The first disposable pads were generally produced as a cotton wool rectangle covered with an absorbent liner. The ends were extended in the front and back to fit through loops in a special girdle or belt worn beneath undergarments. The pads were not very convenient because of slipping forward or backward.
The prototype of modern bras was discovered by researchers in an Austrian castle and is approximately 600 years old. The evolution of the bra is a long process; you can find many vintage illustrations of how women supported their breasts. For example, one of these pictures illustrates a ribbon of fabric wrapped around the chest and buttoned.
Later on, when corsets became unfashionable, New Yorker Marie Tucek invented a “breast supporter,” which was a modification of the corset. It was made of a metal plate and cardboard, shaped to fit against the torso under the breasts. The base was covered with silk or another type of cloth and extended above the plate to form a pocket for each breast curved around the torso, ending near the armpits.
The first lipstick was possibly made about 5,000 years ago by ancient Sumerian and Indus Valley men and women. They crushed gemstones and used them to decorate the lips and areas around the eyes. Egyptians, like Cleopatra, for example, crushed bugs to add red to their lips.
The first mascara can be documented in Ancient Egypt. It was a substance called kohl that was used to darken eyelashes, eyelids, and eyebrows to ward off evil spirits by both men and women.
The substance was made of galena, malachite, charcoal or soot, and saliva.
The hair curling method was being used as far back as 1575 BCE. Ancient Egyptians would use bronze curling tongs that would have been heated up on a fire before pieces of hair were curled around them. Electrically heated hair rollers were invented by Solomon Harper in 1930, but only during the 1960s did this styling tool become popular.
The first evidence of the use of a corset was found in the Minoan civilization of early Crete. Since then, this item has undergone many changes — at one time, men used them to slim down their figures.
Platformed footwear dates as far back as Ancient Egypt. At first, they were in the form of very thick-soled sandals used to indicate upper-class status. Additionally, the Persian cavalry wore high-heeled shoes. It was a kind of boot that had heels to ensure the feet stayed in the stirrups, giving the rider more security.
Historically, stockings — or hose, as they were called — were used by men in the twelfth century. Before the sixteenth century, stockings were made of woven or sewn cloth.
Which item’s history surprised you the most? Which of these products are the most useful to you?
Source: brightside
]]>“When God created Woman, he was working late on the sixth day.
An Angel came by and asked, ‘Why spend so much time on her?’
The Lord answered, ‘Have you seen all the specifications I have to meet to shape her?’”
“‘She must function in all kinds of situations.
She must be able to embrace several kids at the same time, have a hug that can heal anything from a bruised knee to a broken heart.
She must do all this with only two hands.
She cures herself when sick and can work 18 hours a day.’”
“The Angel was impressed. ‘Just two hands? Impossible! And this is the standard model?’
The Angel came closer and touched the woman. ‘But you have made her so soft, Lord.’
‘She is soft,’ said the Lord, ‘but I have made her strong. You can’t imagine what she can endure and overcome.’”
“‘Can she think?’ the Angel asked.
The Lord answered, ‘Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate.’
The Angel touched her cheeks. ‘Lord, it seems this creation is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her.’
‘She is not leaking. It is a tear,’ the Lord corrected the Angel.
‘What’s it for?’ asked the Angel.
The Lord said, ‘Tears are her way of expressing her grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride.’”
“This made a big impression on the Angel. ‘Lord, you are a genius. You thought of everything. A woman is indeed marvelous.’
The Lord said, ‘Indeed she is. She has strength that amazes a man. She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens. She holds happiness, love and opinions.
‘She smiles when she feels like screaming. She sings when she feels like crying, cries when happy and laughs when afraid. She fights for what she believes in.
‘Her love is unconditional. Her heart is broken when a next-of-kin or a friend dies but she finds strength to get on with life.’”
“The Angel asked, ‘So she is a perfect being?’
The Lord replied, ‘No. She has just one drawback.’
‘She often forgets what she is worth.’”
