Tricks – Tue, 16 Jul 2024 09:28:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tricks – 32 32 Don’t toss those eggshells! Here’s why you should keep them Tue, 16 Jul 2024 09:28:39 +0000 If you are one of those people who enjoy eggs for breakfast and consume them often, here are some benefits the eggshells offer.

1. Natural Pest Deterrent

Don’t toss those eggshells

If slugs, worms, and snails are frequent visitors to your garden and munch on your flowers, thus destroying the plant, eggshells may be the solution. Simply spread crushed eggshells around the plants, and you’ll see a difference shortly after. Turns out these critters are repelled by the smell of eggshells so they won’t be returning to your garden again.

2. Repels Deer

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Just like with insects, eggshells also repel deer. If you happen to be residing in a wooden area, deer are frequent visitors, so using this trick may help keep them away from your garden and your plants which they tend to destroy.

3. Bird Feed

Don’t toss those eggshells

While they repel some creatures, the eggshells are a true delight for others. Birds love eggshells, so if you spread some around your garden you may expect to witness feathered friends flock indulging in their favorite treat. This is a nice way to attract birds, which not only make people’s days with their lovely appearance and sweet tweets, but also keep unwanted insects away.

4. Boost Your Soil’s Health

Don’t toss those eggshells

Crafting an eggshell solution or eggshell dust as fertilizer is a sustainable alternative, giving purpose to what would otherwise end up in your community landfill.

The calcium carbonate they contain decreases the acidity of your soil naturally, which is advantageous for plants that thrive in lower pH environments. This adjustment makes the soil more alkaline, enhancing nutrient absorption for these plants.

5. Keep Your Veggies Healthy

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The calcium carbonate present in eggshells can aid in reducing the risk of blossom end rot in certain plants such as tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers, which are prone to calcium deficiencies. Placing crushed eggshells in the soil will help the veggies stay plump, vibrant, and full of flavor.

6.Raise pH for Potted Plants

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When it comes to potted plants, horticulture educator with University of Illinois Extension, notes, “Eggshells have been shown to increase soil pH in greenhouse studies where plants are growing in pots. The small volume of soil contained in a pot is far different than the massive volume of soil in a backyard garden…It is unlikely that the average homeowner could generate enough eggshells to raise their soil pH.”

7. Composting Made Easy

Don’t toss those eggshells

Crushed eggshell material is highly beneficial for composting since items such as eggshells and citrus peels can decompose in a compost pile or bin gradually. As they break down, they contribute to the compost material, enriching it with nutrients and minerals.

Prior to composting, it’s crucial to rinse the shells to eliminate any raw egg residue. Breaking them down into crushed shells accelerates the decomposition process, as smaller pieces break down more quickly compared to whole eggs.

Next time you have eggs, make sure you use the eggshells in order to enhance the beauty of your garden or potted plants.

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Source: boreddaddy

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Put a lemon with salt on a plate, place in center of room. And see what happens next… Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:22 +0000 Welcome to “Life Hacks Pro: Transform Your Life, One Tip at a Time!”

Life is full of everyday challenges, but with the right tricks and tips, you can simplify your routines and unlock a world of convenience. Our mission is to provide you with the most innovative and effective life hacks that truly make a difference.

Benefits of the Lemon and Salt Hack:


Cleanses and Purifies the Air: The combination of lemon and salt is believed to have air-purifying properties. Lemon emits a refreshing citrus scent that can help neutralize odors. While the salt absorbs moisture and airborne impurities, making the air in your room feel cleaner and more pleasant.

Balances Energy: Some proponents of this hack suggest that it can help balance the energy in a room. Lemon is associated with positive energy and a sense of well-being. And placing it in the center of a room is thought to promote positivity and harmony.

Life Hacks Pro: Transform Your Life, One Tip at a Time!

Natural Deodorizer: Lemon is a natural deodorizer, and when combined with salt, it can help eliminate unwanted smells in your home. It’s a cost-effective and eco-friendly way to combat odors from cooking, pets, or other sources.

Aesthetic Appeal: The lemon and salt arrangement can also serve as an attractive centerpiece for your room or table. Its vibrant colors and fresh aroma can enhance the visual and olfactory appeal of your space.


Stress Reduction: Some people find the scent of lemon to be soothing and stress-relieving. Placing this arrangement in your room may contribute to a more relaxing atmosphere. Which can be particularly beneficial after a long, tiring day.

Natural Cleaning: Lemon is known for its natural cleaning properties. If you choose to place the lemon and salt on a plate, you can use the lemon to clean the plate afterward. As the citric acid in lemon can help remove stains and odors from various surfaces.

It’s important to note that while many people find this practice to be beneficial, the effects can vary from person to person. Some consider it a symbolic and spiritual ritual, while others appreciate it for its practical benefits. Regardless of the reasons behind its effectiveness, the lemon and salt hack is an easy. And inexpensive way to create a more pleasant and refreshing atmosphere in your home.

Just follow some steps below and easy to make it done:


  1. Grab a fresh lemon and slice it in half.
  2. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on a plate.
  3. Place the lemon halves, cut side up, on the plate.
  4. Put this lemon-salt combo in the center of your room.

What happens next is truly astonishing. The lemon absorbs negative energy, while the salt purifies the air. This ancient practice is known to bring positivity, clarity, and a sense of refreshment to your space.


