Tips for Avoiding the Hassle of Washing Your Hair Every Day

According to Lynne Goldberg, Director of the Boston Medical Center Hair Clinic, washing your hair too frequently can do more harm than good. Constant washing stimulates the production of fat by your sebaceous glands. As a result, you end up in a vicious circle.

The right way to wash your hair

  • Dry wet hair with a T-shirt instead of a towel to smooth your frizzy hair.
  • Don’t scrub your scalp. Use your fingertips to gently massage shampoo into your hair.
  • Roots should never, ever be conditioned.
  • Wring out your hair before applying hair conditioner.


Watch your menu

Remove any fatty or fried foods from your diet to ensure that your hair stays clean for a longer period of time. Sugar, white bread, and canned foods are all examples of this. Substitute fruits and vegetables, dairy, lean meats, and nuts for these items. This will help to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.


Use dry shampoos

To hide greasy shine, divide your hair into strands and spray dry shampoo from 8-10 inches away on the roots like hairspray. Apply the shampoo to the roots if it is in the form of talcum powder. Wait ten minutes before attempting to comb your hair. Dry shampoo will form a barrier around the greasy strands, making your hair appear clean for a short period of time.


Pay attention to water temperature

When washing your hair, use warm or tepid water. Hot water increases the amount of fat secreted by the skin. After you’ve washed your hair, it’s best to let it dry naturally.


Change your parting

Switch your parting from one side to the other, or replace a straight parting with a diagonal one. The reason for doing this is simple: our hair gets used to being arranged in a certain fashion, which leads to loss of volume at the roots. Also, it tends to become dirtiest along the parting line. Shifting the parting gives your hair volume, a new look, and an appearance of cleanliness.


Put your hair into braids

Braids of any type do a good job of disguising greasy hair roots. The thicker the weave, the better. We advise you to do a slight backcomb at the crown to conceal the more visible part of the unwashed hair. Make sure the braid doesn’t turn out smooth. A small amount of sticking-out hair will help hide the staleness.

Comb your hair before bedtime

Comb your hair before going to bed. Once you’ve settled on your pillow, pull your hair back in such a way as to arrange it along the upper edge of the pillow. If the length allows, make a quick ponytail or a loose braid.


Wash your brushes

Don’t forget to clean your styling tools regularly to prevent residues of surface skin fat, conditioner, and styling substances from gluing your hair together. Brushes and combs should be washed once a week in warm water with shampoo or soap.


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