tip In Cash, According To Former Servers https://echowoven.com/3-reasons-you-should-always-tip-in-cash-according-to-former-servers/ https://echowoven.com/3-reasons-you-should-always-tip-in-cash-according-to-former-servers/#respond Fri, 16 Aug 2024 02:46:56 +0000 https://echowoven.com/?p=77000 Typically, when we go out to dinner at one of our haunts or a new one, we tip in cash. We do more than a 20-percenter if the service is good. We also like having the same waiter if the service is good. One way to get them to remember you is the tip you leave. The cash tip is remembered and quickly goes into their pocket. Not sure what they claim.
dollar banknotes and coins money tips royalty free image
vinnstock//Getty Images

We live in an era of cash-free convenience. And we buy most things by swiping or tapping credit cards or holding our phones up to a screen. We prefer to tip our servers, bartenders, and hair stylists the same way because it’s as simple as hitting a button.

But what if I told you there are several practical reasons why we should all be tipping exclusively in cash? The fast is, cash tipping is the only way to ensure that your servers walk away with 100% of their tip money.

The Server Gets the Tip Immediately


One of the biggest reasons to tip in cash is the service worker will receive that money immediately. This is a big bonus on both a psychological and a practical level. According to Colton Trowbridge, a longtime server who has worked in both Kansas and NYC restaurants, cash tips are better because they provide immediate evidence of earning money: instant gratification.

“It feels a little bit more real when it’s in your hand,” he says. This might sound trivial, but when you’re in the middle of a crazy eight-hour brunch shift and your guaranteed hourly rate is only 50% of the legal minimum wage, tangible proof that you are actually earning decent money counts for a lot.

Cash tips are also important because they mean that the server will likely get to take the money home that night. They won’t need to wait two weeks to receive it with a paycheck. This is often true even if the server has to pool their cash tips with others at the end of the night. Trowbridge shared . . .

“I have worked in a pooled house where cash is divided up evenly and then it’s given to you. In that case, I prefer it for sure.”

For some servers, this day-to-day cash flow might not be necessary. For others, it might be as critically important as allowing them to buy food for their families or pay the babysitter who watched their children while they were working. Of course this varies by the individual, and there’s no way customers can know a specific worker’s situation.

Regardless, cash is always the better bet.

Cash Tips Leave Less Margin for Error

glass tip jar at checkout counter royalty free image 1717084908
Catherine McQueen//Getty Images

There’s significantly less margin for error when you tip in cash. Think about it: a $10 bill is $10, and when you give it to your server, they have it securely in their hand and its value is indisputable.

But when you tip on a credit card, there are many potential pitfalls. If you’re writing the tip on a printed slip, there’s the possibility for written errors. Maybe you put the period in the wrong place and ended up tipping way less (or way more!) than you intended. Maybe you forgot to sign the slip or, worse, took the signed slip with you by accident.

I have personally lost at least two or three sizable tips when customers erroneously walked out the door with those slips. In these cases, the restaurant’s payment has already been processed, but the only proof of the tip left on the credit card is that slip they scrawled on. Without it, the server is left empty-handed.

Businesses Can Deduct Credit Card Processing Fees From Tips

No, you didn’t misread that. In most states, it is 100% legal for businesses to pay their credit card processing fees from the tip money left for servers on credit cards.

This is clearly stated on the U.S. Department of Labor website under the Fair Labor Standards Act: “tips are charged on customers’ credit cards…the employer may pay the employee the tip, less that [credit card service fee] percentage.”

Only Maine, Massachusetts, and California have laws banning this. So, to be absolutely clear, if you have tipped a server on a credit card in any other state, there’s a high probability that the server (or the pooled house the server belonged to) didn’t receive the full tip you left them.

Most businesses do not necessarily tell their staff when they are removing the fees from the tip pool. Trowbridge shared that he has worked at one restaurant where he knew they were taking out the fees, but only because he asked them point-blank.

“It’s frustrating,” he said. “I don’t think that’s something that most people are aware of.” Since then, he has worked in several other spots where he and his fellow servers might have been losing out on credit card tip money because of processing fees, yet it was never really discussed. “It’s definitely not a big topic of conversation in the industry.”

In this age of contactless payment, it takes extra planning to make sure you have cash on hand for tipping. But all things considered, it’s definitely worth it. Next time you reach the optional tipping screen, hit “skip” and tell your server you’ll be leaving the tip in cash. They’ll appreciate that extra effort.

Sources: delish.com; angrybearblog.com

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In the Pursuit of Justice, Karen Unleashes Her Fury by Retracting Tips https://echowoven.com/in-the-pursuit-of-justice-karen-unleashes-her-fury-by-retracting-tips/ https://echowoven.com/in-the-pursuit-of-justice-karen-unleashes-her-fury-by-retracting-tips/#respond Sat, 10 Aug 2024 02:33:45 +0000 https://echowoven.com/?p=76302 Our reader Amelia recently sent us a letter detailing her recent restaurant experience, raising important questions about tipping etiquette, customer service, and how to navigate conflict.