Explore our website, where you’ll find a treasure trove of valuable insights to make your life smoother, smarter, and more enjoyable. Each tip is backed by experience and expertise, so you can trust that we’ve got your back.

Join us on this journey of self-improvement and transformation. Together, we’ll uncover the secrets to a more efficient, satisfying, and fulfilling life. Discover the power of life hacks at Life Hacks Pro and let us help you

Are you ready to level up your life? Start exploring now!

Easy way for Mosquito-Proof Your Life: Say Goodbye to DEET and Calamine Lotion! Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:22 +0000 Mosquitoes, the tiny, blood-thirsty buzzkills that can turn a peaceful evening into an itchy nightmare. We’ve all been there, desperately searching for a way to escape their relentless attacks.

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Mosquitoes are attracted to various factors, and understanding what makes you a target can help you take measures to reduce your attractiveness to them. Here are some details about what mosquitoes are most attracted to:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Mosquitoes are highly attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale when we breathe. They use CO2 as a primary cue to locate potential hosts. So, when you’re breathing, you’re essentially sending out an invitation to mosquitoes.

Body Heat: Mosquitoes are also drawn to body heat. Warmer bodies indicate the presence of a potential host. This is why they are often more active during warm summer evenings when people are outdoors.

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Scent: Mosquitoes have a keen sense of smell and can detect scents from a considerable distance. Certain scents, such as those produced by perfumes, scented lotions, and even sweat, can attract mosquitoes. Floral or fruity scents can be particularly appealing to them.

Dark Clothing: Dark-colored clothing, especially black and navy, can absorb and retain heat, making you more visible to mosquitoes. Light-colored and loose-fitting clothing is less likely to attract them.

Easy way for Mosquito-Proof Your Life

Lactic Acid: When we exercise or become active, we produce lactic acid, which is another attractant for mosquitoes. This is why physical activity can increase your risk of getting bitten.

Blood Type: Research suggests that mosquitoes may be more attracted to certain blood types. People with Type O blood may be more prone to mosquito bites compared to those with Type A or Type B blood.

Skin Microbes: The specific microbes and bacteria on your skin can influence your attractiveness to mosquitoes. Some skin bacteria produce scents that are more attractive to these insects.


Pregnancy: Pregnant women tend to exhale more carbon dioxide and have slightly higher body temperatures, making them more attractive to mosquitoes.

Alcohol Consumption: Consuming alcohol can increase your body temperature and cause your blood vessels to dilate, making you more appealing to mosquitoes.

Genetics: Your genetic makeup may also play a role in how attractive you are to mosquitoes. Some people are naturally more prone to mosquito bites due to their genetics.

It’s important to note that not all mosquitoes are equally attracted to these factors, and there is some variation among mosquito species. Additionally, individual preferences can vary. To reduce your attractiveness to mosquitoes…

But before you resort to DEET or calamine lotion, let us introduce you to some easy, all-natural solutions that will have you enjoying mosquito-free bliss.

1. Citronella Magic:

Lemongrass essential oil placed on a wooden table.

Citronella is your new best friend in the fight against mosquitoes. Whether in the form of candles or essential oils, its pleasant scent not only keeps these pests at bay but also adds a delightful ambiance to your outdoor gatherings.

2. Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Power:

This essential oil packs a double punch – it repels mosquitoes and has a refreshing, lemony scent. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil, apply it to exposed skin, and watch the mosquitoes stay away.

3. A Garlic Barrier:

Yes, garlic may ward off more than just vampires! Consuming garlic regularly can make your body emit a subtle scent that mosquitoes find repulsive. A natural deterrent from the inside out.

4. Mosquito-Repelling Plants:

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Keep pots of lavender, basil, or marigolds on your patio or in your garden. These plants naturally repel mosquitoes, and they look lovely as well.

5. Wear Light-Colored Clothing:

Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors. Opt for light-colored clothing to keep them from landing on you in the first place.

6. Cooling Peppermint Spray:

Combine peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle. The cooling sensation will relieve itchy bites, and the scent will keep mosquitoes away.

7. DIY Mosquito Traps:

Create your own mosquito trap by filling a container with a mixture of water, sugar, and yeast. The carbon dioxide produced will attract mosquitoes, and they’ll get trapped in the solution.

8. Mosquito Nets for Bedtime:

For a peaceful night’s sleep, invest in a mosquito net. It’s a classic and effective way to keep the bloodsuckers at bay.

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How to Treat Itchy Bites

Itchy mosquito bites can be quite annoying, but there are several methods you can use to treat the itch and discomfort. Here are some ideas for treating itchy bites:

Wash the Area: Start by washing the bitten area with mild soap and water to remove any potential irritants and reduce the risk of infection.

Keep the Area Clean and Dry: To prevent infection, keep the bite clean and dry. Avoid excessive moisture, as it can prolong the healing process.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera gel has soothing properties that can alleviate itching and reduce inflammation. Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to the bite.


Honey: Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A thin layer of honey applied to the bite can help reduce itching and promote healing.

Tea Bags: Apply a used and cooled tea bag (black or green tea) to the bite. The tannins in tea can help relieve itching and reduce inflammation.

Cold Compress: Apply a cold compress to the bite for 10-15 minutes. This can help reduce inflammation and temporarily relieve itching.


