Timesaving Tricks That May Change the Way You Clean

By Jennifer Noonan

Spring cleaning is upon us. If you’re not ready to commit several days to the task of sprucing up, take a few of these shortcuts to make quick work of some chores.

Vacuum Window Treatments

If your drapes and curtains aren’t visibly dirty, you can skip taking them down to launder, and vacuum them instead. Use the upholstery attachment to remove the dust, and you’ll be able to stretch the time between full launderings.

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Invest in a Microfiber Mop

Make quick work of dusting walls and ceilings by using a microfiber mop with a long handle. It eliminates the need for a step ladder and reduces strain and effort.


Purge Pet Hair with Rubber Gloves

It takes a long time to vacuum all of those tiny pet hairs off upholstery—and even then, there are always some left behind. Put on a pair of rubber gloves instead, and wipe your hands over the surfaces of your couches and chairs. The fur will ball up, and you can easily pick it up to throw it away.

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Vacuum Blinds and Pleated Shades

The tedious work of cleaning dusty blinds and pleated shades cuts into time that could be spent on other chores. Instead of cleaning them by hand, save on time by employing the long bristle attachment on your vacuum to suck up dust and dirt quickly.

Vacuum Window Blinds and Shades

Invest in a Microfiber Mop

Make quick work of dusting walls and ceilings by using a microfiber mop with a long handle. It eliminates the need for a step ladder and reduces strain and effort.

Buy a Microfiber Mop

Dust the Ceiling Fan with a Pillowcase

Cleaning the blades of a ceiling fan is a yucky job, but it has to be done. Do it fast, and keep the dust and grime controlled by using a pillow case as the cleaning rag and the dust bin at once. Slide the case over each blade in turn. When you pull it back, all the dust and debris will fall into the pillow case, instead of on the floor.

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Put Your Shower Curtain in the Washing Machine

No more scrubbing down a mildewy shower curtain liner with bleach. Save yourself the effort by simply throwing it in the washing machine on the gentle cycle. Add in a few towels, and it will come out free of soap scum and mold, with almost no effort from you.

Wash Your Shower Curtain

Drop Denture Tablets in the Toilet

For deep anti-bacterial cleaning that requires absolutely no elbow grease, drop a couple of denture tablets into the toilet bowl and walk away. Come back in about 5 minutes and flush before moving on.

Give Your Oven Racks a Bath

Soaking baking dishes is a great way to remove grease and grime without lifting a finger. The same goes for your oven racks. Give them an overnight soak in the bathtub, after first laying a towel down to protect your enamel from scratches. Lay your oven racks on top, fill the tub with the hottest water you can, and swish in some laundry detergent. Call it a night, and then go to bed. When you wake up, the grease will have dissolved, and all you need to do is rinse and dry.

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Hose Your Windows Down

Cleaning the windows doesn’t need to involve ladders and miles of paper towels. Outdoor window washers are now available that attach to your hose. These cleaners have a sheeting action that causes water (and grime) to roll right down the glass, letting you skip drying them by hand.

Run Your Shower Head Through the Dishwasher

Shower heads that have collected a nasty assortment of mineral deposits and mildew should be cleaned, both for freshness and function. If yours is detachable, run it through the dishwasher in the top rack. Same goes for drain plugs that have gotten gunky. Just be sure to remove any hair that might be tangled in them first.

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Clean Your Coffee Maker with Vinegar

If you’re a regular coffee drinker, the coffee maker—not just the pot—needs to be cleaned every once in a while. It’s easier than it seems. After you’ve made your morning cip, empty the coffee maker, and pour vinegar into the water reservoir. Hit the “brew” button and go about your business. When it’s finished, run fresh water through it before making your next pot of coffee.

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Apply Canned Air to Your Keyboard

The computer keyboard might not be the first thing you think to spring clean, but it really does need it—and probably more than once a year. Rather than breaking out a toothbrush to clean between keys, get a can of compressed air, and blow out the dust and dirt. It’ll take about 30 seconds, and you’ll be amazed by how many crumbs fly out.

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