Here’s her full story:

I went out to a nice restaurant with my husband last night to celebrate his big promotion. Everything was going well until the very end, when the waitress completely ruined it with her entitled attitude.

When the check came, I left a $10 tip on top of the $85 bill. As the waitress picked up the money, she sneered and said loudly, “Ten bucks? This isn’t the 1950s anymore, you know.”

I was stunned. Her tone was so condescending and rude. My husband’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Excuse me?” I said, instantly annoyed. “I think ten bucks on an $85 bill is more than fair.”

The waitress rolled her eyes dramatically. “It’s a standard 20% tip these days, cheapskate. Do you not know how to calculate that?”

I couldn’t believe her snotty attitude. That $10 was over 11%, which is a decent tip by any measure. Her entitlement really rubbed me the wrong way.

“You know what,” I snapped, losing my cool. “With that kind of nasty attitude, you don’t deserve a tip at all!”

I swiftly reached over and snatched the $10 bill back off the table. The waitress’s mouth fell open, and she started loudly berating me with insults, calling me names and causing a whole scene. Other diners turned to gawk at the commotion. My husband was embarrassed. Finally, the manager had to come over and forcibly remove the unhinged waitress, who was still yelling at me. We ended up just having to leave without leaving a tip.

I’ll admit I probably overreacted, but her smug, condescending behavior absolutely infuriated me. After treating a customer so disrespectfully, she didn’t deserve anything extra. But I’m getting heated debates from others on whether I should have just brushed it off instead of making a scene. What do you think?

Source: matheusfeed.

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Waiter Frustrated With $3.28 Tip. Eyes Go Wide Receiving Unexpected Letter Days Later https://echowoven.com/waiter-frustrated-with-3-28-tip-eyes-go-wide-receiving-unexpected-letter-days-later/ https://echowoven.com/waiter-frustrated-with-3-28-tip-eyes-go-wide-receiving-unexpected-letter-days-later/#respond Sat, 03 Aug 2024 17:17:01 +0000 https://echowoven.com/?p=75497 A waiter in Los Angeles was serving four teens, really making sure that their evening was perfect. He then received a not so satisfying tip… The waiter was disappointed and upset that the kids and other people don’t understand the custom of tipping well for hard work.

Waiter Frustrated With $3.28 Tip. Eyes Go Wide Receiving Unexpected Letter Days Later

He described on social media how he felt as a waiter when he only received a $3.28 tip from the teenagers:

“Nothing more frustrating than when I get little to nothing for a tip and the customer is smiling and thanking me profusely as they exit”. But then something very unexpected happened!

Roughly one week later, he received a letter:

“About a week and a half ago, on October 7, my 3 friends and I came to eat at this restaurant as our own homecoming celebration. It was an exciting experience for us to be here alone, and it was all new to us.

And you were the best waiter we could ask for. You were kind, helpful, accommodating, didn’t treat us like babies, and were even able to fit the food to all my allergies! So I wanted to say thank you for making our ‘grown-up’ experience so amazing and fun.

I would also like to say sorry on behalf of my group. Since we were new to all of this, our 13-year-old minds didn’t exactly know how to deal with the bill. You were super helpful in dividing the checkup and taking our not-so-preferable cash.

The bill was reasonable, but we had completely forgotten (and frankly didn’t know) what a tip even was, let alone how much to give. So we emptied our pocked and all our money added up to $3.28.”

Waiter Frustrated With $3.28 Tip. Eyes Go Wide Receiving Unexpected Letter Days Later

“Not aware of how small this really was, we left, clueless of what we had left you for all your hard work.

Later, we realized our mistake and felt HORRIBLE. We knew we had to make it right.

So in this envelope, you will find the correct 18% tip + extra for simply being amazing. We appreciate your help and patience and thank you for making our night fun. Thank you!”

Waiter Frustrated With $3.28 Tip. Eyes Go Wide Receiving Unexpected Letter Days Later

The bill was roughly $100, and a $3.28 tip is less than four percent! Thankfully, the teens realized their mistake and made sure to handle it appropriately.

The waiter posted a picture of the letter online along with some inspiring and kind words:

“I’ve been serving a long time, and nothing like this has ever happened to me, or anyone. I don’t know how you learned or educated yourself on tipping, but I really appreciate the effort and kindness. I hope your Homecoming was fantastic!”

It’s not every day that people go that extra mile to right their mistakes, but when they do it can make all the difference in the world – and this hardworking waiter truly deserved it!

Source: interestingpages

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Put a lemon with salt on a plate, place in center of room. And see what happens next… https://echowoven.com/put-a-lemon-with-salt-on-a-plate-place-in-center-of-room-and-see-what-happens-next/ Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:22 +0000 https://echowoven.com/?p=62150 Welcome to “Life Hacks Pro: Transform Your Life, One Tip at a Time!”