Anti-itch Creams or Lotions: Over-the-counter anti-itch creams or lotions containing ingredients like hydrocortisone, calamine, or pramoxine can provide relief from itching. Follow the product’s instructions for application.

Oatmeal Bath: Soaking in an oatmeal bath or applying an oatmeal paste to the bite can provide relief. Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties and can soothe the skin.

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Essential Oils: Some essential oils, such as lavender, tea tree, and chamomile, can help relieve itching. Dilute a few drops of essential oil in a carrier oil and apply it to the bite, but be cautious, as essential oils can be potent and may cause skin irritation if not properly diluted.

Baking Soda Paste: Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to create a paste. Apply it to the bite, leave it on for a few minutes, and then rinse it off. Baking soda can help reduce itching.

Easy way for Mosquito-Proof Your Life

If the itching persists, becomes severe, or if you experience an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite (which can include symptoms like swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing), it’s important to seek medical attention. In some cases, a healthcare professional may recommend prescription-strength treatments.

No more need for harsh chemicals or sticky lotions! These easy and effective methods will help you reclaim your outdoor and indoor spaces, free from mosquito nuisances.

Try them out, and let us know which one works best for you!


Revive Your Linens with Vinegar: The Secret to Softer Towels and Bed Sheets at Home Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:21 +0000 Are you tired of the rough and uncomfortable texture of your towels and bed sheets? Look no further; we have a game-changing home hack for you.

Discover how adding vinegar to your laundry routine can transform your linens, making them softer and more luxurious than you ever imagined. Say goodbye to the hassle of expensive fabric softeners and hello to a simple, eco-friendly solution that really works. Let’s dive into the secrets of using vinegar to soften your linens right at home.

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1. Why Vinegar?

Vinegar is more than just a kitchen staple; it’s a powerful ally in your laundry room.

  • Acidic Properties: Vinegar is slightly acidic due to its acetic acid content. This mild acidity helps break down mineral deposits and residual detergents that can make your linens feel stiff and rough.
  • Natural Softening: Vinegar’s acid also acts as a natural fabric softener. It helps relax the fibers in your towels and bed sheets, preventing them from feeling rigid and scratchy. As a result, your linens become more supple and enjoyable against your skin.
  • Odor Elimination: Vinegar is known for its odor-neutralizing properties. By adding it to your laundry, you can help remove any lingering odors from your linens, leaving them smelling fresh and clean.


Do you know the benefits of vinegar for softening towels and bed sheets?The Secret to Softer Towels and Bed Sheets at Home

  • Eco-Friendly: Vinegar is a natural, environmentally friendly alternative to commercial fabric softeners. It doesn’t contain the chemicals and fragrances that are often found in traditional softeners, making it a safe and green choice.
  • Cost-Effective: Vinegar is incredibly affordable, especially when compared to the recurring cost of fabric softeners. A small amount of vinegar can go a long way in softening your laundry.
  • Safe for Sensitive Skin: Commercial fabric softeners may contain allergens or irritants that can cause skin reactions. Vinegar is generally well-tolerated and a suitable choice for those with sensitive skin.
  • Color-Safe: Unlike some fabric softeners that may affect the color of your linens, vinegar is gentle and won’t cause fading or damage to your fabrics.

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Learn how vinegar helps break down residue, leaving your linens cleaner and fresher.

Residues from detergents and minerals can accumulate on your towels and bed sheets over time, causing them to lose their softness and freshness. Here’s how vinegar effectively tackles these residues:

  • Mineral Buildup: In areas with hard water, mineral deposits can accumulate on fabrics, making them stiff and scratchy. Vinegar’s mild acidity helps dissolve these minerals, leaving your linens free from mineral buildup.
  • Detergent Residues: Some detergents leave behind a soapy residue that can cling to your fabrics. Vinegar acts as a natural surfactant, helping to break down and rinse away these detergent residues.
  • Odor Elimination: Vinegar’s odor-neutralizing properties extend to your laundry, ensuring that any unwanted smells are removed, and your linens emerge fresh and clean.

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Unlock the secret of using vinegar to soften your towels and bed sheets with this easy-to-follow guide.

Here’s a step-by-step process to ensure you get the best results without compromising the color or quality of your linens:

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you start, make sure you have the following:
White distilled vinegar: It’s best to use white vinegar, as it won’t leave any color or residue on your linens.
Your laundry load: Collect the towels and bed sheets you intend to wash.

Step 2: Measure the Vinegar

Determine the size of your load. For smaller loads, you’ll need approximately 1/4 to 1/2 cup of vinegar. For larger loads, you can use 1/2 to 1 cup of vinegar. Adjust the quantity accordingly to suit the load size.

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Step 3: Add the Vinegar

Open your washing machine and place your linens inside.
Next, pour the measured vinegar directly into the detergent compartment or add it to the drum before starting the wash cycle.

Step 4: Adjust the Settings

Select a regular or gentle cycle with cold or warm water, depending on the care instructions for your linens. Avoid using hot water, as it may diminish the effectiveness of the vinegar.
Opt for an extra rinse cycle if available, as this can help ensure all the vinegar is thoroughly rinsed out.


Step 5: Start the Wash

Initiate the washing machine, and let it complete the cycle as usual.

Step 6: Enjoy Softer Linens

Once the cycle is finished, transfer your linens to the dryer or hang them to air dry. You’ll notice a remarkable difference in the softness of your towels and bed sheets.

