The Real Story Behind Princess Diana’s “Amazing, Completely OTT” Wedding Dress…

Even though it seems like she was the center of attention all the time, we have some interesting photos that provide a closer look at her life.

Before Diana’s life came to an end, the accompanying photos show a really remarkable aspect of her.

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In 1994, Princess Diana, hit the slants in Austria with her children William and Harry. This image was taken when Harry was just 9.

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There was a lot of controversy around Diana’s wedding details at that time. She chose her engagement ring from a catalog. While most royal engagement rings are custom designed. It consisted of 14 solitaire diamonds around a 12-carat sapphire set in white gold from a Garrard jewelry collection catalog. When she passed away it was passed down to Kate Middleton.

Look Closely %F0%9F%98%B1 The photographer recognized he had captured something strange after taking this picture. He didnt know how unique the photograph was until he checked it

Diana was so anxious that she mispronounces the name of her future husband when she gets to the altar! Rather than calling him Charles Philip, she called him Philip Charles Arthur George!

Designers of Diana’s 25-foot train didn’t consider how difficult it would be to walk in and it ended up causing some problems on the wedding day. The dress and its train ended up being a little-crushed inside the carriage. There were visible wrinkles on her dress.

Source: Usa News

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