Life is full of everyday challenges, but with the right tricks and tips, you can simplify your routines and unlock a world of convenience. Our mission is to provide you with the most innovative and effective life hacks that truly make a difference.

Benefits of the Lemon and Salt Hack:


Cleanses and Purifies the Air: The combination of lemon and salt is believed to have air-purifying properties. Lemon emits a refreshing citrus scent that can help neutralize odors. While the salt absorbs moisture and airborne impurities, making the air in your room feel cleaner and more pleasant.

Balances Energy: Some proponents of this hack suggest that it can help balance the energy in a room. Lemon is associated with positive energy and a sense of well-being. And placing it in the center of a room is thought to promote positivity and harmony.

Life Hacks Pro: Transform Your Life, One Tip at a Time!

Natural Deodorizer: Lemon is a natural deodorizer, and when combined with salt, it can help eliminate unwanted smells in your home. It’s a cost-effective and eco-friendly way to combat odors from cooking, pets, or other sources.

Aesthetic Appeal: The lemon and salt arrangement can also serve as an attractive centerpiece for your room or table. Its vibrant colors and fresh aroma can enhance the visual and olfactory appeal of your space.


Stress Reduction: Some people find the scent of lemon to be soothing and stress-relieving. Placing this arrangement in your room may contribute to a more relaxing atmosphere. Which can be particularly beneficial after a long, tiring day.

Natural Cleaning: Lemon is known for its natural cleaning properties. If you choose to place the lemon and salt on a plate, you can use the lemon to clean the plate afterward. As the citric acid in lemon can help remove stains and odors from various surfaces.

It’s important to note that while many people find this practice to be beneficial, the effects can vary from person to person. Some consider it a symbolic and spiritual ritual, while others appreciate it for its practical benefits. Regardless of the reasons behind its effectiveness, the lemon and salt hack is an easy. And inexpensive way to create a more pleasant and refreshing atmosphere in your home.

Just follow some steps below and easy to make it done:


  1. Grab a fresh lemon and slice it in half.
  2. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on a plate.
  3. Place the lemon halves, cut side up, on the plate.
  4. Put this lemon-salt combo in the center of your room.

What happens next is truly astonishing. The lemon absorbs negative energy, while the salt purifies the air. This ancient practice is known to bring positivity, clarity, and a sense of refreshment to your space.


Explore our website, where you’ll find a treasure trove of valuable insights to make your life smoother, smarter, and more enjoyable. Each tip is backed by experience and expertise, so you can trust that we’ve got your back.

Join us on this journey of self-improvement and transformation. Together, we’ll uncover the secrets to a more efficient, satisfying, and fulfilling life. Discover the power of life hacks at Life Hacks Pro and let us help you

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Incredible Tricks For Saying Goodbye to Dust https://echowoven.com/incredible-tricks-for-saying-goodbye-to-dust/ Thu, 13 Jan 2022 15:45:45 +0000 https://echowoven.com/?p=31732 The less dust there is in the house, the happier and healthier the inhabitants are. Unfortunately, getting rid of it is not so simple.

Baby wipes

To get rid of dust, crumbs, and stains on the keyboard, all you need to do is shake it all off and wipe the keyboard. The result is great. Just make sure your laptop is off.


Fabric softener

You can prepare a special solution to remove dust from surfaces and make the effect last longer. 1 part fabric softener, 4 parts water

Pour the mixture into a sprayer and use it to clean anything you want, including mirrors, glass tables, and showers. It’s also beneficial to your laptop or television screen.


Fabric gloves

Cleaning delicate surfaces can be aided by a pair of common housework fabric gloves. Chandeliers, lamps, glass accessories, and statuettes, for example, are simple to clean. The fabric collects dust, making cleaning much easier.


Soft brushes

If you want to clean some hard-to-reach places, brushes with natural bristles can make it easier for you. For example, you can use them to clean furniture accessories.


Old socks

You can quickly clean the window blinds by putting a clean old sock on your hand. It’ll also be easier to get rid of dust under beds and furniture if you put it on a mop.


Toilet paper tube

This is a super necessary thing for cleaning. If you replace a nozzle with a paper tube, you can clean even the hardest-to-reach places. The cardboard bends, so you can change its form and clean all you need. It’s much more comfortable than using a flat seam nozzle.


Clean from the top down

Wipe from the top down to prevent dust from falling from one surface to another. Cleaning will take less effort and time if you do this. Dust ceiling fans first, then moldings, upper parts of doors, and finally a nightstand.


Level of humidity

To avoid dust accumulation in big quantities, it’s often enough to maintain the balance of humidity at about 40-50%. You can buy special measuring instruments and humidifiers to help with this.


Alcohol for bulbs

You can remove dust from bulbs using alcohol. Just wipe them with a soaked cloth, and let them dry. You’ll see the difference.



A good microfiber cloth can work magic. It not only collects the dust from surfaces, it doesn’t let small particles into the air again. You can use this cloth for any surface, from floor to ceiling. Use an elastic band to attach it to a mop.