Tips to Ensure Vinegar Use Doesn’t Affect Color or Quality:


  • Use white distilled vinegar: As mentioned earlier, opt for white vinegar, as it won’t leave any color or residue on your linens.
  • Avoid using vinegar with bleach: Do not mix vinegar with bleach, as this can produce harmful fumes. If you need to use bleach for whitening, do so in a separate cycle.
  • Check care labels: Always follow the care instructions on your linens. Some fabrics may not be compatible with vinegar, so it’s essential to double-check.
  • Don’t overdo it: While vinegar is excellent for softening, using too much can result in an unpleasant smell. Stick to the recommended quantities.
  • Test a small load first: If you’re concerned about how your linens will react to vinegar, try it with a small load first to ensure there are no adverse effects.

By following this step-by-step guide and implementing these tips, you can effectively use vinegar to soften your towels and bed sheets while maintaining their color and quality. Say “goodnight” to rough sheets and “hello” to a cozier and more restful sleep experience. Give it a try, and you’ll never go back to your old laundry routine.

Explore our website for more practical home improvement tips and tricks that can make your life easier, one hack at a time. It’s time to transform your linens with the magic of vinegar!

Cabbage Foot Wraps: Unveiling Surprising Results for Your Health! Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:21 +0000 Have you ever considered the extraordinary benefits of wrapping your feet in cabbage? Yes, you read that right. In this article, we’ll unveil a surprising and natural trick that has been used for centuries to address various health issues.

Whether you’re seeking relief from pain, inflammation, or detoxification, cabbage can be a game-changer for your well-being. Let’s dive into the surprising world of cabbage and its remarkable results for your feet.


1. The Healing Power of Cabbage:

Cabbage, a humble vegetable found in kitchens around the world, has a rich history of being used in natural remedies. This section delves into the incredible healing properties of cabbage and its role in traditional and modern wellness:

Cabbage’s use in natural remedies dates back centuries, with records of its medicinal applications in ancient civilizations.
Explore how different cultures have employed cabbage for various health concerns, from ancient Europe to Asia.


Therapeutic Properties: Cabbage contains compounds such as glucosinolates, which have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Discover how the high sulfur content in cabbage leaves can promote detoxification and alleviate common health issues.

Versatility in Health Remedies: Cabbage leaves are known for their versatility in addressing a wide range of health concerns.
Learn how cabbage wraps have been employed for conditions like joint pain, arthritis, swelling, and even detoxification.

The surprising results of wrapping your feet in cabbage are within your reach, offering a natural and cost-effective approach to various health concerns. The wonders of this time-tested remedy have amazed countless individuals throughout history, and it’s now your turn to experience the benefits.

2. How to Prepare and Apply a Cabbage Foot Wrap:

Using cabbage leaves as a foot wrap requires careful preparation and application to ensure the best results. Follow this step-by-step guide to select, clean, and prepare cabbage leaves, wrap your feet effectively, and secure the wrap for comfort and effectiveness:


Step 1: Gather Your Materials:

Gather fresh, green cabbage leaves. Look for leaves that are free from blemishes and damage.
You’ll also need a cutting board, a knife, and a rolling pin or a similar tool.

Step 2: Select and Clean the Cabbage Leaves:

Choose a few cabbage leaves and carefully remove them from the head of cabbage. Then, Rinse the leaves thoroughly under cold water to remove any dirt or impurities.

Step 3: Soften the Cabbage Leaves:

To make the cabbage leaves more pliable and comfortable for wrapping, use a rolling pin or a similar tool to gently flatten and soften them.
Be careful not to tear the leaves but ensure they are flexible.

Step 4: Trim and Cut the Leaves:

Place the cabbage leaves on a cutting board, and trim the thick stem from each leaf to make them easier to work with.
Cut the leaves into sizes that will comfortably wrap around your feet.

Step 5: Warm the Cabbage Leaves (Optional):

If desired, you can briefly warm the cabbage leaves in a microwave or with hot water. Warming the leaves can enhance their soothing effect.

Step 6: Wrap Your Feet:

Sit in a comfortable position and place the softened cabbage leaves on the soles of your feet. After that,
Wrap the leaves around your feet, ensuring they cover the areas you want to address. You can overlap the leaves slightly for better coverage.

Step 7: Secure the Wrap:

To secure the cabbage leaves, you can use medical tape or elastic bandages. But Ensure the wrap is snug but not too tight, allowing for comfortable circulation.

Step 8: Relax and Wait:

Once your feet are wrapped, it’s time to relax. Leave the cabbage wrap on for about 30 minutes to 1 hour to allow the healing properties of the cabbage to work.


Tips for Securing the Cabbage Wrap:

  • If you use elastic bandages, make sure they are not too tight, as overly tight wrapping can impede blood flow.
  • While the wrap is on, you can elevate your feet to enhance the effects.
    Keep an eye on your skin during the process. If you notice any irritation or discomfort, remove the wrap immediately.

By following these steps and tips, you can properly prepare and apply a cabbage foot wrap, ensuring comfort and effectiveness.

The process allows you to harness the healing properties of cabbage to address various health concerns with this natural and time-tested remedy.

Explore our website for more fascinating home remedies and wellness tips that can help you enhance your health and well-being in the most unexpected ways. It’s time to try the extraordinary benefits of cabbage foot wraps for yourself!

Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Upholstered Furnishings Thu, 12 May 2022 16:32:27 +0000 For many of us, upholstered furniture is one of our most significant investments. We might as well accept the responsibility of preserving the material to ensure that it lasts a long time. Don’t rely on your standard “all-purpose” cleaners or the same cleaning methods for all materials. Instead, read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before cleaning, and avoid these common cleaning blunders.

How to Interpret the Cleaning Codes

mistake 1

Don’t ignore the owner’s manual! Always look for information about your upholstered items. This information may be in a care pamphlet delivered with the product, or a tag is sewn into a seam, and it should tell you what it’s made out of, and how to safely clean the material. Here are some common codes found on labels:

WS: Use a mild detergent with a steam vacuum or a dry-cleaning detergent

S: Use a dry cleaner detergent only.

X: Use a vacuum only. No water.

W: You can use water to clean it.

mistake 2
Jessica McClendon

Don’t Scrub – Start by Blotting Liquid Spills

Use an absorbent cloth to first blot at spills and moisture to quickly absorb them. This will help reduce the chance that the stain will get “rubbed in,” and it’ll help to collect the liquid that’s soaking into foam layers beneath the upholstery. The more liquid you can absorb by blotting, the less internal damage that happens to your furnishings.

Try to Steam Clean Tough Stains

You might expect that you’ll just have to live with the dirty armrests or dried spills for the duration of a seat’s existence, but steam cleaning is relatively effective at lifting embedded dirt from the fabric. You’ll probably find that your steam mop for the floors is an acceptable tool for this task – especially if it comes with a detailed cleaning attachment. Always use a low-heat setting, and test in an inconspicuous spot to make sure that the fabric doesn’t have an unexpectedly negative reaction to the heat. Do not use steam heat on the upholstery that is made of – or contains – silk.

Don’t Use Plain Water to Clean Microfiber Surfaces

Water can lead to dried watermarks and spots on microfiber upholstery. Rubbing alcohol is better for cleaning microfiber. Apply it with a spray bottle, and use a dry, clean cloth to lift the stain as it loosens.

Choose the Right Vacuum Attachment

mistake 3

There’s the actual rationale for using all the different vacuum attachments that came with your high-end product.

Cleaning pet fur in the home with a vacuum

The airflow attachment, for example, is the one that looks like a smaller version of your vacuum and creates airflow during use that operates the spinning brushes. It’s more gentle than the actual vacuum, smaller, which makes it easier to get into small crevices, and it does a great job at getting pet fur off upholstery because it brushes the surface while extracting the dust and debris.

The more formal upholstery brush attachment is the one that looks more like a lint brush, with softer bristles that lift dust and help to reduce pilling.

Use Caution When Applying Fabric Protectors

mistake 4

UV- and stain-repellent sprays can help keep upholstery looking its best and make messes easier to clean, but over-penetration of the sprays can have an adverse effect, too. Too much chemical saturation can cause stains and excessive scrubbing wear and tears on the materials. It can also cause irritation on sensitive skin or to pets who nap and play on the upholstered surface.

Avoid Fabric Softeners

Don’t confuse “softeners” with leather conditioners – you should totally be conditioning your leather upholstery. What we’re saying here is that for any washable upholstery, avoid using fabric softeners. Use “free-and-clear” detergents that don’t contain scents or dyes, and opt to line dry or dry flat, rather than putting upholstery through the dryer.

Remember to Rotate the Cushions

Avoid the dreaded butt dent and added wear to the fabric on the most sat-upon surfaces by rotating the cushions.

How to Clean Upholstery

mistake 5

If your upholstery can be cleaned with a water-based cleanser, you can do this with a few simple ingredients. A spray-on stain remover can be used for any tough spots, just like in washing laundry. Spray your stain remover and wait for about five minutes. While you wait, mix four parts of warm water with one part of laundry detergent. Use a rough sponge or a soft bristle brush to apply the cleaning mixture to your upholstery. Scrub along the grain of the fabric until you have lifted the dirt and stains. Use a damp, clean cloth to wipe away any remaining suds or dirt. You can leave your upholstery to dry or use a wet/dry vacuum to remove the remaining moisture.

12 All-Natural Baking Soda Solutions to Deep Clean Your Home Thu, 12 May 2022 16:11:00 +0000 Unclog Slow Drains
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Flynnisde Out Productions

Before you go the chemical route to clear a slow-moving drain, try baking soda and vinegar. Pour a cup of baking soda into the drain, then heat up a cup of vinegar and pour it on top of the baking soda. After approximately 10 minutes, flush with a pot of boiling water. (Don’t use this solution on a clogged drain.)

All-Natural Oven Scrub

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Flynnisde Out Productions

A dirty oven can pose a serious cleaning challenge. Avoid corrosive chemicals and toxic odors by whipping up a baking soda and salt paste made with water or vinegar. Spread the paste over the floor, walls and oven door using a brush. (Be sure to wear gloves when you do this!) Let the mixture sit for about 24 hours, keeping it moist with a spritz of water or vinegar periodically. The paste will help soften the burnt-on food and make scrubbing your oven a bit easier. Wipe the paste away with a sponge or cloth, then turn on the oven to around 100 degrees F. Keep it on for an hour to soften any lingering residue. Turn the oven off, then once it’s cool to the touch, spritz any stubborn areas with vinegar and wipe down.

