Weird But Useful Daily Life Hacks

Everyone could use some extra help around the house and in everyday matters. Sometimes you don’t even realize how time consuming the little snags in your life really are, but these life hacks will show you just how much time you’re wasting, and even better, how to fix it!

  1. Get Chips Out of the Container

There’s no way you’re letting those last chips go without a fight, but it’s starting to feel a tad undignified to pour them straight into your mouth from the container. If you want to get those few chips out and still maintain your dignity, just fold a sheet of paper, stick it in the container, and then slide the paper out – the chips will come right out on the paper and you can enjoy your treat like a civilized human being.

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2. Open Stuck Jars

Sometimes opening a glass jar requires considerable effort. If you’re not able to do it on your own, and there’s no one else around to lend a hand, a simple spoon is the answer to all your prayers. Place the tip of the spoon under the edge of the lid and lift slightly. If you hear a hiss (the sound of air entering the jar), that means your mission has been a success!

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3. Quickly Thread A Needle

Rub the needle back and forth over the thread in the palm of your hand – this will eventually push the thread through the eye of the needle so you can get sewing.

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4. Spoon Holder

Your pots and pans will typically have a hole in the handle so that they can be hung on a hook, but that’s not the only reason – it’s also meant to serve as a spoon rest for your cooking utensils.

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5. Aluminum Foil

Whoever tries to tear a piece of tin foil or plastic film directly from the pack will often have to struggle with the whole roll busting loose from the package. To prevent this, the manufacturer has created makeshift tabs on the sides – simply push them in and this will hold the roll in place, meaning far less headaches for you in the future.

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6. Earbuds

Nothing’s more annoying than your headphones falling out when you’re out for a nice jog. To prevent this from happening again, put the earbuds in upside down so that the cable can be pulled up and behind your ear.

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7. Sticky Notes

You’ve probably been pulling up on the sticky note to remove it from the block, but that just leaves you with a bent memo.

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8. Hair Removal

You’ll Need: FORK

Here’s How:

The most effective way to remove hair from a brush is with a fork! Just gently slide the fork through the bristles of the brush and the hair comes right off!


9. Drain Protector

You’ll Need:

– plastic bottle
– screw driver
– lighter

Here’s How:

Cut the bottom off of a plastic bottle, heat the tip of a screwdriver with a lighter, and poke holes in the bottom of the bottle. Put your new DIY drain protector in the sink and you’ll be surprised at how well this simple trick will keep your drain from clogging.


10. Glass Cleaner

You’ll Need:

– 1 cup black tea, cold
– spray bottle

Here’s How:

Brew a cup of black tea, let it cool, and pour it into a spray bottle. You can use it just like regular glass cleaner – you’ll find that it works at least as well as commercial window cleaner, if not better!


10. Baking Sheet Cleaner

You’ll Need:

– baking soda
– vinegar

Here’s How:

Sprinkle baking soda on a baking sheet and pour vinegar over it. Let everything soak for 5 minutes and then wipe the dirt and grime off easily with a sponge.

5d4e2251921e94d3cacd324df38944fcsource: cleverly

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