—Author unknown
This particular piece has been circulating on the internet for an extended period. Although we didn’t compose these words, and the author remains anonymous, the message contained within has struck a chord with people across the globe.
This heartwarming tale has been moving and inspiring people for many years, serving as a powerful reminder of the significance of valuing and celebrating women.
If you found this story touching and meaningful, consider sharing it with your friends on Facebook, to spread its message of appreciation and respect
]]>Staying single is a popular option today. Whether you want to be in a long-term relationship or play the field is up to you. These are ten reasons that women decide to remain single:
Perhaps nothing could be worse than being tied down to the wrong person. You’re a desperate soul who will settle for the first guy who smiles at you. Being in a committed relationship isn’t a decision to be taken lightly, so you can afford to be choosy.
So, you take your time and enjoy the casual dating scene. In the mean time, you can meet various men from many walks of life. You may never find Mr. Right, but no law says you must feel fulfilled.
Once in a committed relationship, you love the person, not what you want them to be. Committing to someone hoping to change them only results in heartache and pain. If you stay single, you can meet different and interesting people.
You can also have greater liberties, like vacations, cruises, and overseas adventures. Boredom and doing the same-old thing won’t be an issue for you. There won’t be as many what-if and if-only regrets in your life.
You’ve worked hard on your education and career and aren’t about to answer to anybody else. You earned the cash to buy what you have, and you want to enjoy it your way. It’s refreshing to do what you want when you want.
When you stay single, you don’t have to consider another opinion. You make plans and decisions for your life. Nobody has anything to hold over your head, and you do things your way.
Since everyone is unique, you have your way of thinking and doing things. It can be an asset in a relationship or a liability. Compromising with a partner can be difficult if you value your sense of creativity and ideology.
Staying single can preserve your individuality and not hamper your creative thinking. You only answer to yourself and don’t have to consider changing for anyone. Consequently, many men find unique ladies attractive, so finding a date won’t be an issue.
Many people have identified their destiny at an early age. Maybe you’ve always known your path and have set goals for your future. Not every young female dreams of being a wife and mother.
Your dreams may be to build your career or to travel the world. They may not share your priorities if you’re in a long-term relationship. To stay single lets you set priorities without any other opinions hindering you.
Many other life decisions are more manageable when you’re on your own. Your goals may be to retire to a farm or settle in a small condo. It could become a severe issue if you had a partner with different priorities.
Having children can be a sensitive subject, especially for women. Unfortunately, traces of past expectations persist. Some rude people try to remind single ladies about their ticking biological clocks.
Let’s face it; not all females are mother material. You may like kids but don’t want the responsibility of birthing and raising your own. The good news is that you can still be a single mother even if you want children.
The laws have changed in the United States, and single folks can now foster and adopt children. Some ladies also opt for in vitro fertilization methods to have biological children. You may also depend on your nieces and nephews; it isn’t about having your kids.
Like any healthy and lasting relationship, friendship requires work from both sides. If you’re in a serious romantic relationship, you’ll probably devote more time to it. While you cherish your other friends, they usually must take a lower priority.
A study published by the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships explores the link between singlehood and friendship. The study suggests that single people integrate more into society than married people. Marriage may even constrain social ties.
It stands to reason that if you don’t have the responsibilities of a relationship, you have more time for friends. You can go out when you want and not worry about who is with you. You can spend as much time with family and friends as you want.
If you need another plus for going solo, how about the possibility of being healthier? An article published by the Journal of Women’s Health suggests that single ladies have lower risks of substance abuse. They may even have lower BMIs, which can contribute to better health.
Maybe one of the reasons that staying single can be healthier is that you have more time for self-care. You often put your needs on the back burner when you’re in a relationship. Going solo means you’re not investing as much time caring for a partner’s needs and expectations.
Imagine being able to take long, leisurely bubble baths because you don’t share a bathroom. Your home can be a private sanctuary of your creation. Burn incense, listen to music, journal, or treat yourself to a manicure/pedicure.
