Top Easy DIY Home Hacks That Will Improve Your Life

It can sometimes feel like you could spend the rest of your life trying to clean and organize your home and never actually cross every item off your to-do list. However, just because you’re short on time doesn’t mean you have to ignore those projects you’re eager to get done. Whether you’re looking to get your house spotless in a hurry or just want to add some extra aesthetic appeal to your space, there’s an easy way to tackle all those tasks while saving yourself time along the way.

And here are the best easy DIY home hacks that will help you get rid of your mess in home.

Using coffee grounds as a degreaser

Have some leftover coffee grounds after your morning pour-over? Use them to tackle that ring around the tub. “Rub some coffee grounds into the grease or soap and it’ll gently buff off any residue,” says Azoury. Rinse off the mixture with warm water afterward and voila! A squeaky-clean tub.

full bath tub

Essential oils to polish furniture

No furniture polish on hand? No problem!

According to Jane Wilson of Fantastic Cleaners Melbourne, essential oils are great for freshening up wood furniture.

“You can use lemon essential oil to quickly polish any dark wood and effectively clean stains and spots.” Wilson also notes that tea tree oil is another effective furniture polish and has the added benefit of being a bug deterrent. However, she cautions against using this trick of food preparation surfaces, as many essential oils are not safe for consumption. Sanitizing your space?

Woman cleaning furniture, hazardous thing in home

Remove small scratches on furniture with toothpaste

We all end up with small scratches in the finishes of our furniture from time to time. However, before you go spending hundreds of dollars to get your couch refinished, try using some toothpaste to get those marks out. Using a pea-sized amount of non-gel paste, rub the scratch in a circular motion until it buffs out, and then clean the remainder with a damp towel.

Toothpaste | Illinois Poison Center

Use a hairdryer to get crayon marks off the walls

If your kids like to use your white walls as their personal crayon canvas, all hope is not lost. Simply heat the offending portion of the wall with a hairdryer for a few seconds to soften the crayon’s wax and then wipe any marks away with a soft cloth.

Blow Dryer old beauty products


Use cooking oil to get rid of sticky label residue

Anyone who’s ever peeled a label off of a jar knows how frustrating it can be when the spot remains as sticky as honey. Thankfully, cooking oil makes it easy as pie to get rid of that residue. Using a cotton pad and some cooking oil, rub the sticky area and let it sit for a few minutes. Once the oil has sunk in, it’ll wipe away easily.

sticker on honey jar, diy hacks

Limit the amount of water your toilet uses by putting a heavy item in the tank

Is your water bill outrageously high? On overly full toilet tank could be the problem. To help reduce the cost, put a brick or other heavy item inside the tank. This will displace at least a few cups of water, helping you reduce the amount you use with every flush.

Toilet with lid up DIY Home Hacks

Clean your toilet bowl with mouthwash

When your toilet bowl is in dire need of a good clean, grab your mouthwash instead of heading to the store to pick up yet another expensive and unnecessary cleaning product. Simply pour a capful of the stuff into your toilet bowl and let it sit for half an hour. When you’re ready to give the bowl a scrub, any grime will come off easily.

Cleaning a toilet bowl with blue substance

A mosquito catcher

Coca Cola can lure mosquitoes into its depths, where they plunge to their deaths! What to do: cut the plastic bottle into thirds and put the top part upside down into the base. An instant insect trap!

Keep your toothbrush off the dirty countertop with a clothespin

Your bathroom counter is teeming with germs, so it’s the last place you want your toothbrush to be. And if you don’t want to spend money on a whole slew of new bathroom accessories, a clothespin is just as effective at holding up your toothbrush, far away from all that bacteria.

Using a clothespin to hold a toothbrush

Use a second shower rod to store toiletries

Instead of letting your sponges, loofahs, and smaller toiletries languish in your damp shower and inevitably become a breeding ground for bacteria, hang them up. All you have to do is install a secondary tension rod in your shower and attach some mesh bags on S-hooks to keep those shower supplies from getting waterlogged. It’s one of those simple DIY home hacks that saves you time and money in the long run!

Bathroom shower curtains DIY Home Hacks

Clean your blender with dish soap

Anyone who’s ever attempted to clean a blender knows just how perilous doing so can be. After all, you’re essentially sticking your hand into a pitcher of knives and hoping for the best. Thankfully, there’s a safer and simpler way to clean your blender after you make a smoothie or shake. Add a little dish soap to your machine, pour in two cups of warm water, and blend until that grime is a thing of the past.

Blender in Kitchen

Use suspenders to keep a fitted sheet in place

If you find your fitted sheets slipping off the corners of your bed, look no further than your closet for an easy fix. Take a pair of elastic suspenders, clip one end to each corner under the mattress, and your sheet will for sure stay put.

blue fitted sheet on mattress, diy hacks

Drill a hole in the bottom of your trash can to keep bags from sticking

There are few things more frustrating than trying to remove a garbage bag from the bin, only to find that it’s holding on for dear life. Thankfully, all you have to do is drill a small hole in the bottom of your trash can to get rid of the vacuum-like seal that often makes the bags stick.

man throwing garbage in trash can diy home hacks

Add some paper to the bottom of your trash bag to keep liquids from leaking out

Before you toss another liquidy mess into your trash bag, add some old newspaper to the bottom first. By adding that layer, you can catch and absorb leaky messes before they drip on youcome trash day.

kitchen trash can, second uses for cleaning products

Fix a hole in a window screen with clear nail polish

A hole in your screen door or window renders the entire thing practically useless. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution for those small tears: clear nail polish. If you have a minor hole in your screen but don’t want to replace the whole thing, simply add a swipe of clear nail polish where there’s a rip and it’ll be as good as new in minutes.

Nail polish bottles

Put down masking tape before nailing into plaster walls

Though plaster walls offer better soundproofing than drywall, they too have their fair share of problems, particularly when you’re trying to hang something on them. However, all it takes is a little tape to fix the issue.

Before you nail a hole in your plaster wall, put a small square of masking tape or painter’s tape over the area where you’ll be placing your nail. That way, when you nail into the plaster, it’s unlikely to flake or spread dust.

masking tape on wall

Remove candle wax from furniture with ice cubes

If you ever spill candle wax on a piece of furniture, don’t risk ruining its finish by trying to scrape it off. Instead, fill a plastic bag with ice cubes, place it over the wax, and let it sit for a few minutes. Once the wax has sufficiently cooled and hardened, you can pick it up easily without ruining your furniture’s finish or fabric.

Melting Candle

source: bestlifeonline








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