Scour a Ceramic Stovetop

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Flynnisde Out Productions

Baked-on food residue tends to build up on cooktops no matter how hard you try to keep them clean. Luckily, a paste of warm water and baking soda spooned onto the surface will help loosen the residue. Let it sit for several minutes, then scrub to remove the gunk. Finish by spritzing with glass cleaner, then wipe dry.

Shine-Up Stainless Steel

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Flynnisde Out Productions

If your stainless-steel sink is looking dull, sprinkle baking soda onto a soft cloth and buff it back to life. Rinse well after buffing. Avoid harsh, powdered cleansers, as they may scratch the sink’s surface.

Refresh the Refrigerator

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Flynnisde Out Productions

It’s easy for crumbs and spills to gunk up your fridge in no time. Remove those mishaps with a paste of baking soda and dish soap. Use a scrub sponge to get up stubborn spots, then wipe away the mixture with warm water. Be sure to microwave your sponge for two minutes after use to keep it from harboring germs.

Quick Scour a Slow Cooker

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Flynnisde Out Productions

Getting caked-on food out of your slow cooker doesn’t have to be a headache. Just fill the pot with water, then add 1/4 cup of baking soda and cook on high for three to four hours. The heated mixture will soften up any crusty residue. After a few hours, pour the water out, then lightly dust the inside of the pot with baking soda and scrub well. With a clean, damp cloth, rinse and wipe the pot out. You’re now ready for your next recipe!

Pretty-Up Tarnished Silver

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Flynnisde Out Productions

Line a pan with aluminum foil and place silver pieces on top of the foil. Next, bring a pot of water to a boil, then turn off the heat. Add baking soda into the hot water and stir. Once the chemical reaction kicks in, the water will become foamy. Next, pour the baking soda mixture over the tarnished pieces, and let them soak for about 10 minutes. This reaction causes the tarnish to change back to silver, while the sulfur attaches itself to the foil. Give the chemical reaction time to do its thing! When the pieces are ready, remove them with tongs, then rinse and dry each piece with a clean towel. Lightly buff each piece to a gorgeous sparkle.

Deodorize a Front-Load Washer

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Flynnisde Out Productions

Front-load washers look great, they’re more efficient and they use less detergent than a traditional top-loading model, but they’re also prone to smelling funky over time. Pour a half cup of baking soda into the detergent cup, then run a wash cycle with hot water to cut soap scum and deodorize the machine. A clean machine ensures your laundry smells its best, so deep-clean it monthly.

Clean Toilets

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Flynnisde Out Productions

You’ll need a 1/2 cup of baking soda, 1/2 cup of borax and 1 cup of vinegar. Pour the vinegar onto the toilet stains, then sprinkle with the baking soda/borax mixture. Let it sit for about 20 minutes, then scrub and flush.

Blast Nasty Grout

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Flynnisde Out Productions

Baking soda paired with warm water and bleach will knock out stubborn grout stains on tile floors and walls. If you need heavy-duty cleaning, amp up the bleach (but wear gloves to protect that manicure).

Remove Carpet Stains

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Flynnisde Out Productions

If you’ve got an unsightly spot on your area rug or carpet, sprinkle it with baking soda to wick out any excess moisture. Let it sit for a few minutes, then vacuum it up. Next, blot the stain with 1 cup of warm water mixed with 1 tablespoon of vinegar, working from the outside edges inward. Blot until the stain has transferred from the carpet to the cleaning cloth, then allow to air dry.

Wipe Down Outdoor Furniture

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Flynnisde Out Productions

The gentle abrasiveness of baking soda is perfect for cleaning stains off painted outdoor furniture. And a baking soda mixture works well on outdoor fabric stains, too.

How to Mop Floors With Vinegar The Right Way Thu, 12 May 2022 15:46:59 +0000 For Porcelain and Linoleum

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Vinegar is great for hard tile and solid surfaces. The more acidic it is, the more effective it is at being a disinfectant. It’s not necessary to dilute your vinegar before putting it to use on these select surfaces, though diluting it does have some benefits: It’s more gentle on grout and doesn’t smell quite so potent.

Some might imply that diluting a splash of white vinegar into water will boast the same potency and cleaning power, but don’t expect to get the full benefit from the cleaner if you’re running those tests in your at-home science lab. The more concentrated the solution, the better it’ll perform when you’re mopping porcelain and linoleum. Aim for 50/50 vinegar and water, or more vinegar and less water.

If it isn’t realistic to have a whole mopping bucket filled with undiluted white vinegar – and it isn’t – consider this vinegar mopping strategy instead:

Soak a cloth in a small bowl of distilled white vinegar, and once it has absorbed all of the vinegar, attach it to the base of a dry mop or “wet sweeper” type of product. If it doesn’t clip or pinch on, strap it in place with a couple of rubber bands. The soaked rag will serve as a wet mop, and it’ll effectively collect dirt on the ground while simultaneously distributing the vinegar across the floor to disinfect. Overall, you’ll use less vinegar than if you were dipping a mop into a bucket but will still be disinfecting at maximum effectiveness.