Most people in a long-term relationship usually decide to share a home, whether in marriage or cohabitation. It can often be an adjustment that either makes or breaks a relationship. Some people stay single for so long that they can’t change their habits.
While sharing with others is a virtue, you don’t have to share everything, especially if you’re single. Both sides of the bed are yours, and nobody is hogging the pillows and blankets. The bathroom is yours all the time, the whole closet and the TV remote.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that you’re selfish and narcissistic. When you share your life with someone, you want to be there with them. It can make sharing more meaningful for both of you.
You have the right as an individual to choose whether you want to stay single or be in a relationship. Your relationship status doesn’t define you or dictate your future happiness. Just because you’re a loner doesn’t mean you’re lonely.
]]>Are you the kind of woman who enjoys getting attention for her health ailments or loves having someone take care of her physically? I have met some women like that.
These are codependent women who fake illness or manifest an illness to get taken care of by their family. If you enjoy that kind of thing, remember that as a burden to others, you will make yourself vulnerable to abuse or abandonment.
Unless you suffer from a serious illness, disability, or require elderly care, doing the basic things like buying groceries, managing your bank accounts, and paying bills are tasks you should be able to do for yourself, even if you live with someone else.
So, tell yourself, “I am a strong independent woman,” and learn to take responsibility for your own health and well-being.
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage” ~ Anais Nin
Learning to pleasure oneself can be very empowering for a woman. Men do it all the time, so there’s no reason why women can’t. If you can meet your own sexual needs in a healthy manner, you’ll never have to settle for one-night stands or relationships that are demeaning.
Because of conditioning by family and society, many women are not even comfortable with exploring their own bodies. False beliefs about sex and our own bodies can lead to sexual incompatibility and unhappiness in the marriage.
On the SHEROES app for women, you can access a free online counseling chat helpline where you can get advice on sexual health, relationships, and more.
For the sake of your marriage and relationships, you must learn to get comfortable with your own body. You and I know how to pleasure yourself, you can help your partner pleasure you better, too.
“Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror.” ~ Bryon Katie
Many women still expect a man to be the provider and a source of security. A man who has a home and car is seen as a better match than one who doesn’t. But like women, men want to be loved for themselves too, not just for what they can give us.
If you depend on a man and his family financially, you’ll always be at his mercy, willing to tolerate abuse or disrespectful behavior. Relationships built on a foundation of need are very likely to fail or be unhappy for one or both people.
No woman should be financially dependent on a man to the extent that she is willing to tolerate disrespect or abuse. Even if you’re taking care of kids and the home, you can still become a financially independent woman by finding work from home for women.
At the very least, you should be educated or capable of using your skills and talents to stand on your own two feet, should your partner become abusive or leave the relationship. Financial independence will give you the courage to leave an abusive relationship if you need to.
As a financially independent woman, whether you’re married or not, the knowledge that you can fend for yourself will enhance your self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence. That’s why every woman should try to be as financially independent as possible.
If you happen to be in an abusive relationship right now, this financial rebuilding guide for domestic violence survivors will help you learn how to keep your financial documents safe, how to inventory your assets and debts, and show you ways to start setting aside some money of your own.
Emotional independence is the ability to deal with your emotional issues and problems on your own, or with the help of a professional counselor.
Emotionally needy and clingy behavior is more likely to attract potential abusers or predatory men and drive away a good man looking for a strong, independent woman.
If you’re having trouble learning how to manage your emotional needs, I recommend reading my book, Devi2Diva. When you become an emotionally independent woman, you will be less likely to attract insecure or manipulative men.
An emotionally healthy and secure man wants to be with an independent-thinking woman, not one who agrees with everything he says.
Being an independent thinker means having the courage to stand by your beliefs, speak your mind, and follow the path that feels right for you. It also makes you less vulnerable to a man who is controlling and tries to dictate what you should think, read, or believe in.