For Hardwoods, Ceramics and Stone

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On wood flooring, ceramic tile and natural stone, it’s always best to use a more diluted concentration of vinegar (think: 1 cup of vinegar in 1 gallon of water). The acidic properties of pure distilled white vinegar are likely to do more harm than good on these surfaces and can also dull the polish or wax finishes.

You’re not going to be able to as assuredly disinfect these surfaces with vinegar because of the diluted concentration. Instead, be diligent about dry mopping, vacuuming and using surface-approved cleaners if you need spot treatment.

What if You Don’t Like the Smell of Vinegar?

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When you’re over the fact that your house smells like salt and vinegar potato chips (temporarily, but you might not be able to convince your spouse of that) you might find yourself looking for alternatives to vinegar. Keep in mind that you can add a few drops of essential oils such as lemon or lavender to your cleaning solution to cut back on the intensity of the vinegar scent.

You can also treat the cleaning solution ahead of time by soaking citrus peels, like orange, lemon and lime, into the vinegar cleaner to infuse different scents. Everyone’s tolerance is a little different when it comes to using vinegar as a cleaner, especially during seasons when it’s harder to ventilate any type of cleaning solution scent from a home.

Any Other Important Things to Keep in Mind When Mopping With Vinegar?

Never combine vinegar with bleach. The resulting fumes are toxic and can even be deadly. Vinegar + Water is the safest combo for cleaning.

If you’re facing a tough spot while you mop, sprinkle a little bit of dry baking soda onto the area and scrub at it by hand. Undiluted vinegar will have some reactions to the baking soda, though not enough to cause an issue.

Never add vinegar to your steam mop. The mechanisms that process the water and treat the steam are intended for pure water and nothing more. Vinegar can break the internal components.

Avoid the use of vinegar on laminate flooring, as the acidic properties can dull the finish over time. (Furthermore, mopping laminate even with water can damage the flooring. Dry mopping and spot cleaning laminate is the best route.)

Top Cleaning Hacks for Keeping Your House Germ-Free Thu, 12 May 2022 15:21:49 +0000 For this reason, we found the top tips for making sure we stay germ-free at home along with a bonus cleaning hack for your dishwasher.

1. Use mouthwash to disinfect your toothbrush

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©, © anmbph/easyfotostock/Eastnews

Each time we use our toothbrushes, we may be transferring bathroom bacteria directly into our mouths. If you’re someone who flushes the toilet with the lid up, then you could be spreading waste particles around the room, which can settle on surfaces and objects.

Therefore, it’s recommended to sanitize your toothbrush in mouthwash for 2 minutes after using it.

2. Clean your oven with 1/5 cup of ammonia

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Simply heat your oven to 150ºF then turn it off and place 1/5 cup of ammonia in a bowl on your oven’s top-shelf. Place a bowl of boiling water on the shelf below and close the door, leaving them to do their thing overnight.

This will help the grime to drop off from your oven, helping you to easily wipe it clean the next day.

3. Microwave your sponge

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Our dish sponges collect large amounts of harmful bacteria that we don’t want to then transfer to our dishes while washing them. To sterilize a sponge, you should wet it completely before placing it in the microwave for 1 minute.

The extreme heat will zap any bacteria growing in your sponges. Repeat this every few days when your sponge starts to smell.

4. Clean your wooden kitchen tools

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© sydneyrv / Reddit, © VincePaperclips / Reddit

Our wooden spoons can suffer in the kitchen, especially if they get put into the dishwasher or are left to soak. To keep them healthy, it’s recommended to rub them with a slice of lemon in order to stop any unwanted smells to permeate. You can also coat them with vegetable or coconut oil for a little tender loving care. This will make them shine and protect them from harmful moisture.

When they’re exposed to too much moisture, they grow mildew, which isn’t the most hygienic thing for your cooking vessels.

5. Wipe down your windowsills regularly

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Because windows and windowsills can collect condensation, they can be a prime breeding ground for fungi and microbes. Make sure that you don’t forget about these hotspots that can be harboring a concentration of bacteria due to the damp environment of the window.

6. Shampoo your hairbrush

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Our hairbrushes are often neglected when it comes to cleaning, even though they may be carrying a lot of dirt. This is because our hair can develop a buildup of pollution and everyday germs when we’re out and about, which then gets transferred to our brushes.

It’s advised to clean your brush once a month by removing old hairs and shampooing it overnight before rinsing it clean.

7. Disinfect your yoga mat with apple cider vinegar

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Yoga mats can pick up tons of bacteria, not only from the dampness caused by our sweat but also from being placed on floors, especially at fitness centers. Therefore, it’s recommended to clean your mat every time you use it. Simply wipe it down using a cloth and equal parts water and apple cider vinegar.

The vinegar will act as a disinfectant, giving your mat a fresh makeover.

8. Clean your silver jewelry with soda and salt

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© JohnnyOToole / Reddit, © JohnnyOToole / Reddit

To restore them back to their original glory, you should line a tray with aluminum foil and add 2 tablespoons of soda and 1 tablespoon of salt. Place the jewelry on top and cover it with boiling water.

By leaving this to soak overnight, it will dissolve the dirt and tarnish that collects on our silver accessories.

9. Clean your keyboard with gel

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Cleaning slime can be very practical for removing the buildup of dust and dirt from small spaces, and it’s very easy to make at home! You’ll need to mix 1 cup of warm water with borax in a bowl and 1/2 a cup of warm water with glue in another bowl. Combine the 2 mixtures and stir until it becomes firm — then knead it into a hard ball.

Bonus: Use a mesh bag in the dishwasher

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To make sure that everything is properly washed in the dishwasher, it’s important to use a mesh bag to keep the smaller items together. This stops the smaller pieces from slipping down into the washer and not getting sterilized properly.

What tricks do you use to combat germs? Please share them to help us all fight them off!

15 Quick Ways for Cleaning Your Entire Kitchen Without Many Efforts Tue, 10 May 2022 17:28:03 +0000 A kitchen must be kept clean at all times. Cooking in a clean kitchen is not only more enjoyable, but it also promotes our health and well-being.

1. Cleaning the furniture

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Mix a glass of water with 1/2 glass of vinegar and 1/2 glass of vodka. Stir it all thoroughly, and pour it into a spray bottle. To disinfect as well as clean, add a drop or two of eucalyptus oil. This unique mix will easily remove limescale and grease.

Caution: Always wear rubber gloves while cleaning, and don’t forget to air the kitchen afterward.

2. Removing limescale from the kettle

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To get rid of limescale in your kettle, you will need a packet or two of citric acid, 0.7-0.8 oz each. The amount of acid needed depends on the condition of your kettle and the amount of limescale.

  • Fill two-thirds of the kettle with water, then open one packet of citric acid and add it to the water.
  • Boil the water for 3-5 minutes.
  • Check if the limescale has peeled off. To do this, take the kettle off the stove and carefully shake it — the remains of limescale in the water will show you how efficient the cleaning has been.
  • Pour the dirty water out, and thoroughly rinse the kettle.
  • Fill the kettle with clean water, boil it, and pour it out. Repeat this twice before returning to daily use.

3. Washing the sink

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Ammonia is good at getting rid of limescale. Add some to water, apply this solution to the inside of the sink, and wash it off with hot water after 10 minutes.

4. Making the microwave shiny

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What you’ll need: water (13-17 fl oz), a bowl, and 2 tbsp 9% vinegar or 1 tsp 70% vinegar essence.

Pour the water into the bowl, add the vinegar, put the solution into the microwave, and turn it on for 5 minutes (or up to 10-15 minutes, depending on the grade of dirtiness). Now give the vinegar fumes some more time to dissolve the grime on the microwave walls, and then start washing the microwave from the inside.

Caution: Don’t forget to wear rubber gloves.

5. Getting rid of hood grime

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Wet the grimy kitchen hood filters with water from a spray bottle, then rub them with a toothbrush dipped in bleach. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse under the tap. Done!

Caution: Always wear protective gloves!

6. Cleaning the oven

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The following method is best for cleaning the oven. First of all, take 1 cup baking soda, add 1 tbsp detergent, and add water until you have a liquid dough consistency. Apply this paste to the grimy surfaces, and leave them for 15 minutes. Then wash the whole oven.

7. Washing the fridge

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This tip will help you wash and deodorize the inside of your fridge. Just dilute 2 tbsp baking soda in 33 fl oz water. Dip a soft tissue in this solution, and wipe all of the surfaces with it. The walls are then easily cleaned with a clean wet tissue. Don’t forget to wipe them dry after that.

8. Making the dishes shine

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Ground mustard is brilliant at cleaning dishes of grease and limescale. Just pour some mustard on a sponge, and rub it into the dishes and cups. Then wash them under the tap. That’s it — your dishes are as good as new!

9. Cleaning the stove

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To cleanse the cooktop of an induction stove, take a toothbrush and toothpaste. Put some toothpaste on the toothbrush, and rub it on the burnt places. Wait for 10-15 minutes, and then wipe the surface with a wet tissue.

10. Making the gas stove look good

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A gas stove can be easily cleaned with a piece of simple lye soap. Shred the piece on a grate, and dilute the shreds in warm water to get a sour-cream-like mass. Apply this paste to the stove, and leave it for 15 minutes. Then wipe the stove with warm water.

11. Cleaning burner grates

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You can make your burner grates shiny if you drench them in water with a little ammonia for 7-8 hours.

Caution: Don’t forget to wear protective gloves while doing it!

12. Washing the splashback

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To get rid of grease marks on the splashback, use a highly concentrated soap solution. It’s equally efficient on both plastic and tile surfaces. The best way is to shred some lye soap into a bowl, dilute the shreds in water, and rub the grimy places with this paste until there’s no more grease on them.

13. Washing window sills

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A mix of soda ash and washing powder, 1 tbsp each, will cleanse the window sill from all kinds of stains, grime, and yellow discoloring marks.

14. Cleaning frying pans

To cleanse a ceramic-coated frying pan from soot cover and grease residue both on the inside and the outside, pour water into a broad bowl so that the frying pan is completely covered. Add a couple of tablespoons of detergent gel and a handful of soda ash. Then put the bowl with the pan in it on the stove and boil for half an hour. Wait until the liquid cools down, take out the pan, rinse it under the tap, and carefully wipe it.

15. Sterilizing the sponges

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Kitchen sponges get dirty very fast, becoming home to numerous harmful bacteria, which results in their transfer to your dishes after using such a sponge. To prevent this, simply put the wet sponge into the microwave on high power and heat it for 2 minutes. Make sure, though, that there’s no metal contained in the sponge, and let it cool for a couple of minutes before taking it out.