Power is not given to you. You have to take it. ~ Beyoncé Knowles
Social independence is the ability to cultivate your own social circle independent of your partner. According to Harsh Shrivastava:
“Women should have their own network (including online) of friends, advisers, guides, mentors, and even mentees – of both genders. A woman should not depend only on relatives or her man’s friends, but have her own set of people to lean on and learn from and have fun with.”
I couldn’t agree more! Of course, becoming a strong and independent woman takes work, some life experience, and the courage and intuition to make the best choices for yourself.
You may come across people who will try to convince you that strong, independent women are unhappy. But, I’ve learned that happiness is a conscious choice, not an outcome of being dependent or independent.
As a happily single, independent woman, I know that all it takes to be happy is making a conscious decision to be happy, no matter what, and cultivating empowering beliefs that support my decision.
Learning how to be a strong, independent woman has given me the respect of my friends and family, the freedom to make better choices, and to enter a healthy, interdependent relationship on my own terms, should I choose to do that.
I am an independent woman, and am happy and proud to be one! I wish the same for you, too.
]]>Morgan Cutolo
Adding too much salt to your dish doesn’t only make you want to chug a glass of water, it’s also really unhealthy. Add a little sprinkle of salt as you cook your food and taste it to know when you’ve added the right amount.
Nothing ruins a meal more than soggy spaghetti. If you overcook your pasta, run it under cold water for a few minutes to stop the cooking process and compact the starch. When you add tomato sauce, the pasta will become heated again. If your mushy spaghetti can’t be fixed, toss it into a pot of minestrone or chicken noodle soup.
If you don’t sift your flour when cooking it can lead to lumps. People often run into this problem when making gravies and sauces. If your sauce has a lot of lumps, throw it in a blender to smooth it out.
It’s very tempting to open the oven to check on your food and get a whiff of what’s to come, but it could cause your food to be undercooked. Every time you open the oven door it releases enough heat to change the temperature. If you want to be able to see your food, turn on the light and look through the oven window.
It is slightly easier to place your cookies straight on the pan rather than using parchment paper, but if you want complete cookies, use parchment paper. The cookies will stick to the pan and break apart if not lined with parchment paper. If this occurs, consider using them as a cookie crumble on top of a cake or in an ice cream sundae. When cooking, you should also be concerned about safety mistakes.
Adding too much water to your rice when cooking can make it turn out soggy. But don’t worry; your meal isn’t completely ruined. Add some cooked shrimp or meat to it, for little balls, and fry them or wrap them in wontons and steam them.
If you forget to stir your stew—or whatever dish you’re cooking on the stove—the bottom of the pan can burn and become completely black. You can save your stew by transferring the part that isn’t burnt to a new pan. Make sure to do this as soon as you notice some has burned, though, because it could ruin the taste of the whole dish
Forgetting to grease the cake pan before pouring the batter in can lead to a crumbly mess when you take it out of the oven. It won’t be able to easily slide out of the pan and onto the drying rack. If you’re crafty you can try “gluing” the pieces of the cake back together with frosting.
If you accidentally overcook your vegetables it can make them dry and bland. Cool them in ice water and then reheat briefly in hot stock to make them edible again.
If you add too much sugar when cooking it can make your dessert extremely unhealthy. If you have a sweet tooth, try satisfying it with fruit-centric desserts. Sugar addiction is a real thing!
Cooking with low-fat ingredients is unhealthy; there is such a thing as good fat. In reality, not using enough fat when cooking is a common blunder. Fat is an important source of energy and aids in vitamin absorption in your body.
If you add a large handful of pasta to a small boiling pot of water it can cause the water’s temperature to drop fast, and it will take longer to start boiling again. As the noodles sit in the lukewarm water they will start to get mushy and clump together.
Even if you’re a grill master, you probably can’t accurately tell when meat is ready just by looking at it. If you poke it with a fork to check the inside, you risk releasing some of the flavors. Use a thermometer instead to make sure your meat is finished and safe to eat.
To avoid ruining your food you should have all of your ingredients pre-measured and prepped before you start. If the recipe calls for minced garlic and you take the time to mince the garlic mid-step, it could ruin the recipe.